Misfits (TV series)

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Television series
German title Misfits
Original title Misfits
Misfits (logo) .svg
Country of production United Kingdom
original language English
Year (s) 2009-2013
Clerkenwell Films
length 45 minutes
Episodes 37 in 5 seasons ( list )
genre Dramedy , fantasy
Theme music Echoes from The Rapture
idea Howard Overman
production Kate Crowe
First broadcast November 12, 2009 on E4
first broadcast
October 26, 2012 on ProSieben Fun
main actor
supporting cast

Misfits is a British television series of the transmitter E4 , in various genres such as drama , comedy and fantasy are mixed (supernatural powers). The series is about five juvenile offenders who are forced to serve community hours in a community center . After being struck by lightning in a storm, the youngsters develop supernatural abilities. They later notice that there are other people with powers too. These correspond to desires at the time of the storm.

The last episode of the series aired on December 11, 2013.


season 1

Five juveniles who have committed criminal offenses have to do non-profit social hours in a community center ( ASBO English. Anti social behavior order). After a storm in which they are struck by lightning, they develop supernatural abilities. Kelly can read minds, Curtis can turn back time, Alisha uses touch to make people want to have sex with her immediately and Simon can make himself invisible. Only Nathan doesn't seem to be affected by a special power. Their probation officer Tony, who has become violent due to the storm, tries to kill the young people one after the other. He kills Gary, a sixth youth not struck by lightning. The others manage to overpower and kill Tony with the help of their powers in self-defense. They then bury Tony and Gary's bodies under a highway bridge, fearing no one will believe them the truth.

The other episodes of the first season deal with everyday youth problems such as group membership and sexuality as well as the unfamiliar new skills that not only the youth have received. Curtis and Alisha get together but are unable to have sex as Curtis is immediately sexually succumbed and willing every time Alisha is touched. In addition, an affection develops between Kelly and Nathan.

After Tony's disappearance without a trace, his fiancée Sally becomes the new probation officer for the five youths. Sally suspects the group to have something to do with Tony's disappearance and investigates by stealing Simon's affection. Simon realizes her intentions too late and Sally learns the truth. When he tries to prevent Sally from going to the police, he accidentally kills her and hides her body in a freezer.

In the final episode of season one, Nathan falls off the roof of the community center after a fight and lands on the metal spikes of a fence. After his funeral he wakes up in his coffin and realizes that he is immortal and that he was buried alive.

season 2

In the second season, the five young people notice a masked stranger who seems to have precise knowledge of them and their powers. With a tip from this stranger they free Nathan from his grave. They are also assigned a new probation officer, Sean, who is indifferent to condescending towards the youth. The police, however, are becoming more and more suspicious as two probation officers have now disappeared without a trace.

Drugs at a party distributed by Nathan's suddenly emerged half-brother, Jamie, turn everyone's superpowers around, so that Curtis can take a look into the future, for example. There he sees himself in a superhero costume standing on the roof of the community center while a strange woman appears behind him and the two kiss. When Jamie dies in the same episode, Nathan realizes that he is not only immortal, but can also communicate with the dead.

Alisha discovers that the stranger is Simon, albeit from the future, and wants to make sure that certain events in the present happen the way he thinks they should. The future Simon is also no longer introverted, but extremely courageous and determined. He tells Alisha, the only one he can touch, that the two will be together in the future and the photos in his apartment prove this. The two secretly become a couple and Alisha separates from Curtis. A short time later, Simon from the future sacrifices his life for Alisha's by throwing himself into the trajectory of a pistol bullet. When he dies, he tells Alisha that it was she who made him the person he has become.

A new youth who also has to do community hours and has teleportation skills is shot dead shortly after his appearance. His heart is transplanted to the sick Nikki, who can teleport from now on. Nikki is the woman Curtis met in his vision of the future. The vision comes true at a costume party, at which the group appears disguised as superheroes. Since Curtis is no longer with Alisha, he meets Nikki on the roof to have sex with her. At the same time, Simon is deflowered in a storage room by a young woman he met at the party.

