Ronnie Shikapwasha

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Ronnie Shikapwasha (born December 25, 1947 ) is a politician in Zambia .

Ronnie Shikapwasha is a career soldier and retired Lieutenant General and former Commander in Chief of the Zambian Army Air Force . He is also a trained theologian and pastor of a free church.

Ronnie Shikapwasha is a member of the National Assembly of Zambia for the Keembe constituency in the Chibombo district , where he was a candidate for the Movement for Multiparty Democracy . He became Minister of the Interior on February 9, 2003 and, in a cabinet reshuffle, swapped positions with Kalombo Mwansa on January 10, 2005 , thus becoming Foreign Minister. He returned to the post of Interior Minister in October 2006 when President Levy Mwanawasa formed a new cabinet after his re-election. Mundia Sikatana became foreign minister . In the summer of 2015, the former minister was charged with abuse of office.

Private life

Ronnie Shikapwasha was in a serious car accident with a spine injury. Apparently he only just barely escaped paraplegia.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Rev. Lt. Gen. Ronald Shikapwasha at the National Assembly of Zambia
  2. ^ Zambia: Nevers Mumba On 'Pastor President' ,, January 5, 2016
  3. Perpetual Sichikwenkwe: Zambia: Shikapwasha Case Fails to Take Off ,, August 14, 2015