Nikolai Nikolayevich Bunge

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Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Bunge ( Ukrainian Микола Миколайович Бунге Mykola Mykolajowitsch Bunge ; * February 5 July / February 17,  1885 greg. In Kiev ; † 1921 in the Crimea ) was a Russian chemist and university professor of German descent.


Bunge came from the scholarly and noble family Bunge , his parents were the chemist Nikolai Andrejewitsch Bunge and his wife Yevgenia née Schipowskaja, daughter of the governor-general PA Schipowski of the governorates of Kiev , Volhynia and Podolia . Bunge attended the 1st Kiev high school from 1897–1904. 1905–1906 he did internships in laboratories in Geneva and Leipzig . Then he studied at the University of Kiev in the physics - mathematics faculty . For his thesis on the effects of iodineon silver carbonate he received the gold medal in 1910. In 1913 he became a master of chemistry doctorate.

After graduating, Bunge taught at Kiev University. In 1915 he worked at the Kharkov University in the laboratory of Alexei Andreevich Albitskis . In 1916 he became a private lecturer . During the First World War , he headed the zemstvo - Oblast -Laboratorium on the southwest front . Bunge was the owner of an estate in Ujesd Tarashcha . He married and had a daughter in 1915.

After the October Revolution, from 1918 onwards, Bunge taught at the Tauride branch of the University of Kiev in Simferopol, as did Nikolai Mitrofanowitsch Krylow , Nikolai Ivanovich Kuznetsov and Leon Iossifowitsch Kordysch . Bunge set up a library at the university's chemical laboratory , into which he brought a substantial part of his own books. When in May 1920, on the initiative of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky , the Society of Friends of Nature of the Crimea set up the commission to investigate the productive forces of the Crimea, Bunge became a member. He also taught at the Simferopol People's University . During the Russian Civil War , the White Army of Pyotr Nikolaevich Wrangel left Crimea in November 1920. When in 1921 the famine spread and the Chekist Alexander Vladimirovich Eiduk the fight against hunger in the RSFSR proclaimed and there were brutal seizure actions killed Bunge.

Bunge's older sister Katharina (1874–1933) was a Russian-speaking poet and translator. She published in Kijewskaja Mysl , Westnik Jewropy and Mir Boschi . She translated works by Franz von Assisi into Russian. She died in Berlin and was buried in the Russian cemetery in Berlin-Tegel .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Малій, Ольга: Родовід Бунге . In: Спеціальні історичні дисципліни: питання теорії та методики: збірник наукових праць . No. 15 , 2007, p. 74–97 ( online [PDF; accessed June 30, 2018]).
  2. В. Лавров: В.И. Вернадский и Комиссия по изучению естественных производительных сил Крыма: новые материалы . In: Україна XX ст .: культура, ідеологія, політика: Збірник статей . No. 18 , 2013, p. 55–63 ( online [accessed July 1, 2018]).
  3. То о чем давно забыли..Крым, 1921 год (accessed July 1, 2018).
  4. Погост Тегель: Екатерина Николаевна фон Бунге (accessed June 30, 2018).