Pio Scilligo

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Grave of Pio Scilligo in Chiesa (In der Mattu), Formazza (Pomatt)

Pio Scilligo (born January 8, 1928 in Formazza [German: Pomatt]; † July 3, 2009 in Rome ) was an Italian Salesian Don Bosco , psychologist , professor and institute founder. In his spare time he also worked as a dialect lexicographer .


Scilligo (the family name was originally German "Schilling") came as the ninth of twelve children of Michele Scilligo and Anna Maria geb. Ferrera in the Pomatter hamlet Fondovalle (German: Staafulwald) to the world; his mother tongue was the highest Alemannic dialect of the valley. Even as a boy he wanted to become a priest, which is why the local pastor put him in touch with the Salesians in Turin . With these he attended the last years of primary school and from 1940 the grammar school. In 1945 he joined the Salesians of Don Bosco.

In February 1948 he moved to Hong Kong and Macau for the order . He studied theology at the former place from 1950 to 1953 and made perpetual profession in 1951 . After studying for five semesters, he was transferred to Shillong , which at that time still belonged to the north-west Indian state of Assam (today the capital of the state of Meghalaya ); there he was ordained a priest on July 24, 1954 . After a year and a half, he returned to Hong Kong to work there first as a teacher and then as headmaster of a religious school.

1963 traveled Scilligo to California , where he in 1965 at the San Francisco State University the Master of Arts in Secondary Education made and 1967 at Stanford University in Palo Alto in Educational Psychology doctorate. In 1968 he returned to Italy and was initially a lecturer at the Faculty of Education at the Pontifical University of the Salesians . In the 1970s, however, he made almost every summer of innovative Californian institutes outside the university operation continues: At the Center for Studies of The person in La Jolla he makes himself at Carl Rogers with client-centered psychotherapy known at the Gestalt Institute in San Francisco with Gestalt therapy , at the Robert and Mary Goulding Western Institute for Group and Family Therapy with transactional analysis and at the Mental Research Institute in Palo Alto with the Palo Alto group , including family therapy . In 1975 he became a member of the International Transactional Analysis Association and in 1976 of the European Transactional Analysis Association .

Working in academic psychology

Universities and technical schools as well as independent work

In the 1970s, Scilligo taught at two Roman universities: at La Sapienza University , he was Associate Professor of Research Methodology at the Institute of Psychology from 1974 (and its director until 1977), and from 1976 he worked at the Pontifical Salesian University (UPS) until 1981 as a full professor of social psychology and school psychology .

However, his continuing education in the United States, which he pursued at the same time, caused him to gradually withdraw from universities and set up several institutes himself. In 1977, together with Carla Del Miglio and Raffaella Guglielmotti, he opened the “Institute for Gestalt and Transaction Analysis ” (Italian Istituto di Gestalt e di Analisi Transazionale, IGAT), which in 1981 became the “Research Institute for Intrapsychic and Relational Processes” (Italian Istituto di Ricerca sui Processi Intrapsichici e Relazionali, IRPIR) developed; this in turn was joined in 1986/1993 by the “Education and Research Institute for Educators and Psychotherapists ” (Italian Istituto di Formazione e Ricerca per Educatori e Psicoterapeuti, IFREP). The IRPIR-IFREP has offices in Rome, Cagliari (Sardinia) and Mestre (Veneto). Together with Antonio Arto, Eugenio Fizzotti and Herbert Franta, he founded the "Higher Technical School for Clinical Psychology at the Salesian University" (Italian Scuola Superiore di Specializzazione in Psicologia Clinica dell'UPS, SSSPC-UPS) in 1991/1994, where he worked in 1995– 2005 held the office of director. In 2008 he was finally co-founder of the “Technical School for Interpersonal and Group Psychotherapy ” (Italian Scuola di Specializzazione in Psicoterapia Interpersonalale e di Gruppo, SSPIG) based in Palermo (Sicily).

In his last years Scilligo was active in the field of psychosocial work ( counseling ).

In 1987 Scilligo founded the journal Psicologia Psicoterapia e Salute (until 1994: Polarità ) and served as its scientific director until his death.


On May 29, 2009, shortly before his death, Scilligo received the silver medal of the Salesian University for his achievements. He was also appointed honorary president of the Coordinamento Nazionale Counselor Professionisti .

Today, the “Pio Scilligo Prize” commemorates Scilligo: the Faculty of Education of the Pontifical Salesian University and the Scuola Superiore di Specializzazione in Psicologia Clinica (SSSPC-UPS), together with the sponsoring association of the Istituto di Formazione per Educatori e Psicoterapeuti ( IFREP) graduates who have written a good empirical final thesis in the field of educational sciences , the Premia Pio Scilligo .

