Pierre-Barthélemy Gheusi

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Pierre-Barthélemy Gheusi (pseudonym: Norbert Lorédan , born November 21, 1865 in Toulouse , † January 30, 1943 in Paris ) was a French writer, journalist and theater director.

The son of a banker from Castres studied law in his hometown. As a distant relative of Léon Gambetta , he and his friend Georges Pierfitte were involved in the election campaign in Castres for Jean Jaurès in 1889 . On the recommendation of his fellow student Laurent Tailhade , he published his first works in Paris under the pseudonym Norbert Lorédan in Anatole Baju's magazine Le Décadent . As a keen heraldist , he was a student of Augustin Tailhades . The result of his studies was the book Le Blason héraldique (1892).

After his attempt to establish himself as an author in the Parisian press in the early 1890s was unsuccessful, Gheusi became head of cabinet of Léon Bourgeois in the Marne department . In 1894 he resigned from civil service and moved to Paris. In the same year he married Adrienne Willems , the niece of the painter Florent Willems, and wrote the novel Gaucher Myrian together with Paul Lavigne . At that time he joined the Luscrambo , a group of free thinkers and freemasons founded by Pedro Gailhard .

In 1897 Arthur Meyer made him head of the illustrated supplement of the Gaulois magazine . In 1899 he took over the Nouvelle Revue from Juliette Adam and became its director. In 1906 he took over the management of the Paris Opera with Pedro Gailhard . Under the impression of Leonce Fabre des Essarts , he campaigned for the Gnostic Catholic Church in France.

From 1914 to 1918 and later from 1933 to 1936 Gheusi directed the Opéra-Comique . After he had received the Opéra-Comique during the First World War, partly using his own funds, he was dismissed in 1918 at the instigation of Georges Clemenceau and took over the management of the Théâtre Lyrique du Vaudeville at short notice .

From 1920 he worked at Le Figaro and soon became one of the deputy directors there. In 1932, the Minister of Culture Anatole de Monzie entrusted him again with the management of the Opéra-Comique, which was in a financial crisis. In the wake of strikes in 1936, he resigned from the post and in the following years wrote his four-volume memoir under the title Cinquante ans de Paris, mémoires d'un témoin .


  • La Fée aux roses , Saynète , Castres 1888
  • Quelques pages d'un vieil album , Castres 1889
  • La Veillée de Jeanne d'Arc , lyric scene (with Ernest Lefèvre ), Reims 1890
  • Rayon d'onyx , Poem, Reims 1890
  • Le Blason héraldique , Paris 1892
  • Gaucher Myrian (with Paul Lavigne), Pris 1893
  • Konrad Wallenrod , lyrical drama (set to music by Eugène Lefèvre ), Castres 1893
  • L'Ame de Jeanne Darc , Roman (with illustrations by Paul Steck ), Paris 1895
  • Le Carillon (with Jules Méry ), 1895
  • Damayanti , Syriac legend (set to music by Lucien Fontayne ), Paris 1895
  • Simplement , poems, 1895
  • Ermessinde , opera libretto, Paris 1895
  • Guernica , lyric drama (with Pedro Gailhard, set to music by Paul Vidal ), Paris 1895
  • Carloman , lyric drama, Paris 1896
  • Kermaria , Idylle (set to music by Camille Erlanger ), Paris 1897
  • Faublas , Opera (by Camille Erlanger), 1897
  • La Cloche du Rhin , lyric drama (with Georges Montorgueil , set to music by Samuel Rousseau ), Paris 1898
  • Trois danses grecques , poems (set to music by Louis-Albert Bourgault-Ducoudray ), 1899
  • Le Serpent de Mer , Roman, 1899
  • Le Comte Roger , drama (with Édouard Noël ), Paris 1900
  • Montsalvat , historical novel, 1900
  • Midi , 1900
  • Le Juif Polonais opera (with Henri Cain , set to music by Camille Erlanger), 1900
  • Les Barbares , lyric tragedy (with Victorien Sardou , set to music by Camille Saint-Saëns ), Paris 1901
  • Orsola , lyrical drama (set to music by P.-L. Hillemacher ), Paris 1902
  • Sous le volcan , Paris 1903
  • Trilby , fairy game (with Charles Lomon ), Paris 1904
  • Çanta Lyric Tragedy (with J. Fonville, set to music by Pierre Kunc ), Paris 1904
  • Les Atlantes, aventures de temps légendaires ... (with Charles Lomon ), Paris 1905
  • Fiorella , lyric comedy (with Victorien Sardou ), Paris 1905
  • La Mamelouke, roman d'un officier de Bonaparte en Égypte et en Syrie (with illustrations by René Lelong ), Paris 1905
  • Biarritz-des-Goélands , Roman, Paris 1905
  • Le Puits des âmes , Roman, Paris 1906
  • Chacun sa vie , Comedy (with Gustave Guiches ), Paris 1907
  • Gambetta, lettres intimes et souvenirs de famille (ed.), Paris 1909
  • Gambetta life and letters (with a foreword by Violette M. Montagu ), London 1910
  • Le Miracle , lyrical drama (with A. Mérane, set to music by Georges Hüe ), Paris 1910
  • L'Opéra romanesque , Roman, Paris 1910
  • Les Pirates de l'Opéra , novel, 1911
  • Les Chefs, études politiques et de théâtre , Paris 1914
  • Guerre et théâtre, 1914-1918. Mémoires d'un officier du général Gallieni et journal parisien du directeur du théâtre national de l'Opéra-Comique pendant la guerre , Nancy-Paris-Strasbourg 1919
  • L'Opéra-Comique pendant la guerre , Paris 1919
  • Gallieni 1849-1916 , Paris 1922
  • L'Affaire de l'Opéra-Comique et l'Opéra-Comique de Lafferre , ed., Paris 1923
  • Les Tueurs de rois , Paris 1926
  • La Gloire de Gallieni , Paris 1928
  • Perkain , lyric drama (with Pierre Harispe , set to music by Jean Poueigh ), Paris 1931
  • Le Mascaret rouge , Paris 1931
  • Gallieni et Madagascar , Paris 1931
  • La Vie et la Mort singulières de Gambetta , Paris 1932
  • Jeanne Myrtale with Thomas Salignac , Rouen 1933
  • Le Blason: théorie nouvelle de l'art héraldique , Paris 1933
  • L'Opéra-Comique sous la haine , Paris 1937
  • Le Roman de Gambetta , Paris 1938
  • Les Amours de Faublas , Roman, Paris 1938
  • La Vie prodigieuse du maréchal Gallieni , Paris 1939
  • Cinquante ans de Paris, mémoires d'un témoin, 1889-1938 , Paris 1939
  • Cinquante ans de Paris, mémoires d'un témoin. 1889-1939. II. Leurs femmes ... , Paris 1940
  • Cinquante ans de Paris, mémoires d'un témoin, 1890-1940. III. La danse sur le volcan ... , Paris 1941
  • Cinquante ans de Paris, mémoires d'un témoin, 1892-1942. IV. Revivre ... , Paris 1942
  • La Femme nue du Montcalm , Paris 1945
  • La Fille de Monte-Cristo , Paris 1948