Oles Berdnyk

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Cyrillic ( Ukrainian )
Олександр (Олесь) Павлович Бердник
Transl. : Oleksandr (Oles') Pavlovyč Berdnyk
Transcr. : Oleksandr (Oles) Pavlovych Berdnyk
Cyrillic ( Russian )
Олесь Павлович Бердник
Transl .: Oles' Pavlovič Berdnik
Transcr .: Oles Pavlovich Berdnik

Oles Pawlowytsch Berdnyk (birth name: Oleksandr Pawlowytsch Berdnyk ; born November 27, 1926 in Wawylowe , Okruh Cherson , Ukrainian SSR ; † March 18, 2003 in Hrebeni , Kaharlyk district , Kiev Oblast , Ukraine ) was a Ukrainian- Soviet writer, science fiction -Author and human rights activist .


Oles Berdnyk was born in Wawylowe ( Вавилове ) in Snihuriwka Raion in what is now the Ukrainian Oblast of Mykolaiv as the son of a blacksmith and an embroiderer. He took part in the Second World War between 1943 and 1945 as a soldier in the Red Army and was wounded. After he was released from the army in 1946, he made up his Abitur by 1949 and then studied acting at the Ivan Franko Theater in Kiev .

In 1949 he was arrested for "anti-Soviet activity", sentenced to 10 years in a labor camp, and in 1953 released from prison. He then became the author of science fiction novels in Ukrainian that were published from the late 1950s. The first publication was the story "The Canned Planet" (Russian 1958) for the 1963 film " Encounter in Space " (Russian Мечте навстречу Metsche nawstretschu ) he wrote the screenplay .

On November 10, 1976, together with Mykola Rudenko , Pyotr Grigorenko , Levko Lukyanenko , Myroslaw Marynovytsch and other Ukrainian civil rights activists, he founded the Soviet human rights organization Ukrainian Helsinki Group and became its head after Rudenko's arrest in 1977. He himself was arrested by the KGB in December 1979 and sentenced to 6 years imprisonment and 3 years in exile for Ukrainian nationalism and imprisoned in the Perm-36 Gulag , among other places . He was expelled from the Union of Writers of Ukraine , of which he became a member in the 1950s, for participating in the dissident movement. In March 1984 he was pardoned by a decree of the Presidium of the Verkhovna Rada of the Ukrainian SSR.

From the late 1980s he headed the congregations of the humanist association of the Ukrainian Spiritual Republic . He lived in Kiev and died at the age of 76 in Hrebeni ( Гребені ) in Kaharlyk Raion of Kiev Oblast , where he was buried on the property of his dacha .

Work (selection)

  • Чаша Амріти Chasha Amrіti ; Year of publication 2004
  • Зоряний Корсар Sorjani Corsair ; Year of publication 1971
  • Вогнесміх Wognesmіch ; Year of publication 1988
  • Звездный Корсар Zvezdny Corsair ; Year of publication 1991
  • Пітьма вогнища не розпалює ... Pіtma wognishcha ne rospaljuє ... ; Year of publication 1993
  • Вогняний вершник Vognjani wershnik ; Year of publication 1989
  • Покривало Ізіди Pokriwalo Іsіdi ; Year of publication 2010
  • Призрак идет по земле Prisrak idet po semle ; Year of publication 1966
  • Лабіринт Мінотавра Labіrint Mіnotawra ; Year of publication 1990
  • Серце Всесвіту Serze Wseswіtu ; Year of publication 2004
  • Серце Матіоли Serze Matіoli ; Year of publication 1991
  • Привид іде по Землі Priwid ide po Semli ; Year of publication 1959
  • Діти Безмежжя Dіti Besmeschschja ; Year of publication 2004
  • Золоті ворота: Поезія, публіцистика, інтерв'ю Solotі worota: Pojesіja, publіzistika, іnterw'ju ; Year of publication 2008
  • Дивні Грицеві пригоди Diwnі Grizewі prigodi ; Year of publication 1989
  • Подвиг Вайвасваты Podwig Vaiwaswaty ; Year of publication 2011
  • Кванты или мысль Kwanty ili mysl ; Year of publication 1964
  • Золоті ворота Solotі worota ; Year of publication 1975
  • Поза часом і простором Posa Tschassom і prostorom ; Year of publication 1957
  • Законсервированная планета Sakonserwirowannaja planeta ; Year of publication 2011



  • On November 8, 2006 he was posthumously awarded the Ukrainian Order for Valor, 1st Class
  • A street was named in his honor in Mykolaiv
  • In the area of ​​the tourist center "Zvenyhorod" in the village of Balyko- Shchuchynka ( Балико-Щучинка ) a memorial was erected in his memory

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Biography of Oles Berdnyk on the Oles Berdnyk official website; accessed on May 25, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  2. a b c Entry on Oles Berdnyk in the Encyclopedia of the History of Ukraine ; accessed on May 25, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  3. a b c Entry on Oles Berdnik in the Great Biographical Encyclopedia (2009); accessed on May 25, 2018 (Russian)
  4. work by Oles Berdnyk on kino-teatr.ru ; accessed on May 25, 2018 (Russian)
  5. Biography of Oles Berdnik on livelib.ru ; accessed on May 25, 2018 (Russian)
  6. The best books by Oles Berdnik on livelib.ru ; accessed on May 25, 2018 (Russian)
  7. Decree No. 937/2006 of the President of Ukraine of November 8, 2006; For moral courage, self-sacrifice in the struggle to uphold the ideals of freedom and democracy and the 30th anniversary of the Ukrainian Helsinki Group; accessed on May 25, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  8. ^ Mykolaiv City Administration , May 21, 2016; accessed on May 25, 2018 (Ukrainian)
  9. Пісня небесного лебедя on aratta-ukraine.com from July 10, 2011; Retrieved on May 25, 2018 (Ukrainian, The Song of the Heavenly Swan )