Paula Kohlhaupt

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The mountaineer, botanist and photographer Paula Kohlhaupt 1980

Paula Kohlhaupt (born August 31, 1904 in Munich as Paula Sendtner , † December 31, 1998 in Sonthofen ) was a German mountaineer , botanist and photographer .


Paula Kohlhaupt was the daughter of the doctor Ignaz Sendtner , senior medical advisor and district doctor in Augsburg , and Maria Sendtner, née Giehrl. She had an older stepbrother from her father's first marriage, Max (* August 6, 1886; † unknown, missing in the USA) and a younger sister, Hedwig (* 1920; † unknown). The grandfather Theodor von Sendtner was one of the founders of the German and Austrian Alpine Club and the Munich Section. Her great uncle was the botanist Otto Sendtner .

After primary school, she attended the girls' school in Beuerberg Abbey from September 1917 to July 1920 . In Munich she studied art, music and sport from 1925 to 1929. From 1933 to 1939 she lived in Landsberg am Lech and called herself a sports shop owner and music teacher. From there she temporarily returned to Augsburg.

She was active in various disciplines, but above all climbing was her great passion. She mastered many of the classic routes, especially in the Dolomites, such as Fünffingerpitze , Drei Zinnen up to the Vajolet towers . She undertook some of these tours with mountaineers such as Fritz Bechtold , Willy Bogner senior , Willy Merkl , Georg Mitterer and Peter Müllritter .

In 1940 she became a ski racer in her age group Allgäu Alpine champion in the women's slalom and also won the Iseler-Oberjoch giant slalom on March 5, 1940.

On August 29, 1946, she married the doctor and alpinist Franz Kohlhaupt in Sonthofen . Her husband was a participant in the German-Soviet Alai-Pamir expedition of 1928 under the direction of Willi Rickmer Rickmers .

Photographic work

Her first book Alpine Flowers - Colored Miracles was published in 1963. It was so successful that the second volume followed in 1964. This made it easier for laypeople to identify 240 of the most beautiful representatives of Alpine flora. This was made possible by the development of (relatively) inexpensive SLR cameras with interchangeable lenses and improved color reversal films. For the first photos she used an Exakta Varex with bellows and lenses of 90 and 130 mm as well as the Kodachrome slide film.

The Belser Verlag had the books printed using the rotogravure printing process, which resulted in inexpensive editions. Both volumes have been translated into several languages ​​and have been published in five editions.

Paula Kohlhaupt was one of the pioneers of nature photography and set standards for laypeople and experts with her pictures. Your photos combine technical quality with aesthetic standards.

After the publication of numerous calendar images, the Flower World of the Dolomites appeared in 1972 with a scientific contribution by Herbert Reisigl (in the Athesia publishing house in Bozen). The illustrated book is her masterpiece and a model for many flower books of a similar format. Their cameras were now a Rolleiflex SL66, the Hasselblad 500 C and a Mamiya RB 67.

Other authors also used their photos for illustration, e.g. For example, in the work of Aichele / Schwegler, flowers of the Alps and the Nordic countries come from 210 of 690 pictures by Kohlhaupt. Steinbach's alpine flowers nature guide by Finkenzeller / Grau / Bayer contains 29 photos of her.

In the years up to 1981 she created several paperback editions. Including the translations and subsequent editions, 41 titles are listed in the German National Library.

Works (selection)

  • Alpine flowers, colored miracles: Alpine flowers in their environment and in popular life. Volume 1. Belser, Stuttgart 1963.
  • Alpine flowers, colored miracles: Alpine flowers in their environment and in popular life. Volume 2. Belser, Stuttgart 1964.
  • Colorful world of orchids: the local orchids in 120 color photos . Franckh, Stuttgart 1971.
  • The world of flowers in the Dolomites . Athesia Publishing House, Bolzano 1972.
  • Small flora in the Dolomites . Publishing house Athesia, Bozen 1973.
  • Small flora in Merano . Athesia Publishing House, Bolzano 1974.
  • Small alpine flora . Athesia publishing house, Bolzano 1977.
  • Small southern alpine flora . Athesia publishing house, Bolzano 1977.
  • Mediterranean flora . Athesia publishing house, Bozen 1980, ISBN 88-7014-139-X .
  • Central and southern European orchids . Publishing house Athesia, Bozen 1981, ISBN 88-7014-240-X .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ City of Sonthofen, regulations / registry office
  2. a b c Augsburg City Archives
  3. Historical Alpine Archive ( Memento of the original from December 2, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. ^ Archives of the Archdiocese of Munich and Freising
  5. a b World of Flowers in the Dolomites , 4th cover page
  6. ^ Allgäuer announcement sheet of August 31, 1984
  7. Photo from approx. 1930–1934 (description: Peter Müllritter, Georg Mitterer, Wäk? Bogner, Fritz Bechtold, Paula Kohlhaupt and Willy Merkl at the Zermatt train station ) from the Paula Kohlhaupt (Paula Sendtner) data set in the Historical Alpine Archives of the Alpine Clubs in Germany, Austria and South Tyrol (temporarily offline)
  8. Allgäu Ski Association
  9. Hindelang Ski Association
  10. ^ Allgäuer announcement sheet of August 29, 1972
  11. Willi Rickmer Rickmers: Alai! Alai! Work and experiences of the German-Russian Alai-Pamir expedition. FA Brockhaus, Leipzig 1930