The Pumattertietsch Werterbeuch - and the Pomatter

The dictionary

From 1989 to 1993 Scilligo devoted his free time to writing a dictionary of the Walser dialect of Formazza / Pomatt. As he writes in the preface, his aim was to give as many dialect words as possible a codified written norm. Unlike a dialectologist , he did not primarily compile his own collection, but evaluated a standard German and the South Walser German dictionary from Gressoney , to which a manuscript from the also South Walser Bosco / Gurin , mediated by Enrico Rizzi , was added; These excerpts were supplemented by the exchange with his brother Giuseppe Scilligo, whom he maintained in connection with the lexicographical work. In 1993 he had the dictionary, which meanwhile comprised 7,500 words, printed - in the (so far unfulfilled) hope that later people would contribute to an improved second edition. Scilligo's idiosyncratic spelling, based on a free interpretation of standard German and French spelling rules, but inadequate for the highest Alemannic dialect, contrasts strongly with that used in the South Walser dictionaries by Gressoney, Issime and Rimella ; Scilligos ds heers huehs 'the pastor's house' (literally: 'the Lord's house'), for example, reproduces the sound [ts heːrʃ hyːs] (in Dieth spelling ds Heersch Hüüs ), and the book title Pumattertietsch Werterbeuch is as [ˈpumatærˌtitʃ ˈʋeːrtærˌç] (Dieth spelling: Pumattertitsch Weertärbööch ) to read. The Walserverein Pomatt and the Pomatter writer Anna Maria Bacher have not followed him in this, but rather use a spelling that reflects the sound system more directly.

The Pomatter

In the 1960s and 1970s, Scilligo created a collection of family photographs from a homeland. The images can be viewed on YouTube today.

The ties to his homeland of the early emigrant also found expression in the fact that he found his final resting place not in Rome, but in the municipal cemetery of Formazza with the Chiesa (German: zer Chilchu) faction.



  • La dinamica di gruppo: interazione sociale nei piccoli gruppi. Pontificio ateneo salesiano, Roma 1971.
  • Dinamica di gruppo. Società Editrice Internazionale. Torino 1973.
  • Gestalt e analisi transazionale: principi e tecniche. Editrice LAS, Roma 1990, ISBN 978-88-213-0064-6 .
  • Pumattertietsch Werterbeuch. Vocabolario Formazzino – Tedesco – Italiano e Italiano – Formazzino – Tedesco. IFREP, Roma 1993.
  • La nuova sinfonia dei molti sé. Editrice LAS, Roma 2004, ISBN 978-88-213-0575-7 .
  • La ricerca scientifica tra analisi ed ermeneutica. Editrice LAS, Roma 2009, ISBN 978-88-213-0721-8 .

Article (selection)

  • Verso una tassonomia del rapporto di amore: il questionario QDA. In: Polarità 1, 1987, pp. 345-365.
  • Investigación clínica y práctica terapeutica: un abismo que salvar. In: Revista de psicoterapia 1, 1990, pp. 9-32.
  • Gli Stati dell'Io: definizione dimensional per la ricerca empirica, per l'analisi clinica e per la formulazione del caso. In: Psicologia Psicoterapia e Salute 8, 2004.
  • La base empirica della medicina alla ricerca di umanità e una psicoterapia naturalistica alla ricerca delle sue radici ermeneutiche. In: Psicologia Psicoterapia e Salute 10, 2006.
  • Correlates of dimensionally defined Ego States in Transactional Analysis and social cognitive representations of relational processes and the Self. In: Psicologia Psicoterapia e Salute 10, 2006.


See also: Il «valzer» di Don Pio Scilligo - Photographs from Scilligo's life.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Paul Zinsli : Walser Volkstum in Switzerland, Vorarlberg, Liechtenstein and Piedmont. Heritage, existence, essence. Huber, Frauenfeld / Stuttgart 1968, p. 260.
  3. ^ Scuola Superiore di Specializzazione in Psicologia Clinica - Università Pontificia Salesiana, Roma.
  4. SSPIG.
  5. Facoltà di Scienze del'Educazione - Università Pontificia Salesiana: Premio Pio Scilligo. ( Memento of the original from December 30, 2018 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / fse.unisal.it
  6. ^ Prefazione. In: Pumattertietsch Werterbeuch. Vocabolario Formazzino – Tedesco – Italiano e Italiano – Formazzino – Tedesco. IFREP, Roma 1993, pp. I f.
  7. See, for example, the teaching materials for elementary schools that have been published since the 1990s.
  8. foto famiglie formazza.mpg scatti di: Padre Pio Scilligo negli anni 60–70.