Ludwig Josef von Spies-Büllesheim

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Ludwig Josef Fortunatus Ignatius Freiherr zu Spies von Büllesheim (born September 3, 1785 in Düsseldorf , † December 19, 1860 in Haus Hall / Heinsberg district ) was a Prussian civil servant and the first district administrator in the Mülheim am Rhein district .


Ludwig Josef von Spies-Büllesheim came from the old Jülischen noble family Spiess von Büllesheim . He was the eldest son of the Electoral Palatinate-Bavarian real secret councilor and inheritance gift of the Duchy of Jülich Joseph Freiherr von Spies-Büllesheim and Marianne, nee Freiin von Rolshausen-Turnich .

Work and life

After a school education with home tuition and a visit to the Paulinum in Münster , he studied law and camera science at the University of Münster . At that time he was in the care of the future Archbishop of Cologne Clemens August von Droste-Vischering . After completing his training, he entered the civil service in 1809, initially with the then Grand Ducal Bergisches Minister of the Interior, Count Johann Franz Joseph von Nesselrode-Reichenstein (the father-in-law of the eldest brother Adolf Heidenreich of his mentor Clemens August von Droste-Vischering) in Düsseldorf. In 1812 he became sous-chef there . With a decree of February 21, 1813 he became sub-prefect in the arrondissement of Mülheim am Rhein and finally, after the French period in 1816, district administrator of the Prussian district of Mülheim am Rhein.

In 1817 he married Caroline Freiin Raitz von Frenz zu Kellenberg . Through this he came into the possession of House Hall . He resigned from the civil service on February 1, 1820 at his own request in order to dedicate himself to the administration of the goods. In 1835 he was co-founder of the cooperative of the Rhenish knightly nobility and finally in 1849 Rhenish knight captain.


  1. A title with the meaning of a deputy head.
  2. ^ A b Horst Romeyk : The leading state and municipal administrative officials of the Rhine Province 1816–1945 (=  publications of the Society for Rhenish History . Volume 69 ). Droste, Düsseldorf 1994, ISBN 3-7700-7585-4 , p. 759 .
  3. Collection of pamphlets on Orpheus . 1824.
  4. ^ The story of House Hall in Ratheim. Retrieved March 19, 2019 .