Pete Ricketts

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Pete Ricketts (2018)

John Peter Ricketts (born August 19, 1964 in Nebraska City , Nebraska ) is an American politician . Republican party member Ricketts has been governor of the US state of Nebraska since January 8, 2015 . Ricketts thus succeeded Dave Heineman .


Pete Ricketts comes from one of the wealthiest families in America; he was born one of five children to Joe and Marlene Ricketts. His father was the founder of the financial services company Ameritrade . In 2004, Forbes magazine estimated the family's net worth at $ 1.4 billion.

Ricketts graduated from Westside High School , where he graduated in 1982. He then enrolled at the University of Chicago , where he earned a bachelor's degree in biology and a master's degree in marketing and finance . After returning to Nebraska, Ricketts settled in Omaha . He initially worked for Union Pacific until he found a job as a customer service representative in his father's company. Over the next several decades, Ricketts rose to be the company's President and Chief Operating Officer (COO).

In 2005, he left the company and announced that he would run for the office of US Senator from Nebraska. If he won the internal party primaries, he lost to the Democrat Ben Nelson in the 2006 election .

From 2007 to 2012, Ricketts was a member of the Republican National Committee (RNC).

In 2014 he ran for the office of governor of his home state. Supported by former governors Kay Orr (Nebraska) and Sarah Palin (Alaska), he achieved an electoral triumph when he was able to relegate Democrat Chuck Hassebrook to second place with a margin of around 20 percentage points . He then took up his new office on January 8, 2015.

The Nebraska Parliament passed law abolishing the death penalty in the state in late May 2015 . However, since Ricketts is an advocate of the death penalty, he vetoed the bill. However, the MPs overruled the governor with the necessary two-thirds majority, which means that the law came into force even without his consent. Nebraska stopped executions in 1997; the remaining ten inmates on death row were sentenced to life imprisonment. Ricketts funded a signature campaign to make the death penalty the subject of a popular referendum. In November 2017, 61 percent of the electorate voted to keep the death penalty. On August 14, 2018, Carey Dean Moore was executed after a 20-year de facto moratorium, the last execution took place on December 2, 1997.


Pete Ricketts has been married since 1998. The Catholic Ricketts and his wife Susanne have three children, two daughters and a son.


Web links

Commons : Pete Ricketts  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Peter Ricketts on Principles & Values
  2. ^ Nebraska Abolishes the Death Penalty , Tagesschau, May 28, 2015
  3. ^ Nebraska and California voters decide to keep the death penalty. The Washington Post, November 9, 2018, accessed September 2, 2018 .