Pavel Wassiljewitsch Sjusew

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Pavel Wassiljewitsch Sjusew

Pavel Vasilyevich Sjusew , even Paul ( Russian Павел Васильевич Сюзев ; born October 30 . Jul / 11. November  1867 greg. In the village Ilyinskoye, Ujesd Perm ; † 12. June 1928 in Perm) was a Russian botanist and university teachers . His botanical author abbreviation is " Siuzew ".


Sjusew was the son of a former serf peasants of Count Stroganov . He attended the Alexei Realschule Perm with graduation in 1867. He then passed the entrance examination of the Imperial Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg , but the death of his father prevented further studies, so he returned home.

During his military service with the artillery in Moscow from 1891 to 1894, Sjusew met the Moscow botanists Alexei Nikolajewitsch Petunnikow , Dmitri Petrovich Syreishchikov and Ernst W. Zickendraht. He worked in the botanical laboratory of Moscow University and studied the flora of the Moscow Governorate and Central Russia.

Pawel Wassiljewitsch Sjusew (IJ Repin, 1899, Perm Art Museum)

In 1894, Sjusew traveled to the central Urals on behalf of the Imperial Academy of Sciences . After his return in 1895 he became a forest trainee on the Perm estates of Count Stroganov and then assistant to the district forester in Ilyinskoye. From 1896 to 1914 he was a member of the management of the Stroganow smelting works in Ochor and Dobryanka . He was also active in society and participated in educational work. In his spare time he painted and he knew many artists . Ilya Efimovich Repin portrayed him in 1899.

Pavel Wassiljewitsch Sjusew in Nagasaki

In the Russo-Japanese War , Sjusew was used as an artillery officer in the Far East , where he collected many plants. After the war, he traveled to East Asia to study and visited Japan , Singapore and Ceylon . Back in Perm he worked as a homeland researcher . In 1912 he received a gold medal from the Russian Geographical Society for his work on the flora of the Urals in the Perm Governorate with a botanical- geographic map of the Perm Governorate.

At the beginning of the First World War in 1914, Sjusew was drafted back into the army and served in the 2nd assembly group on the south-western front . In 1915, the Perm entrepreneur Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Meschkow von Sjusew and Porfiri Nikititsch Krylow had an appraisal for the construction of a public garden in Perm drawn up. which was not realized as a result of the October Revolution and the Russian Civil War .

After the October Revolution Sjusew was invited by Alexander Paul Henckels junior assistant at the Department of Zoology of the invertebrates of the University of Perm . He later taught at the Department of Botany. When the University of Perm was evacuated to Tomsk during the civil war , Syusew taught at Tomsk University from 1919 and was also a senior assistant at the Institute for Siberian Studies. In 1921 he returned to Perm University and became a lecturer in 1922 and professor in 1924 . In 1925 he retired.

Plants from Sjusev's collections from the Ujesds Rusa and Serpuchow in the Moscow Governorate (1891–1895) and from Kislovodsk (1924) are kept in the herbarium of the Moscow University. Sjusev was a member of the Perm Society of Naturalists , a lifelong full member of the Urals Society of Friends of Natural Science, an active member of the Biological Research Institute at Perm University and honorary chairman of the Perm Department of the Russian State Botanical Society at the Academy of Sciences of the USSR .

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Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Михаил Калинин, Ирина Марасанова: Птенец строгановского гнезда (accessed June 19, 2019).
  2. a b c d Гилева Светлана Ивановна: Сюзев Павел Васильевич (accessed June 19, 2019).
  5. Репин И.Е. Мужской портрет. 1899. ПГХГ (accessed June 19, 2019).
  6. Насимович Ю. А .: Сюзев Павел Васильевич . In: История региональной московской ботаники . 2014 ( [accessed June 19, 2019]).
  7. Perm University: Исторический очерк (accessed June 19, 2019).