Mundia Sikatana

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Mundia Sikatana (born March 6, 1938 , † June 14, 2012 in Lusaka , Zambia) was a politician in Zambia .

Mundia Sikatana was a lawyer. He was a founding member of the Movement for Multiparty Democracy and an adviser to President Frederick Chiluba . Sikatana had been a member of the National Assembly of Zambia since 2001 and was Minister of Agriculture in Zambia during Levy Mwanawasa's first presidency . In 2002 he refused to receive food aid from the World Food Program for the government of Zambia because it contained genetically modified maize, which would have been used as seeds in the country. With this topic he found a worldwide response. In October 2006 he took over the Foreign Ministry in Zambia.

Sikatana died on June 14, 2012 in Lusaka University Hospital.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Zambia: Sikatana Was Fearless Voice of Reason , June 20, 2012. Retrieved February 4, 2013