Max Wassmer

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Max Wassmer (born August 24, 1887 in Thun ; † August 1, 1970 in Bremgarten near Bern ) was a Swiss chemist , entrepreneur and art collector .

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Wassmer studied chemistry , co-founded the Cementwerke Därligen AG in Därligen in 1919 and took over the Cementwerke in Würenlingen (family-owned until it was sold to the Holderbank Group in 1992).

His first wife was Tilli Wassmer-Zurlinden (1887–1972), with whom he fathered Ricco Wassmer and Hubert Wassmer (Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kibag Holding AG).

With his first wife, Wassmer promoted contemporary literature, music and theater. At home in Bremgarten Castle near Bern, they took in poets, painters and composers such as Hermann Hesse , Cuno Amiet and Othmar Schoeck . In 1946 Wassmer helped found the Swiss Humanities Society and was its quaestor until 1958 . “The establishment of the Schoeck-Gesellschaft is due to him. The Swiss Society for Art History […] helped Wassmer gain a reputation as treasurer and actuary. ”His work in the Swiss Werkbund was“ highly valued ”.

“ Max Wassmer was close friends with the writer Hermann Hesse . He received much of his philosophical serenity and the strength to endure hardship from Hermann Hesse. The love for music increased through the connection with Schoeck, Kienberger , Brun and Loeffel, among others . As a receptive listener, Max Wassmer received valuable lessons from the painters Auberjonois , Moilliet , Martin , Blanchet and François Barraud . "

- Walter Roesch

The University of Bern awarded him an honorary doctorate for "the tremendous work [he] has done for the history of art and the preservation of Switzerland's art monuments".


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Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b c d Raoul Richner: The Wassmer family. In: Historical Lexicon of Switzerland .
  2. ^ A b c d Walter Roesch: Obituary in: werk . Volume 57 (1970), Issue 11, p. 765. (Online)