Towards the end of this season, the youths become famous as the "ASBO-5" after the powers of canteen clerk Brian became public. A TV report from the future that Alisha saw in the apartment of the future Simon comes true. But when Brian runs amok out of jealousy and kills some people with supernatural powers, Curtis turns back time and ensures with the others that Brian's powers never become public.

After completing community service, Kelly works in the city cleaning department, Nathan as Santa Claus, Alisha and Curtis in a pub, and Simon meanwhile practices climbing and jumping on facades, like his self from the future. Alisha learns of a man, Seth, who has the ability to steal your superpowers or to give them away for money. She goes to him and gives her strength to him. The others then sell their powers for money. Simon, who is initially skeptical, also agrees to what will be their undoing shortly afterwards when Nikki is shot in a robbery. The young people then buy new strength.

season 3

At the beginning of the season you learn that at the end of the 2nd season the characters have not received their original, but new supernatural abilities. Alisha is able to put her mind into other people, Kelly has the knowledge of rocket building, but is not taken seriously when trying to sell a specially designed rocket design. Simon can foresee the consequences of his actions in advance and can thus practice more intensively in the course running in preparation for his later self. Curtis initially complains about his power to transform himself into a woman. However, since no other power was available, he asked for it. As the season progresses, however, Melissa, Curtis' female self, allows him to return to racing. He met Emma, ​​another runner, and fell in love with her.

This season, Rudy is introduced as a new character who is very similar in character to Nathan. The latter now lives in Las Vegas with his new girlfriend and her child. Rudy has the supernatural ability to involuntarily create a kind of clone of himself when his emotions split.

Rudy has to do community hours in the community center because he demolished her car after a heated argument with his ex-girlfriend. After the first day at work, he meets up with the girls Charlie and Tanya, who are also condemned to community service. Due to the fact that he is split up into two people, there is strong tension, which ultimately leads to Tanya wanting to kill Rudy. Alisha accidentally gets caught between the front lines, so that the other four have to help out again. In the process, Tanya and Charlie are killed and the bodies are buried in a forest. The other four are again sentenced to community hours after using a stolen car to clean up the bodies, and they return to the community center.

One of the following episodes is about Friedrich Hirsch, an old Jew who bought the ability to travel into the past, which he does with the intention of killing Adolf Hitler. His plan not only fails, but causes the Nazis to win World War II and still be in power in the present. These try to use Seth's powers to acquire superpowers for themselves. Thanks to the fast-forward function of his power, Hirsch still returns to the present of the alternative timeline. He hands the power over to Seth, who in turn passes it on to Kelly. It then reverses Hirsch's mistake and restores the original timeline.

The young people do social work in the hospital, with Kelly swapping bodies with a coma patient. Current probation officer Shaun is stabbed to death by this woman (inside Kelly). In the end, she is back in her own body and gets together with Seth.

In the penultimate episode, Curtis discovers that his female self, Melissa, is pregnant. He lets Seth take his superpower from him. This gives him new strength to bring the dead to life. Curtis wakes Seth's dead friend Shannon and a cat to life, but they become zombies. This then spreads to six cheerleaders and the new probation officer, all of whom must be killed. In the end, Seth also kills Shannon and confesses his love to Kelly.

In the final episode, there is a medium in the community center that can retrieve the spirits of the deceased so that they appear like the living. This allows them to catch up on things that they could no longer do after their death. It appears among others Sally and contacts Simon. She pretends to really love him and come back to sleep with him. In order to separate Simon and Alisha (the two have been a couple since the beginning of the season), Sally sends Alisha a video in which she and Simon apparently have sex. Alisha is offended and flees from Simon to the roof of the center, where Sally is waiting for her. She wants to kill her in revenge for the death of her fiancé Tony. Tony, who has also returned, can just stop her from doing it and leaves the world with her. Rachel realizes that her return is for revenge and kills Alisha. This means that Simon, who is now no longer in the present, can do his duty: Seth gives him the strength for a unique journey through time and money, with which he can buy immunity from other forces in the past. Thus the time structure is restored.

