Marzio Ginetti

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Marzio Cardinal Ginetti (Portrait of Giovan Battista Gaulli detto il Baciccio - 17th century)
Antonio Raggi : funerary monument of Cardinal Marzio Ginetti; Rome, Sant'Andrea della Valle, Cappella Ginetti

Marzio Ginetti (born April 6, 1585 in Velletri , † March 1, 1671 in Rome ) was an Italian clergyman, bishop and cardinal of the Roman Church .


Marzio Ginetti was the son of Giovambattista Ginetti and his wife Olimpia Ponzianelli. His nephew Gianfrancesco Ginetti also became a cardinal in 1681.

As a child he came to Rome and received his education there. During his career at the Roman Curia concluded he acquainted with Cardinal Maffeo Barberini, later Pope Urban VIII. In 1609 he was a trainee in the courts of the Apostolic Signatura , later he was vicar of Cardinal Odoardo Farnese in whose title Diakonie Santa Maria in Via Lata , continue also in the diocese of Sabina .

In the consistory of 19 January 1626 appointed Pope Urban VIII. Him in pectore to cardinal deacon . He was appointed Prefect of the Apostolic Palace on February 5, 1626 . In the consistory of August 30, 1627, his cardinal revelation was published and on October 6 of the same year he was awarded the cardinal's hat and the title diaconia Santa Maria Nuova . From October 2, 1629 until his death he was vicar for the city of Rome . On February 6, 1634 he moved to the titular diaconia Sant'Angelo in Pescheria . Before 1635 he became Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops and Regulars , which he remained until his death.

As Legatus a latere in Cologne, he represented the Holy See in the negotiations between the European powers, which finally led to the Peace of Westphalia and the end of the Thirty Years War in 1648 - without Ginetti's participation . The failure of this important mission was probably due in part to Ginetti's lack of diplomatic experience, who had been chosen as a legate, especially a favorite of the Pope and inexperienced character: he proved unsuitable for the role of mediator and was not in able to effectively lead the papal delegation, divided by rivalries and which Ginetti regarded as ambitious and incapable. However, the decisive reasons for the failure lay elsewhere: the mistrust of the European powers in relation to the papal mediation, the balance of the military-political forces, but above all the curial instructions to Ginetti, which on the one hand stipulated to limit themselves to this to support the negotiations between the diplomats, but on the other hand urged him to work for a strengthening of the positions of Catholicism in Germany and the papacy in Italy. All of this restricted his position to such an extent that he could no longer play a leading role in the peace treaty in Münster and Osnabrück.

On March 14, 1644 he became cardinal deacon of Sant'Eustachio . He took part in the 1644 conclave , in which Pope Innocent X was elected. On October 17, 1644 Marzio Ginetti was elevated to cardinal priest and received the titular church Santa Maria degli Angeli . He moved on February 19, 1646 to the titular church of San Pietro in Vincoli and again on September 23, 1652 to the titular church of Santa Maria in Trastevere .

On June 9, 1653 he was raised to cardinal bishop of the suburbicarian diocese of Albano . The episcopal ordination donated to it on 6 July of the same year, the cardinal bishop of Porto and Santa Rufina , Francesco Barberini ; Co- consecrators were Giovanni Battista Spada , Latin Patriarch of Constantinople , and Archbishop Giulio Rospigliosi, who later became Pope Clement IX. Marzio Ginetti took part in the 1655 conclave , from which Alexander VII emerged as pope. From 1661 until his death he was Prefect of the Congregation for the Index and from June 1663 until his death Prefect of the Congregation of Rites . On July 2, 1663, he moved to the suburbicarian bishopric of Sabina and on October 11, 1666 to that of Porto and Santa Rufina, at the same time he became Vice-Dean of the Holy Cardinals College . He was a participant in the 1667 conclave that Clemens IX. elected Pope, as well as at the conclave 1669-1670 , which Clement X. elected, whereby he left the latter on March 30, 1670.

Marzio Ginetti died in Rome and was buried in the local church of Sant'Andrea della Valle .


Web links

Commons : Marzio Ginetti  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Stefano Tabacchi:  Ginetti, Marzio. In: Dizionario Biografico degli Italiani (DBI). Volume 55. Rome 2000.
predecessor Office successor
Francesco Barberini Cardinal Bishop of Porto and Cardinal
Subdean 1666–1671
Francesco Maria Brancaccio
Giulio Cesare Sacchetti Cardinal Bishop of Sabina
Francesco Maria Brancaccio
Federico Cornaro Cardinal Bishop of Albano
Giovanni Battista Pallotta