Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Meschkow

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Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Meschkow

Nikolai Vasilyevich Meshkov ( Russian Николай Васильевич Мешков * May 30th . Jul / 11. June  1851 greg. In Vesyegonsk ; † 19th June 1933 in Moscow ) was a Russian businessman and patron .


Meshkov House in Perm (1889)

Meshkov's father, Vasily Nikolayevich Meshkov, was employed in a trading company exporting food and leather. At the age of 19, Meshkov began to work in the office of the merchant Sobolev, who owned some steamships , barges and berths in some towns. In 1875 Meschkow changed to the service of the Volga - Kama -Steamschifffahrt- private company . After a while, due to his organizational skills, he was appointed agent for the Kama Basin. He then married and settled in Perm . Together with the river insurance inspector Mikhail Ivanovich Shulyatikov , he founded his own company for goods transport in a chartered ship.

In 1885 Meschkow bought a house in the center of Perm, which was built in 1820 by the architect Ivan Ivanovich Swijasew in the style of Russian classicism and burned down for the second time in the great fire of Perm in 1842. 1887-1889 is Meshkov left there by the architect Alexander Bonawenturowitsch Turtschewitsch the city after approval duma a new villa -style in the Art Nouveau -based Moscow Modern building that today house Meshkov called and since 2007 houses the Perm Regional Museum. During the famine of 1891 in Perm and parts of Perm Governorate, Meshkov received from Zemstvo of Perm Governorate for the purchase of bread for the starving population without security a sum of 1.5 million rubles , which he received completely without profit for the purchase of good quality bread issued. In 1892 Meschkow was elected to the Zemstvo Assembly of Perm Governorate with two re-elections. The Zemstvo Assembly nominated him for the board of directors of the Perm department of the Bauernlandbank and for the supervisory board of the commercial and industrial bank. He actively campaigned for the establishment of the so-called teacher fund to support poorly paid rural school teachers. He was also elected to the Perm City Duma several times.

In 1901 Meshkov organized picnics outside the city for meetings of the people of Perm public life with the Social Revolutionaries Yekaterina Konstantinovna Brezhko-Brezhkovskaya , Grigory Andreyevich Gerschuni and Nikolai Konstantinowitsch Michailowski, who had secretly come to town . When Meschkow lived in St. Petersburg in 1907 , he made friends with the member of the terrorist group of the Social Revolutionary Party (PSR) founded in 1906 by Albert Dawidowitsch Trauberg , Anna Michailovna Rasputina ( Miss Shulyatikova ). In his correspondence with Maxim Maximowitsch Litvinov, Lenin recalled the merits of Meshkov.

In 1912 Meshkov had a night shelter built in Perm at his own expense, which he then handed over to the city. For this he was made an honorary citizen . In 1914 he opened a pharmacy with very low prices and took over the costs of its operation. After the beginning of the First World War , the night asylum served as a refuge for mobilized soldiers.

In 1914 Meschkow acquired the partnership of the brothers F. and G. Kamenski , which now became the partnership for steamship and freight transport of the brothers F. and G. Kamenski and Meschkow . To this end, he founded the Orenburg - Ufa - Eisenbahn - Aktiengesellschaft for the construction of a railway line along the Wes tural to the Pechora area.

Meshkov was one of the founders of higher education in the Urals thanks to his activities and connections. In 1916 he donated the large area with the night asylum to the city of Perm. In the same year the University of St. Petersburg opened a branch in Perm, which then became the new University of Perm by decree of the Provisional Government in 1917 . The night asylum building served as the main building of the university. Meshkov belonged to the committee for the development of the university and awarded about 200 scholarships for studying at domestic and foreign universities.

Meschkow had planned a public garden on the site in front of the night asylum, for the planning of which he had invited the landscape architect EA Mayer from Moscow in 1915, referring to the reports of the botanists Pawel Wassiljewitsch Sjusew and Porfiri Nikititsch Krylow . As a result of the October Revolution and the Russian Civil War , the plan was not implemented. From 1920 to 1921 university members used the site as a vegetable garden. In 1922, on the initiative of the biologist and professor of the University of Perm Alexander-Paul Henckel, the university's botanical garden was laid out on the night asylum area . One of the most famous plants in the Botanical Garden of the University of Perm, named after Henckel, is the date palm , which Henckel planted in St. Petersburg in 1896.

After the October Revolution , three months' imprisonment in the Butyrka and expropriation, Meshkov worked in the People's Commissariat for Roads in Moscow on the basis of the agreements between Lenin's Secretary Lidija Alexandrovna Fotijewa and People's Commissar Leonid Borisovich Krassin . He was buried in the German cemetery .

On October 13, 2016, a Meschkow monument was inaugurated on the 100th birthday of Perm University ( sculptor Alexei Salasajew, architect Gennady Sorokin).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g Archiw Goroda Permi: Н.В.Мешков К 160-летию со дня рождения (accessed June 7, 2019).
  2. Проект "Новая жизнь музея. Дом Мешкова и его владелец" - победитель конкурса "Меня юменя (accessed June 17, 2019.
  3. Рабинович Р. И .: Опальный миллионер . Кн. изд-во, Perm 1990, ISBN 5-7625-0194-9 ( [accessed June 6, 2019]).
  4. a b University of Perm: Исторический очерк (accessed June 5, 2019).
  6. Марина Печенова: Выпускники Пермского университета встали на защиту вековой пальмы . In: ГТРК Пермь . February 12, 2015 ( [accessed June 5, 2019]).
  7. Спасти пальму Генкеля! In: Пермский региональный правозащитный центр . March 31, 2015 ( [accessed June 5, 2019]).
  8. Сущек Г .: Пальму польют « Кипяточком ». Ботанический сад Пермского университета станет концертной и образовательной площадкой . In: Звезда . January 24, 2018 ( [accessed June 5, 2019]).
  9. В Пермском университете открыли памятник Николаю Мешкову (accessed June 7, 2019).