Peter Plein

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Peter Plein (born February 25, 1896 in Mürlenbach ; † August 26, 1970 ibid.) Was a German judge and the first chairman of the Association of War Blind Germany .


Plein was born in Mürlenbach in 1896 as the son of the businessman Matthias Plein and his wife Maria Gerand. He spent his school days in a Belgian boarding school until 1910 . From 1910 he attended the grammar school in Prüm . In 1914 he was briefly a student at the Friedrich-Wilhelm-Gymnasium in Trier .

Plein took part in the First World War and was seriously wounded in the course of it . He went blind . As a result, he attended classes for the blind and graduated from high school in 1917 .

After graduating from school, Plein moved to the Deutsche Blindenstudienanstalt Marburg and studied law and economics at the Philipps University in Marburg and then at the Friedrich Wilhelms University in Berlin . In 1920 he completed his studies at the Supreme Court with the trainee exam. A year later, Plein was promoted to Dr. jur. PhD . In 1924 he passed the assessor exam . Until 1945 Plein worked as a judge at the district courts in Berlin and Goldberg , Silesia .

In 1925 he married Erna von Rosen. She had worked in the war blind care. Erna von Rosen was the daughter of Otto Freiherr von Rosen. The Pleins lived on the von Rosens family estate until 1945.

In 1929 Peter Plein was appointed chairman of the Association of Blind Warriors. V. elected. In 1936 he gave up the chairmanship of the association.

After the end of World War II , the couple Plein was to forced labor in the Soviet Union deported . The Pleins came to Mürlenbach from the Soviet Union. There they both stood up for the war blind again.

In 1947 Peter Plein founded the Association of Blind Physically Disabled Persons of Rhineland-Palatinate. V. When the Association of War Blind Germany (BKD) was established in 1949, Plein was elected its chairman .

Plein published numerous articles in the BKD magazine Der Kriegsblinde and he was one of the initiators of the radio play award for the war blind . He also worked on the Federal Pension Act.

In 1953 Plein became a district judge in Koblenz and in 1954 a judge at the Federal Social Court . He stayed in this position until he retired in 1961. In 1962, Plein was awarded the Federal Cross of Merit for his voluntary and professional commitment .

In 1951 Erna Plein died. In 1954 Peter Plein married Gerda Berkenbring. Peter Plein died in 1970. His grave is in Mürlenbach.


  • Uta Krukowska: War invalids. General living conditions and medical care of German disabled people after the end of the Second World War in the British occupation zone of Germany - illustrated using the example of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg , Books on Demand , Norderstedt near Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-8334-4725-7 .

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Individual evidence

  1. Uta Krukowska: War invalids. General living conditions and medical care of German disabled people after the end of the Second World War in the British occupation zone of Germany - illustrated using the example of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg , Books on Demand , Norderstedt near Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-8334-4725-7 , page 126.
  2. a b c d e f g h i Gregor Brand: Peter Plein - Richter and war blind from Mürlenbach In: Eifel-Zeitung from June 6, 2018 , accessed on March 23, 2019.
  3. Uta Krukowska: War invalids. General living conditions and medical care of German disabled people after the end of the Second World War in the British occupation zone of Germany - illustrated using the example of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg , Books on Demand , Norderstedt near Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-8334-4725-7 , page 126.
  4. ^ Entry on Peter Plein in the Rhineland-Palatinate personal database