Matthias Ackeret

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Matthias Ackeret (born September 9, 1963 in Schaffhausen ) is a Swiss journalist , publisher, author and publicist .

Ackeret originally studied law and graduated in 1991. In 1998 he received his doctorate from the University of Zurich with a dissertation on the dual broadcasting system in Switzerland . After completing his studies, he worked in various functions at Roger Schawinski's media - Tele Züri and Tele24 - as well as at the TV station S Plus as a Bundeshaus correspondent. Since 2002 he has been the editor-in-chief of the communication magazine personal and its online portal , which deal with the Swiss media, publishing and advertising world. Ackeret is also known to the general public for his weekly interviews with Christoph Blocher (“Teleblocher”). The Teleblocher videos were produced from 2007 to 2015 by Norbert Neininger , the publisher and editor of Schaffhauser Nachrichten .

Ackeret has published six books: a Zurich travel guide and the novels "The whole world is Ballermann - cards to Martin Walser" (together with Manfred Klemann , 1998), "Der Hammermann" (2005), "Elvis" (2012), a self-deprecating one Settlement with the media environment, and “Eden Roc” (2017). This novel received a very good response from the critics. For the “Basler Zeitung” it is a “great novel”. His non-fiction book “The Blocher Principle” from 2007 is a bestseller in Switzerland with over 25,000 copies sold . Ackeret wrote a chapter about his trip to China in the Adolf Ogi biography Unser Dölf (2017).

In 2018 Ackeret published the book «Die Glückssucherin. Why Margrit Schäppi wrote a life guide and still chose Exit. " Its author - Margrit Schäppi - asked Ackeret to find a publisher for her life story. When the author announced shortly afterwards that she would part ways with the euthanasia organization Exit, she tried in vain to stop Ackeret from doing this. In the afterword, Ackeret takes a critical look at the Swiss euthanasia practice, which for him has become an "uncontrolled business model". After the book was published, there were bitter discussions in various Swiss newspapers about the meaning of the common practice of accompanying suicide.

After taking over the Publigroupe to which the publisher of the magazine personally previously belonged, by Swisscom , they sold the publishing Matthias Ackeret and co-investor Manfred Klemann.

Ackeret is a regular columnist for “ Schweiz am Sonntag ”, which was called “ Schweiz am Sonntag ” until March 4, 2017 , and for the Zurich private broadcaster Radio 1 , where he and chief moderator Marc Jäggi oversee the weekly discussion program “Shortlist”.

On June 17, 2017, he achieved the best result of a celebrity hunter with two difference points on the Swiss television program “ Samschtig-Jass ” and thus undercut the eleven-year-old record set by the three-time wrestling king Jörg Abderhalden in 2006.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1., Imprint ( Memento from November 1, 2011 in the Internet Archive ).
  2. Wolfgang Koydl in: Am Stammtisch , Süddeutsche Zeitung , March 26, 2013
  3. Teleblocher website
  4. Every week «Teleblocher» - Blocher's own broadcast on the Internet. Neue Zürcher Zeitung , September 16, 2007
  5. Raoul Abea: Book review: Elvis. The beginning of a wonderful enmity. ( Memento of the original from May 22, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: of June 29, 2013 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  6. Der Spiegel about Elvis: From Obersalzberg to Graceland (in: Spiegel Online, January 28, 2013)
  7. Martin Walser in Südkurier about Elvis: Martin Walser about Elvis by Matthias Ackeret (in: Südkurier Online, December 21, 2012)
  8. Basler Zeitung about Eden Roc: The Apologist of Anecdotes (in from June 6, 2017)
  9. Exit in prison: self-made death penalty. October 17, 2018, accessed December 27, 2018 .
  10. The pull of death was stronger - Tagblatt der Stadt Zürich. Retrieved December 27, 2018 .
  11. PubliGroupe sells "personally" to Matthias Ackeret ., September 18, 2014