Felix Spit

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Felix Spieß (born August 17, 1972 in Ludwigsburg ) is a German actor and voice actor .


Felix Spieß was guitarist for the Berlin band delicate from 1994 to 2003 , with whom he released the album 'Kali Yuga' (WEA) in 2000. He was also seen in various roles on German stages and toured for half a year as Hans Scholl in Die Weisse Rose through Germany and plays at countless schools.

He has been a permanent member of the ensemble at the Atze Children's Music Theater in Berlin since 2006 . He can be seen there in Oh, how beautiful is Panama , Rico, Oskar and the deep shadows , The Little Mermaid , Here comes Lupe , Climbing Ida , Einstein , Steffi and the Snowman and Das Sams .

Spieß acted in various short films. He was seen as Goethe in the MDR production History of Central Germany . Spieß has worked as a voice actor since 2001.

Synchronized work (selection)




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