Season 4

After Alisha's death and Simon's journey back in time, Kelly and Seth travel to Africa, where Kelly uses her rocket science skills to defuse mines. She decides to stay there while Seth comes back to the community center to pick up Kelly's last belongings. Meanwhile, two new teenagers come to the community center to do their community hours. Finn is a somewhat needy boy who has telekinetic powers, but almost never uses them. The other is Jess, who has had some kind of X-ray gaze power since the storm and is initially disapproved of most. After Rudy pretended to be a probation officer, the group also gets the new probation officer Greg, who quickly turns out to be an overbearing choleric, but can also show a soft side in certain situations. Jess and the others meet Alex at Curtis Bar, who works as a bartender there. Jess shows interest in him, but he refuses any attempt at flirting, which leads the group to think Alex is gay.

Curtis meets Lola, who tells him that she is training to be a probation officer. The two begin an affair, which ends with Curtis accidentally killing an ex-boyfriend of Lola for them and she ignores him from then on. It later turns out that Lola is not a probation officer at all and has been trapped in the role of a man hater since the storm. Curtis only finds out because he resuscitates Jake, Lola's ex-boyfriend, in the presence of Rudy, Jess and Finn. Since Finn fails to kill the zombie at the beginning and instead destroys the light source, a fight ensues. Curtis is bitten by the zombie, which he initially keeps to himself. However, after the others find out, they wistfully decide to kill Curtis. Lola's latest victim has kidnapped him and taken him to a warehouse. There Lola first shoots her boyfriend and then Curtis to make it look like the two killed each other. However, being a zombie, Curtis survives the shot and bites Lola in the neck before killing her with a headshot. After a phone call with Rudy, in which he tells him that he cannot go on living like this, he commits suicide with a shot in the head.

Finn meets his half-sister while trying to find his father. Since the storm, she too has had powers that enable her to keep her father, who is suffering from cancer, alive against his will. He asks Finn to take care of his half-sister, hoping she can let him die like this.

At a funeral service, Rudy meets Nadine and develops feelings for her. At the same time, the gang is fighting a white killer rabbit in one game, which came from the fantasy of a drug trip during the thunderstorm.

Season 5

A transplant gives Alex the ability to deprive people of their power through sex. He uses his strength again and again to help people.

Rudy 1 and Jess get closer, while Rudy 2 joins a support group to talk about his problems. He receives a sweater from one of the group members that can knit the future, which shows four people with superpowers and orange overalls using their powers. He decides to find the people and become superheroes with them.

Abby first meets a young woman and learns that she herself does not have a superpower, but is the product of a superpower. She later meets a man at the self-help group who has been turned into a turtle because of the storm. She tries to convince Alex that he sleeps with the turtle so that the man can become human again.

In the final episode, the gang experiences a leap in time of one year because of a psychopath. Jess disappeared for a year and now has a baby, Rudy 1 was desperate because he had an argument with Jess before she disappeared, Finn is training to be a probation officer, Alex is still working in the bar and Abby is trying to make money with odd jobs to earn. Rudy 2 now has his superhero group together, but finds out that they kill the criminals. The gang can hold up the others with losses and Jess decides to commit suicide so that the psychopath can turn back the time by a year. She can text herself on her cell phone and kills him after having sex with him to get pregnant. She tells the others what happened. Rudy 2 breaks up his group before they start killing and stays with his girlfriend while the others consider becoming superheroes instead.

