Martin George

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Martin George in 2018

Martin George (born November 18, 1948 in Berlin ) is a German Protestant church historian . From 1991 to 2014 he was professor for older church and dogma history at the University of Bern .


Attending school at the Goethe Gymnasium , interrupted by attending the Blake Boys' School in Minneapolis (US High School Diploma 1966), he graduated from high school in 1968. The study of Protestant and Catholic theology and philosophy at the ecclesiastical university in Berlin , in Tübingen and Erlangen , interrupted by studying French and Russian at the universities of Dijon , Aix-en-Provence and Vienna and by studies at the Institut de Théologie Orthodoxe Saint- Serge in Paris and onEcumenical Institute Bossey (1969–1973), (1968–1975) he passed the first theological exam in Berlin in 1975. The study of the history and theology of the Christian East in Erlangen (1975) was followed by a study of Orthodox theology (1975–1977) at St. Vladimir's Orthodox Theological Seminary , where he received the title of Master of with his thesis Apostolic Succession and the Unity of the Church Orthodox Theology acquired. Graduated from Clinical Pastoral Education in 1977 at St. Luke's Hospital, New York City . He completed the vicariate in Munich (1977–1979) with the second theological exam and has been pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria since his ordination .

From 1979 to 1983 George was a research assistant at the Theological Faculty of the University of Erlangen at the Chair for History and Theology of the Christian East within the Institute for Historical Theology at Fairy von Lilienfeld and at the Chair for Homiletics, Liturgy and Pastoral Care within the Institute for Practical Theology Manfred Seitz . There he was in October 1983 with the work of mystical and religious experience in thinking Vladimir Solovyev (337-361) , the first prize of the Catholic Theological Faculty of the University of Regensburg has been awarded for the best academic work in ecumenical theology doctorate . In between there were study visits to Rome (1982–1983) and Paris (1980–1983). From 1983 to 1989 he was senior assistant at the theological faculty of the University of Erlangen at the chair for history and theology of the Christian East with Karl Christian Felmy . After the habilitation with the thesis The marriage in antiquity. The development of philosophical ethics and its confrontation with the Christian ideal of perfection in John Chrysostom against the background of ascetic theology of the fourth century , he became an academic councilor and private lecturer (1989-1991) with the right to teach and examine general church history and denominational studies at the theological faculty of University of Erlangen. In 1991 he received calls to the full professorships for ancient church and dogma history at the Protestant theological faculties in Bochum and Bern and accepted the position in Bern.

At the theological faculties of the Universities of Helsinki , Sibiu , Kwansei Gaukin and Gregoriana he stayed for teaching and research purposes. He researches the ancient church: patristic (especially Greek fathers and Augustine), the history of dogmas of the ancient church: anthropology (especially the question of free will and the doctrine of the deification of man), doctrine of the Trinity, doctrine of sacraments, monastic theology, especially early monasticism in Egypt and Palestine, worship, prayer and spirituality in the old church, ethics in the old church (marriage, women and men in the old church) and old church historiography and to the Eastern churches: history of the Orthodox churches from Byzantium to today, history of the Russian Orthodox Church, especially of the 19th and 20th centuries, Russian religious philosophy, history of Eastern Church monasticism and Eastern Church spirituality, denominational studies of the Orthodox Churches and history of the Georgian Orthodox Church in the 19th and 20th centuries. He is working with Heinz-Günther Nesselrath , Thomas Hidber and others on a bilingual, annotated edition by the church historian Socrates of Constantinople.

Publications (selection)

  • Mystical and religious experience in the thinking of Vladimir Solov'ev (= research on systematic and ecumenical theology ; Volume 54). Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 1988, ISBN 3-525-56261-6 . (= Dissertation)
  • Marriage in ancient times. The development of philosophical ethics and its confrontation with the Christian ideal of perfection in John Chrysostom against the background of the ascetic theology of the fourth century . Erlangen 1989. (= habilitation thesis)
  • with Vladimir Ivanov , Christian Stephan (ed.): Festschrift for Fairy von Lilienfeld. Contributions to the 80th birthday (= Voice of Orthodoxy ; 3/1997) Verlag Berliner Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, Berlin 1997, ISSN  0562-0694 .
  • with Walter Dietrich , Ulrich Luz (ed.): Anti-Judaism - Christian inheritance. Kohlhammer, Stuttgart / Berlin / Cologne 1999, ISBN 3-17-016095-8 .

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