Märkische Schlösser-Tour

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Märkische Schlösser Tour
Märkische Schlössertour.svg
overall length 197 km
location BrandenburgBrandenburg Brandenburg
Starting point Beeskow
Target point Dive

The Märkische Schlösser-Tour takes you 197 km through the Spree - Oder region in Brandenburg .

Route sign

Märkische Schlössertour.svg

A keyhole with a crown serves as a route sign.

Sights along the way

Directly connected to the cycle path are eleven culturally and historically interesting castles and mansions , some of which are located in parks. The bike path itself leads in the form of an eight- along old avenues among others for Schloss Steinhoefel , Manor sows , Castle Groß Rietz , Schloss Alt Madlitz , Schloss Gusow , Schloss Wulkow and Neuhardenberg . Beeskow Castle can be found along the way, as well as a preserved manor in Falkenhagen, Trebnitz Castle or Kossenblatt Castle in the municipality of Tauche. The tour offers special landscape features when crossing the protected floodplain of the Krummen Spree , which is passed on the Briescht drawbridge , built in 1992 based on the historical model .

Cycle path network

The cycle path offers the possibility of connecting to other routes, for example the Oder-Spree-Tour , the Spreeradweg or the Brandenburg Tour . The entire network has well-developed bike paths, only short stretches are unpaved roads and smaller local roads.