Cast and dubbing

Main cast

role actor Main role
Supporting role
Guest role
Powers German Voice actor
Kelly Bailey Lauren Socha 1.01-3.08 Season 1–2:

Season 3:

Kaya Marie Möller
Curtis Donovan Nathan Stewart-Jarrett 1.01-4.04 Season 1–2:
  • Time travel

Season 3–4:

  • Gender change (S03E01 – S03E06)
  • Raising Dead People (S03E06 – S04E04)
Nico Sablik
Nathan Young Robert Sheehan 1.01-2.07 3.08 Season 1–2:

Vegas, baby! (only online):

  • Change of reality
Julius Jellinek
Alisha Daniels Antonia Thomas 1.01-3.08 Season 1–2:

Season 3:

Anja Stadlober
Simon Bellamy Ivan Rheon 1.01-3.08 Season 1–2:

Season 3:

Konrad Bösherz
Rudy Wade Joseph Gilgun 3.01-5.08 Season 3–5:
  • Split into emotional doppelgangers
Asad Black
Finn Nathan McMullen 4.01-5.08 Season 4–5: Constantin von Jascheroff
Jess Karla Crome 4.01-5.08 Season 4–5:
  • X-ray vision
Josephine Schmidt
Seth Matthew McNulty 4.01-4.02 3.01-3.08 2.07 Season 2–4:
  • Taking strength from one person and transferring it to another, "strength dealer"
Felix Spit
Alex Matt Stokoe 5.01-5.08 4.02-4.08 Season 5:
  • Deprivation of superpowers through sex
Leonhard Mahlich
Abbey Smith Natasha O'Keeffe 4.06-5.08 Season 4–5:
  • Living imaginary friend of a woman
Nadine Leopold

Supporting cast

role actor Supporting role
extra information German Voice actor
Tony Morecombe Danny Sapani 1.01-1.02, 1.04, 3.08 1. social worker; becomes aggressive after the thunderstorm Tilo Schmitz
Sally Alex Reid 1.01-2.01, 3.08 2. Social worker, fiancee of Tony Katrin Zimmermann
Pete Michael Obiora 1.03-2.01 Police officer Robin Kahnmeyer
Rachel Jessica Brown Findlay 1.06, 3.08 Super Power: Brainwash , kill Alisha
Shaun Craig Parkinson 2.01-2.06, 3.01-3.05 3. Social worker Roman Kretschmer
Nikki Ruth Negga 2.02-2.07 Curtis Girlfriend, Super Power: Teleportation Britta Steffenhagen
Melissa Kehinde Fadipe 3.01-3.02, 3.05-3.06 Curtis after changing sex Giovanna Winterfeldt
Laura Velile Tshabalala 3.07 4. Social worker
Greg Shaun Dooley 4.01-5.08 5. Social worker
Karen Kate Bracken 5.06-5.08 Super power: chameleon-like camouflage, member of the Jumper Posse (real superheroes), works with terminally ill young people Josefin Hagen


Great Britain

The first season was broadcast on November 12, 2009 on the British broadcaster E4 . The show is produced by Clerkenwell Films and marketed by the PR and social media agency Hot Cherry. On May 24, 2010 filming began for the second season, which aired from November 11, 2010. The series uses viral marketing by also promoting it through channels such as Facebook and Twitter : the characters tweet while the episodes are broadcast. The series is produced in London by Petra Fried, Murray Ferguson and Kate Crowe in 45-minute episodes each. The third season aired from October 30, 2011 to December 18, 2011, it was preceded by a short online cinematic mini-episode in which the exit of Robert Sheehan (Nathan) was discussed. There was also another episode that was released as a multi-part online special that did not air. The fourth season aired from October 28, 2012 to December 16, 2012. During this season, new main characters were introduced and the last of the original "ASBO-5" left the series. In addition, a web series called Misfits Strung Out appeared on the station's website, in which one scene from the previous episode was picked up and retold with the help of dolls . In early 2013, the series was extended by a fifth season with a total of eight episodes.


The first season of the series was broadcast as a TV event on the pay TV channel ProSieben Fun on October 26 and 27, 2012 . ZDFneo acquired the free TV rights to the first three seasons . The first season aired on June 28 and 29, 2013. The premiere of the series in the on-demand area was on December 17, 2012 on MyVideo . There it was broadcast free of charge on ZDFneo even before the free TV premiere. The fifth season could be seen from July 27 to August 24, 2014 on ProSieben Fun in double episodes, on MyVideo the season has been shown since October 1, 2014.

