Alexander-Paul Henckel

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Alexander-Paul Henckel

Alexander Paul Hermannowitsch Henckel ( Russian Александр Германович Генкель * July 20 jul. / 1. August  1872 greg. In Vilnius ; † 9. April 1927 in Perm ) was a Russian biologist and university professor .


Henckel studied at the physical - mathematical faculty of the University of St. Petersburg in the natural science department with graduation in 1896 and was there in 1897 assistant at the chair for botany . In the same year he moved to the Imperial New Russian University in Odessa , where he became a private lecturer in 1899 . In 1900 he was recalled to the University of St. Petersburg. There he defended in the autumn of 1902 his dissertation for the PhD Master of botany. He was sent abroad four times to examine algae . In 1904 he was involved in the work of the Caspian Expedition. For the new Brockhaus-Efron he wrote a series of articles on the morphology of seaweed.

Henckel's research focus was on the small free-floating algae, the biology of lower organisms and the morphology of the bedecktsamen . He published a series of papers on plankton algae from the Kara Sea , Caspian Sea , Lake Baikal and some rivers of the Urals . In 1911 he defended his dissertation on the phytoplankton of the Caspian Sea at the New Russian University based on the data of the Caspian expedition for a doctorate in botany .

Henckel founded in 1916 and then headed the chair for morphology and systematics of plants at the new Perm University . In addition, from 1920–1921 he headed the Statistics Office of the Perm Governorate and the Commission for the Rajon Division of the Governorate, his work on this forming the basis for defining the borders. 1921–1922 he was dean of the agronomic faculty at Perm University after Andrei Alexandrowitsch Richter and before Pawel Ivanovich Preobrazhensky .

In 1922, the Botanical Garden of the University of Perm was laid out on Henckel's initiative . The site originally belonged to the merchant and patron Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Meschkow , who donated it to the city of Perm in 1916 with a night asylum. The night shelter had become the main building of the university. Meschkow had planned a public garden on the site in front of it, for the planning of which he had invited the landscape architect EA Mayer from Moscow in 1915, referring to the reports of the botanists Pawel Wassiljewitsch Sjusew and Porfiri Nikititsch Krylow . As a result of the October Revolution and the Russian Civil War , the plan was not implemented. From 1920 to 1921 university members used the site as a vegetable garden. One of the most famous plants in the Botanical Garden of the University of Perm, named after Henckel, is the date palm , which Henckel planted in St. Petersburg in 1896.

In 1923 Henckel published a series of papers on the classification of symbioses . 1924–1925 he took part in the Kara economic expeditions as a biologist.

Henckel mastered 9 languages ​​and translated works by Johannes Eugenius Bülow Warming , Anton Kerner von Marilaun , Alfred Brehm , Ernst Haeckel , Thomas More ( Utopia ), Tommaso Campanella ( La città del sole ) and many others.

Henckel suffered from pulmonary tuberculosis and died after catching a cold after extinguishing work in the very cold in the burning greenhouse of the Botanical Garden. Henckel's chair was headed by Wladimir Issaakowitsch Baranow after Henckel's death .

The biologist Pawel Alexandrowitsch Henckel , the geobotanist Alexei Alexandrowitsch Henckel and the philologist Marija Alexandrowna Henckel , whose son Georgi Anatoljewitsch Voronow became an ecologist , were Henckel's children. Henckel's older brother was the orientalist Hermann Hermannowitsch Henckel . The astronomer Alexander Nikolajewitsch Nefedjew was Henckel's son-in-law.

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Individual evidence

  1. a b Генкель (Александр Германович [Alexander-Paul Henckel]) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . Ia, 1905, p. 529 ( Wikisource [accessed June 5, 2019]).
  2. a b c d e Александр Германович Генкель (Пермский государственный национальный исследовальный исследовательский сермский государственный национальный исследовательский .
  3. a b c d e f "ПомниПро" виртуальный мемориал: Генкель Александр Германович - Биография (accessed June 6, 2019).
  5. a b c University of Perm: Исторический очерк (accessed June 5, 2019).
  6. Марина Печенова: Выпускники Пермского университета встали на защиту вековой пальмы . In: ГТРК Пермь . February 12, 2015 ( [accessed June 5, 2019]).
  7. Спасти пальму Генкеля! In: Пермский региональный правозащитный центр . March 31, 2015 ( [accessed June 5, 2019]).
  8. Сущек Г .: Пальму польют « Кипяточком ». Ботанический сад Пермского университета станет концертной и образовательной площадкой . In: Звезда . January 24, 2018 ( [accessed June 5, 2019]).