Luigi Infanti della Mora

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Luigi Infanti della Mora OSM (Hispanic form of name: Luis Infanti de la Mora , born August 5, 1954 in Campomolle di Teor , Italy ) is Vicar Apostolic of Aysén .


Luigi Infanti joined the order of the Servites and was ordained a priest on August 5, 1990 .

On August 30, 1999, Pope John Paul II appointed him Titular Bishop of Cartennae and Vicar Apostolic of Aysén , a remote and island-rich, very sparsely populated coastal area of ​​southern Chile. The apostolic nuncio in Chile , the Italian Luigi Ventura , consecrated him on December 5th of the same year as bishop ; Co- consecrators were Savino Bernardo Maria Cazzaro Bertollo , Archbishop of Puerto Montt , and Aldo Maria Lazzarín Stella OSM, Apostolic Vicar Emeritus of Aysén.

Luis Infanti was considered one of the most popular members of the higher clergy in Chile and a dedicated supporter of Pope Francis' reform course . As Vicar Apostolic in May 2018, when the entire Chilean episcopate offered the Pope to resign at a meeting in the course of dealing with the church abuse scandal in Chile, he was one of the few ordinaries in the country that did not submit a resignation. Infanti was critically inquired about his position on the case of the abuser Cristián Precht , which became known in 2012 , was a well-known priest and human rights activist during the military dictatorship under Augusto Pinochet and who had invited Infanti to a church service in Aysén after the end of his limited church sentence . Precht was forcibly placed in the layman's position in September 2018.

After public allegations in a television program in June 2018 Infanti have the systematic sexual abuse of children by religious educators and visiting, in the establishment of living seminarians and priests in the Villa San Luis , one to 2008 by the Congregation of Guanellianer ( servant of charity , SdC) run children's home in Coyhaique , ignored and taken nothing against it, he defended himself by explaining in detail the measures that his ordinariate had taken in this matter in cooperation with the responsible public prosecutor's office from 2005 onwards. However, shortly beforehand he had also stated on Chilean television that he had not received any reports of abuse against priests from his area of ​​responsibility.

Along with seven Chilean bishops, Luis Infanti is one of the highest ecclesiastical dignitaries in Chile who are being investigated by a public prosecutor for involvement in the abuse affair in the Chilean Roman Catholic Church . Victims' associations from the Villa San Luis had initially stood behind him and considered the allegations in part to be a "campaign". The main witnesses had asserted that they had spoken to Infanti personally about the incidents on several occasions, whereupon he merely stated that he could not do anything. He himself considers the allegations from the charges brought against him, which contradict the results of previous public prosecutor's investigations, to be unfounded and the complainants to be "crazy people".

In 2018, Infanti proposed a joint act of penance for all Chilean bishops to publicly express their position on the Chilean abuse scandal. At the same time, he believes that in order to resolve the crisis, an opening up of the church to the debate on greater participation of women, the ordination of married men as priests and more democratic decision-making structures are necessary.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Carla Ruiz Pereira ( La Tercera ): Luis Infanti: "La Iglesia de Chile debería hacer un gesto colectivo, público y significativo de perdón". In: Periodista Digital. July 10, 2018, accessed March 12, 2019 (Spanish).
  2. a b Fernanda Dippel: El primer invitado de "El Informante" será el Obispo Luis Infanti. In: TVN . May 26, 2018, Retrieved March 12, 2019 (Spanish).
  3. a b c Obispo Infanti: "El Papa Francisco nos ha dado un tirón de orejas para que despertemos y asumamos como corresponde". In: TVN . May 27, 2018, accessed March 13, 2019 (Spanish).
  4. Pope puts Chilean priests into the laity. In: Church + Life . September 17, 2018, accessed March 13, 2019 .
  5. ^ Coyhaique, Chile (1976). Website of the Guanellian Province of Cruz del Sur , accessed on March 13, 2019 (Spanish).
  6. a b c Reportaje de TVN puso en tela de juicio a Obispo de Aysén por casos de abuso sexual. In: El Patagón Domingo. June 27, 2018, accessed March 13, 2019 (Spanish).
  7. Abuse in Chile: Bishop rejects cover-up allegations. In: CNA . July 4, 2018, accessed March 12, 2019 .
  8. El Senado revoca la nacionalidad chilena al cardenal Ezzati por encubrimiento de abusos. In: January 7, 2019, accessed March 12, 2019 (Spanish).
  9. Las Víctimas de Aysén respaldan a Luis Infanti. In: Periodista Digital. July 5, 2018, accessed March 12, 2019 (Spanish).
  10. Juan Espinoza: Obispo Luis Infanti: "Hay denuncias de personas locas". In: Radio Agricultura Chile. November 12, 2018, accessed March 12, 2019 (Spanish).
predecessor Office successor
Aldo Maria Lazzarín Stella OSM Vicar Apostolic of Aysén
since 1999