Since April 3, 2016, the series has been repeated on Nicknight .


Misfits won the 2010 BAFTA Television Award in the “Best Drama Series” category. She also received nominations from the UK's Royal Television Society for Best Drama Series and Howard Overman for Best Screenwriter in 2010 .

Lauren Socha won the Best Supporting Actress award at the 2011 BAFTA Television Awards . The series also received nominations for “Best Drama Series” in the “New Media” category, and Robert Sheehan was nominated for best supporting actor.

Episode list


Thamesmead South Housing Estate.

Many of the outdoor scenes around the community center where the youth do their community service were filmed at the Thamesmead South Housing Estate in London. The striking complex with the houses that enclose the water was already used by Stanley Kubrick as a filming location for Clockwork Orange ; it's where Alex puts his droogs in the water.

DVD and Blu-ray publishing

  • Season 1 was released on February 24, 2012
  • Season 2 was released on October 26, 2012.
  • Season 3 was released on May 31, 2013.
  • Season 4 was released on February 28, 2014.
  • Season 5 was released on August 29, 2014.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g voice actor card about "Misfits"
  2. Misfits. (No longer available online.) Clerkenwell Films, archived from the original on October 6, 2011 ; accessed on August 8, 2011 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.clerkenwellfilms.com
  3. ^ Catriona Wightman: Robert Sheehan not returning to 'Misfits'. Digital Spy, April 10, 2011, accessed April 26, 2011 .
  4. Misfits' Renewed For 8-Episode 5th Season; Will Debut Late 2013. Indiewire.com, accessed February 4, 2013 .
  5. Alexander Krei: ProSieben Fun shows UK series "Misfits" as an event. DWDL.de, September 12, 2012, accessed on October 21, 2012 .
  6. Christian Junklewitz: Misfits: ZDFneo brings the series to free TV. Serienjunkies.de , October 10, 2012, accessed on October 25, 2012 .
  7. ^ Uwe Mantel: http://www.dwdl.de/nachrichten/38837/myvideo_ shows_misfits_vor_freetvausstrahl/ . dwdl.de, December 17, 2012, accessed December 18, 2012 .
  8. lisas: Misfits - all episodes from December 17th on MyVideo. Myvideo.de, December 5, 2012, accessed December 18, 2012 .
  9. adam anrndt: Misfits: First season now available at MyVideo.de. Serienjunkies.de, December 17, 2012, accessed December 18, 2012 .
  10. Julian moskal: Cult series Misfits for free on MyVideo. Moviepilot.de, December 17, 2012, accessed December 18, 2012 .
  11. Season 5, episode 5.01–5.08 . In: fernsehserien.de . Retrieved August 7, 2014.
  12. NEW! Misfits Season 5 on MyVideo. MyVideo, October 1, 2014, accessed October 6, 2014 .
  13. Television Awards 2010. (No longer available online.) BAFTA May 10, 2010, archived from the original on August 23, 2010 ; accessed on August 8, 2011 . Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bafta.org
  14. Nominations: The RTS Program Awards. In: Digital Spy. March 1, accessed May 21, 2011 .
  15. Television Awards Nominees and Winners in 2011. (No longer available online.) In: BAFTA.org. May 22, 2011, archived from the original on June 12, 2011 ; accessed on May 22, 2011 (English). Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / www.bafta.org
  16. Misfits - Season 1 on DVD . Amazon.de . Retrieved March 6, 2012.
  17. Misfits - Season 1 on Blu-ray Disc . Amazon.de . Retrieved March 6, 2012.
  18. http://www.amazon.de/Misfits-Staffel-5-3-DVDs/dp/B00IVG1B2Q , A complete box of all seasons will appear on August 28, 2015