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Class : Bedecktsamer (Magnoliopsida)
Order : Palm- like arecales
Family : Palm family (Arecaceae)
Genre : Maxburretia
Scientific name

Maxburretia is a genus of palm that is nativeto the Malay Peninsula .


The representatives are shrubby dwarf palms with a short or missing trunk. They are diocesan or hermaphrodite fan palms . They bloom several times and are unarmed. If a trunk is present, it is densely covered with leaf scars and completely covered by the perennial leaf sheaths .

The number of chromosomes is not known.


The leaves are fan-shaped (palmat), induplicate and dry up on the plant. The leaf sheath dissolves in a mass of fibers and can be prickly. The petiole is well defined, unreinforced and semicircular in cross section. The hastula on the upper side of the leaf is triangular to rounded, sometimes hairy; the hastula on the underside of the leaf is only indistinctly developed. Around two thirds of its radius is divided into slender, simply folded, mostly bare segments.


The inflorescences are usually single, between the leaves and arch out of the leaf crown. They are branched one to three times. The cover sheet is tubular, two-keeled, narrow, long and mostly covered by the leaf sheaths. There are one to three, also more bracts on the peduncle , which are similar to the previous leaf. The bracts on the inflorescence axis are narrow tubular, each has a side axis of the first order. The higher-order bracts are very small and inconspicuous. The flower-bearing side axes (rachillae) are slender. At a distance and in a spiral arrangement are small, triangular bracts with a single flower in each armpits, only rarely two or three flowers.


The flowers are very small. In diocesan plants, male and female flowers are similar. The three sepals are free, imbricat , oval to triangular and glabrous. The three petals are one-third to one-half fused, elongated and usually with slightly thickened tips. Male and hermaphrodite flowers contain six stamens that are fused with the petals. The stamens form a thin or thick cup-shaped structure (cupula). You can also be free. The anthers are rather short and latrors. The staminodes in the female flowers resemble the stamens, but form a narrow cupula and have small, empty anthers. The gynoeceum consists of three free carpels that are briefly connected at the base. The stylus is triangular. The ovules are attached to the base, anatropic or in an intermediate position between anatropic and hemianatropic. Male flowers have a very small, three-lobed rudiment of pistils.

The pollen is ellipsoidal and mostly bisymmetrical. The germ opening is a distal sulcus. The longest axis measures 15 to 19 µm.

Fruits and seeds

The fruit usually only develops from a carpel. It is ellipsoidal, with remnants of scars at the top . The flower envelope is also retained. The exocarp is covered with silvery hairs when young, which fall off when the fruit is ripe. The mesocarp is thin and fleshy, the endocarp barely developed. The seed is basal and has a homogeneous endosperm and a small, lateral indentation of the seed coat. The embryo sits on the side and opposite the indentation. The eophyll is simple, entire and folded.

Distribution and locations

The three species are restricted to a small area on the Malay Peninsula: southern Thailand and western Malaysia. All species grow in low forest on exposed locations and peaks of the limestone hills, which are partially karstified.


The genus Maxburretia Furtado is placed within the family Arecaceae in the subfamily Coryphoideae , Tribus Trachycarpeae , Subtribus Rhapidinae . The type species of the genus is Maxburretia rupicola . The monophyly of the genus has not yet been investigated. Depending on the investigation, their sister group is Rhapis or a group of Rhapis and Guihaia .

The Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew's World Checklist of Selected Plant Families recognizes the following species:

The genus is named after the German palm researcher Karl Ewald Maximilian Burret (1883–1964).

supporting documents

  • John Dransfield, Natalie W. Uhl, Conny B. Asmussen, William J. Baker, Madeline M. Harley, Carl E. Lewis: Genera Palmarum. The Evolution and Classification of Palms . Second edition, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 2008, ISBN 978-1-84246-182-2 , pp. 258-260.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Rafaël Govaerts (Ed.): Maxburretia. In: World Checklist of Selected Plant Families (WCSP) - The Board of Trustees of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew . Retrieved June 11, 2011.

Web links

  • Maxburretia on the homepage of the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden