Paul Terwitte

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Paulus Terwitte OFMCap (born July 22, 1959 in Stadtlohn as Bernhard Gerhard Terwitte ) is a Roman Catholic religious priest who also works as a journalist .

Paulus Terwitte (2016)


After High School on school Remigianum in Borken , he entered the 1978 Kapuzinerorden one. There he chose the religious name Paulus and studied philosophy and Catholic theology at the Philosophical-Theological University of Münster and the Karl-Franzens-University in Graz . He made his perpetual profession on October 1, 1983 and was ordained a deacon in October 1984 . On May 11, 1985, he received the sacrament of ordination in the Capuchin monastery in Münster from Auxiliary Bishop Alfons Demming .


From 1985 to 1989 Paulus Terwitte was a member of the pastoral care team of the Capuchins in Sankt Fidelis in Offenburg . He trained in the pastoral psychological field of gestalt counseling in pastoral care through an extra-occupational training course in Vienna. From 1989 he headed the “Monastery to Live With” in Stühlingen . During this time he took part in a further training course in integrative design counseling at the Fritz Perls Institute in Hückeswagen .

In 1992, after founding a new branch of the order, he moved to the East Thuringian city of Gera , where he mainly worked in hospital pastoral care. There he gained experience in the supervision of various institutions of social welfare and health care, trained telephone counselors and hospice helpers and was finally also politically active in the youth welfare committee of the city of Gera.

In 1998 the order sent him to the Capuchin monastery Liebfrauen in Frankfurt am Main as a guardian , where he also worked as a confessor and in Catholic television work. Due to Frankfurt's proximity to the banking world, he was often invited to seminars on ethics in business . From February 2006 to April 2009 Paulus Terwitte headed the Capuchin monastery Dieburg near Darmstadt and was then responsible for the appointment pastoral of the Capuchins in the Käppele monastery in Würzburg until October 2010 . Since November 1st, 2010 he has been guardian of the Capuchin monastery Liebfrauen in Frankfurt am Main and, until November 2015, head of the local Franziskustreff, an aid organization for homeless people. Since March 2013, Br. Paulus has been chairman of the Franziskustreff Foundation, which offers cheap meals for the homeless. In 2017 he received the plaque of honor from the city of Frankfurt am Main .


In the digital media, Paulus Terwitte first emerged with a daily newsletter for the headline of the Bildzeitung , which he sent out early in the morning from 2000 to 2005 by email . In it he contrasted the banal statements of the tabloid with a word from the Bible . The offer reached up to 2000 subscribers. He also sent at this time Bible verses via SMS .

In 2004, ZDF produced a report entitled “The Manager of God” , including a report on the life of Paulus Terwitte as a city pastor. In the discussion rounds of the talk shows by Anne Will , Maybrit Illner , Stadt talk , Quergefragt , hart but fair and he appeared as a discussion partner on the topics of politics , economy , society , culture and religion .

From 2002 to 2014 Brother Paulus answered questions on current topics in the radio show on HR4 "Radioladen" , a focus lesson on faith and life. In 2005 and 2008, CDs were released for this program under the title “Reden über Leben” .

Br. Paulus published articles in the Christian magazine LiMa ( Liborius magazine) and he was a guest at the table at the Schlemmer Atlas , an annual festival of the Busche publishing house . He also writes articles for specialist magazines such as Bankmagazin , which , according to his own advertising claim , is a “specialist magazine for executives in the financial sector ”.

As a speaker and speaker he gives lectures at specialist conferences and congresses, among others at the Swiss Economic Forum , to which Kofi Annan was invited as a guest speaker, as well as at the congress for personnel managers at the 16th Handelsblatt annual conference "Personnel in the 21st Century".

From 2010 to 2011, Br. Paulus played every Monday evening on the domradio of the Archdiocese of Cologne, the broadcast Brother Paulus - Compline and Conversation at Night , in which he had pastoral talks after Compline , the church's night prayer.


From 2002 to 2010 he discussed ethical and moral issues of the time with guests such as Klaus Töpfer, Arnulf Baring, Horst Lichter, Marie-Luise Marjan and others in his own talk show in the series N24 Ethik “Um Gottes Willen” . From January 2011 to June 2016, his program “So Seen - Talk am Sonntag” could be seen every second Sunday on SAT.1 .


In April 2004 Paulus Terwitte published his first book with the title I was changing, you emailed me . Since September 2006 a number of spiritual guides have been published under the theme Trust Yourself . From February 2007 a 40-day fasting impulse, recorded by domradio Cologne, appeared on its website via podcast . The daily impulses followed the fasting calendar "Dare to live 40 days differently" , which Paulus Terwitte and Marcus Leitschuh published at HERDER .

In March 2007 the "99 Minute Bible" was published . In December 2007, a continuation of the domradio series ran a vodcast on the website with a daily Advent impulse under the title: Dare to wait 24 days differently, published in collaboration with Marcus Leitschuh, by HERDER Verlag. In January 2009 rowohlt Verlag published the title “Life takes place today” . In September 2009, impulses from the Rule of the Order of Saint Francis were presented with the title “On the happiness of simple life” . In March 2010 the title “Little Everyday Ethics” was published by the Gütersloh publishing house. On the occasion of the silver jubilee of the priesthood, “A Cross of Life” was published in May 2010. In August 2010, Herder-Verlag published “Life can be so simple” as a book and audio book CD. In April 2013, the title “Our Father: The Prayer of the Christians” was published in Presence-Verlag, in which Brother Paulus, based on 13 motifs from the picture cycle by the artist Jörgen Habedank, opens up new access to the most important prayer of Christians.


  • From 2006 to 2012 clerical advisor on the board of the Society of Catholic Publicists in Germany , GKP
  • Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Frankfurt Future Council
  • Member of the board of the Catholic Press Association V., Bonn

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Brother Paulus Terwitte receives plaque of honor from the city of Frankfurt am Main. Retrieved September 29, 2017 .
  2. Constanze Kleis: More than 2000 Internet users have subscribed to his daily devotion - now the Capuchin monk Brother Paulus is getting his own talk show. In the name of the Lord . In: Berliner Morgenpost. December 2, 2001.
  3. Alexander Kühn: When the cell phone rings in habit . In: taz. December 15, 2001.
  4. Silke Rummel: “People don't get fed up” . In: Frankfurter Rundschau. December 24, 2008.
  5. The Managers of God (2004). In: "IMDb - Internet Movie Database". Retrieved September 30, 2012 .
  6. ^ Program chronicle 2004: Culture and Science. Documentation. In: “ZDF Yearbook”. ZDF Program Directorate for Culture and Science, April 28, 2006, accessed on September 30, 2012 : "The Managers of God three-part film by Daniele Erdorf."
  7. ( Memento from February 10, 2013 in the web archive )
  8. Multi-part work: Speeches about life (sound carrier) / Brother Paulus and Hermann Hillebrand. Hr4. Catalog record. In: "German National Library". Retrieved September 30, 2012 .
  9. Talking about life. Product Information. In: "SAD Home Entertainment". Archived from the original on January 26, 2012 ; accessed on September 30, 2012 : “In the 'hr4 radio shop', Brother Paul regularly answers questions from listeners. For this CD, topics were selected that move each of us every day, all year round: love and suffering, hope and fear, joy and sadness and much more. "
  10. author. (No longer available online.) In: "The portal to the human brother Paul". September 30, 2012, formerly in the original ; accessed on September 30, 2012 : “He wrote regularly for the Christian magazine LiMa (Liborius-Magazin) and he was a guest at the table - at the Schlemmeratlas. As a spiritual adviser to the Society of Catholic Publicists, he writes a spiritual word to the members every month: mitt.punkt. In the Franciscan magazine Sendbote des St. Antonius' he publishes a word on the peace ethic of St. Francis every month. "
  11. A glamorous festival for top gastronomy and hotel businesses. (No longer available online.) In: "Schlemmer Atlas online". Busche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH, September 30, 2012, archived from the original on January 23, 2013 ; accessed on September 30, 2012 : “BUSCHE Verlag celebrated the publication of the Schlemmer Atlas 2005 and the Schlummer Atlas 2005 with a glamorous party. […] [Among the guests were] numerous people from the top gastronomy and hotel sector as well Celebrities like Ulrich Kienzle, Roberto Blanco, Dr. Otto Wiesheu, brother Paulus Terwitte, Günther and Erna Klum. “ Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  12. Keynote speaker. Spoken Into Today - Lectures by Br. Paulus. (No longer available online.) In: "The portal to the human brother Paul". September 30, 2012, formerly in the original ; accessed on September 30, 2012 : “Friday, May 4, 2007, 11:20 am, Keynote Speaker at the Swiss Economic Forum in Thun, Switzerland. Brother Paul speaks on the subject of 'What count values ​​that do not count' "
  13. ^ Editors domradio: Brother Paulus - Compline and Conversation at Night. In: "". September 30, 2012, accessed on September 30, 2012 : “A special set in the domradio's program on Monday evening: the Capuchin Father Paulus Terwitte prays the domradio set from his monastery in Frankfurt and then stays for exciting discussions until 11 p.m. Microphone."
  14. N24 : Broadcast N24 Ethik 'Um Gottes Willen' ( Memento from December 13, 2006 in the Internet Archive )
  15. Scientific Advisory Board. In: Frankfurt Future Council. Archived from the original on July 4, 2015 ; Retrieved July 3, 2015 .