Michael von Manteuffel

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Michael von Manteuffel , also Michell Manteufeln , (* ~ 1572 ; † 1625 ) was Chancellor and Councilor of Courland .


Kerklingen Castle

Michael von Manteuffel was a member of the behind Pomeranian noble family Manteuffel made by Schönwerder ( Skowarnki ). The nobleman, who came from Pomerania, moved from Pomerania to Courland at the end of the 16th century, where he was the ducal councilor and chancellor (from 1606) of Friedrich Kettler , Duke of Courland and Semigallia , and was an envoy in Poland . With reference to the provisions of 1568 and 1570, the Duke of Courland had the right to appoint not only local but also foreign nobles to the Chancellery.

As Chancellor in 1593 he was the authorized representative of Courland in the Warsaw Reichstag . Together with Jacob von Schwerin , he appeared as the envoy of the Duchess Wittwe zu Curland and Mecklenburg, Anna von Mecklenburg-Güstrow and her two sons Friedrich and Wilhelm Kettler , in negotiations with Duke Adam Wenzel zu Teschen . In the same year, instructed by Duke Friedrich, he consulted Duke Ulrich III. to Mecklenburg . He also sent Michael von Manteuffel to the area of Daugavpils in order to be better prepared with the formation of a commission for upcoming territorial negotiations between the Duchy of Courland and the Grand Duchy of Lithuania .

Between the years 1591 and 1596 he was enfeoffed by the Dukes Friedrich and Wilhelm von Kurland with the Dobelsberg and Kerklingen ( Ķerkliņi ) estates in Kurland after Polish confirmation with the Sigismundi Augusti privilege for old aristocratic fiefs. With Kerklingen he took over a small castle, which was originally built as a defense structure and was probably rebuilt in the 17th century. At the beginning of the 17th century, the dukes donated parts of the Missischen estate to him, which later resulted in the noblemen -Misshof ( Dzerumu Muiža ). In 1605 Grafenthal ( Gravenderi ) in Courland is sold to the princely councilor Michael von Manteuffel.

In 1623 he acquired the manor in Groß-Platon from Georg von Meerfeldt , on which Wilhelm Johann Meerfeldt made claims against the Chancellor Michael von Manteuffel a year later on the basis of pledged claims. In the following year he assigned the property to his son-in-law Heinrich von Plettenberg from Linden . As a knight bank judge of the 1st class he was listed in the knight registries of Courland since October 17, 1620 (No. 2 of 18).


Around 1587 Manteuffel married Margaretha von Schroeders. In 1598 he married Sibylla von Klopmann, daughter of Philipp von Klopmann (also Klockmann ), commissioner of Duke Gotthard Kettler . Finally, before 1605, Manteuffel married Catharina von Nettelhorst for the third time . With her, Michael had two daughters who were baptized in the names of the wives of the sovereigns Wilhelm (Sophie von Prussia, 1582–1610) and Friedrich (Elisabeth Magdalena von Pommern-Wolgast) Kettler:

  1. Sophie von Manteuffel adH Schönwerder (* ~ 1606), heiress of Dobelsberg and Kerklingen, ⚭ 1623 Heinrich Dönhoff (1585–1659), royal Polish court squire, secretary, chamberlain , commissioner in Courland, envoy in Denmark , Starost von Ermes and titular castellan von Dorpat and titular voivode von Parnawski , finally senator.
  2. Elisabeth von Manteuffel adH Schönwerder (* ~ 1610), heiress of Grafenthal, Schönwerder and Misshof, ⚭ 1625 Heinrich von Plettenberg († 1658).


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Carl Wilhelm Cruse : Curland among the dukes. Volume 1, 1833, p. 99.
  2. August Robert Seraphim : The history of the Duchy of Courland. P. 51.
  3. ^ August Wilhelm Hupel : Nordische Miscellaneen . Volumes 15-17, 1788. p. 316.
  4. ^ Erwin Oberländer : The Duchy of Courland 1561-1795: Constitution, Economy, Society. Verlag Nordostdeutsches Kulturwerk, 2001. P. 92.
  5. Heinz Pirang: The Baltic mansion: T. The newer time since 1850. 1930. P. 60.
  6. ^ Courland and its knighthood. Ilmgau-Verlag Ludwig, 1971. p. 445.
  7. Genealogical Handbook of the Baltic Knighthoods (New Series) , Hamburg 2013, Vol. 3, p. 167.