Kazan Metro

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The Kazan Metro

The Kazan Metro ( Russian Казанский метрополитен , Tatar Казан метросы , actually Kazan Metro ), consisting of a line with ten stations, was opened on August 27, 2005 in time for the 1000th anniversary of Kazan , the capital of Tatarstan .


Entrance to Sukonnaja Sloboda station


After some other Soviet cities such as Samara or Nizhny Novgorod built or had built subways after the population exceeded one million , Kazan now also needed a metro. For this purpose, the Kazan city administration drew up a metro plan in 1986, which provided a secant network of three lines typical of Soviet cities at the time . In its final version, the planned network should have a total length of 46 kilometers.

Construction work

However, work did not begin until early 1997, a few years after the fall of the Soviet Union . In order to finish the metro in time for the 1000th anniversary of the city on August 27, 2005, a large part of the Russian metro budget was used for Kazan. As a result, the other metro construction in Russia was delayed , as they received significantly less money from the redistribution.

State-of-the-art western shield driving machines with a diameter of 5.63 meters were used for the most part for the tunnel construction . Some sections of the route were built with conventional Soviet shield tunneling machines. For short sections of the route tunnels and for all five stations, the tunnel construction technique of the open construction method was used.


The only line to date with ten stations was opened on August 27, 2005 with a first run. Participants included President Putin , Interior Minister Nurgalijew and Finance Minister Kudrin of the Russian Federation, the President of the Shaimiyev Autonomous Republic and Kazakhstan's President Nazarbayev . The first phase of construction involved the five-station stretch from Kremlyovskaya to Gorky .


On December 29, 2008, this line was extended by another station from Gorki to Prospekt Pobedy (about: Avenue of Victory). On December 30, 2010, the new Kosja Sloboda station went into operation at the other end of the line . On May 9, 2013, three more stations were opened in this direction to Aviastroitelnaya .

Rusitsch metro car


For the Kazan Metro, initially five, until 2006 another five newly built four-car trains of the new type 81-553.3 / -554.3 (a modification of the metro trains of the type 81-717 / 714 ) were delivered by a joint venture of Sankt Petersburg Waggonfabrik Wagonmasch and the Czech Škoda Holding.

Future prospects

In the future, the Kazan subway is to be expanded into a secant network with three lines. For the time being, however, only a further expansion of the current line to the southeast by one station is planned. In addition to the current line, which will be named Zentralnaja , another line called Asinsko-Savinovskaya is to be built by 2018 , and two more in the distant future, Priwolschskaja and Sanoksinskaja. There are plans to convert an existing inner-city railway line into an above-ground metro line in the near future.

Lines and stations

Almost the entire 15.8 km long line and nine stations are underground, with only the Ametjewo station above ground on a bridge. The track width is - according to the Russian standard - 1520 mm , for the power supply busbars are used with a driving voltage of 825 volts.

All labels and information are in two languages ​​(Tatar and Russian).

In the following table, which can be sorted, the stations are initially listed in their real order.

image Russian name
transcribed / cyrillic
Tatar name
Latin / Cyrillic
location Opened map
Aviatozelesh qazan metro.jpg Aviastroitelnaja
underground 05/09/2013 location
Tonyak vokzal qazan metro.jpg Sewerny Woksal
Се́верный Вокза́л
Tönyaq vokzalı
Төньяк вокзалы
underground 05/09/2013 location Station Kazan-2 ( "North Station")
Yashleq qazan metro.jpg Jaschlek
underground 05/09/2013 location
KAZAN METRO kozia sloboda.jpg Kosja Sloboda
Ко́зья слобода́
Käcä Bistäse
Кәҗә Бистәсе
underground 12/30/2010 location
Kazan Metro Kremlevskaya 08-2016 img1.jpg Kremlyovskaya
underground 08/27/2005 location Kazan Kremlin with Kul Sharif mosque , cathedral and Sujumbike tower
Kazan Metro TukaySquare 08-2016.jpg Ploshchad Gabdully Tukaja
Пло́щадь Габдуллы́ Тука́я
Ğabdulla Tuqay Mäydanı
Габдулла Тукай мәйданы
underground 08/27/2005 location University , Millennium Park , Ğabdulla Tuqay Literature Museum
Kazan Metro Sukonnaya Sloboda 08-2016 img2.jpg Sukonnaja Sloboda
Су́конная слобода́
Sukno Bistäse
Сукно бистәсе
underground 08/27/2005 location
Kazan Metro Ametiyevo Station.jpg Ametjewo
above ground
08/27/2005 location Transfer to the suburban trains in the direction of Arsk
Kazan Metro Gorki Station.jpg Gorky
underground 08/27/2005 location
Kazan Metro ProspektPobedy 08-2016.jpg Prospectus Pobedy
Проспе́кт Побе́ды
Ciñü prospektı
Җиңү проспекты
underground 12/29/2008 location
Dubravnaya.jpg Dubrovnaya
underground 08/30/2018

Individual evidence

  1. Russian press reports ( Memento of November 9, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) Photo gallery for the opening ( Memento of October 31, 2005 in the Internet Archive ) (kazantransport.by.ru)

Web links

Commons : Metro Kazan  - album with pictures, videos and audio files