Raffaele Pettazzoni

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Raffaele Pettazzoni (born February 3, 1883 in San Giovanni in Persiceto , Italy; died December 8, 1959 in Rome ) was an Italian archaeologist and religious scholar who is considered a co-founder of religious studies research in Italy and important work in the field of religious history and a religious phenomenologist. He was one of the first university officials to propose a historical approach to the study of religion. He was the editor of Numen magazine and was the president of the International Association for the History of Religion from 1950 to 1959.


His original comparative method can be seen in many works, including his studies Dio, formazione e sviluppo del monoteismo nella storia delle religioni (1922; “God, the origin and development of monotheism in the history of religion”), La confessione dei peccati , 3 vol. (1929–35; “The confession of sin”) and L'essere supremo nelle religioni primitivev (1957; “The highest being in primitive religions”).

Like AE Jensen and WE Mühlmann, he made his criticism of the theories of the Steyler missionary and ethnologist Wilhelm Schmidt from the (later) Anthropos Institute (or the earlier founded journal of the same name) .

His correspondence with Mircea Eliade from 1926 to 1959 was published under the title L'histoire des religions at-elle un sens? Correspondance 1926-1959 . In the Italian town of Velletri , a religious museum was named after him, the Museo delle religioni "Raffaele Pettazzoni" .

Pettazzoni was Professor of Religious History at the University of Rome , Honorary Doctor of the Universities of Brussels and Strasbourg , Member of the Accademia dei Lincei , foreign member of the Royal Netherlands Academy a . a.

Publications (selection)

  • La religione primitiva in Sardegna [Primitive Religion in Sardinia], 1912 ;
  • La religione di Zarathustra nella storia religiosa dell'Iran [The religion of Zarathustra in the religious history of Iran], 1920 ;
  • La religione nella Grecia antica fino ad Alessandro [Religion in ancient Greece to Alexander], 1921 ;
    • French transl. La religion dans la Grèce Antique des origines a Alexandre le Grand. Paris: Payot, 1953 ( Bibliothèque historique )
  • Dio: formazione e sviluppo del monoteismo (vol. I: L'Essere celeste nelle credenze dei popoli primitive) [God: origin and development of monotheism (vol. I: The heavenly being in the belief of primitive peoples]), 1922 ;
  • I misteri [The Mysteries], 1924 ;
  • La confessione dei peccati [The confession] (. 3 vols, Bologna 1929 - 1936 );
  • Le Ciel dans l'histoire et dans la science [Heaven in history and science] Paris 1941 (Semaine de Synthèse)
  • Saggi di storia delle religioni e di mitologia [essays on the history of religions and myths], 1946 , republished in 2014;
  • Miti e leggende [Myths and Legends] (4 vols., 1948 - 1963 );
  • Essays on the history of religion , HJ Rose, transl., Leiden, EJ Brill 1954 ;
  • L'onniscienza di Dio , 1955 ;
    • engl. Übers. The all-knowing god: researches into early religion and culture. London: Methuen & Co, 1956
    • German transl .: The omniscient God. On the history of the idea of ​​God. Translated from the Italian by E. Adalbert Voretzsch. Fischer 319, Frankfurt, 1960
  • L'essere supremo nelle religioni primitive [The highest being in primitive religions], 1957 ;
  • Religione e società [Religion and Society] (posthumously 1966 ).
  • ELIADE Mircea & PETTAZZONI Raffaele (Natale Spineto, ed. & Michel Meslin, préface): L'histoire des religions at-elle un sens? Correspondance 1926-1959. Paris, Cerf 1994
  • Domenico Accorinti: Raffaele Pettazzoni and Herbert Jennings Rose, Correspondence 1927–1958. The Long Friendship between the Author and the Translator of The All-Knowing God. With an Appendix of Documents.
  • Texts and Sources in the History of Religions. Pettazzoni, Raffaele (1958). Numen Book Series, Volume: 146
  • "The end of primeval monotheism". Numen. 5 (2).


  • bibliography
  • CJ Bleeker, Angelo Brelich and Geo Widengren: In Memoriam Raffaele Pettazzoni. Numen, Vol. 6, Fasc. 2 (Apr. 1959), pp. 76a-76d Partial online view
  • GANDINI, PROF. MARIO: In memoria di RAFFAELE PETTAZZONI. Tip. Paolo Toschi & C, Modena, 1960. Cahier / puntato. A cura del Comune di San Giovanni in Persiceto (Provincia di Bologna). Discorsi pronunciati il ​​18 dicembre 1959 dal Sindaco Armando Marzocchi a da Mario Gandini ('La vita e le opere di R. Pettazzoni') in apertura della seduta del Consiglio Comunale (1959). Con nota bibliografica. 29 + (2) p.

Web links

References and footnotes

  1. cf. Bernhard Lang: " Primordial Monotheism ", in: Cancik, Hubert, Burkhard Gladigow and Matthias Laubscher (eds.): Handbook of Basic Concepts for Religious Studies (HrwG) (complete in 5 volumes). With the collaboration of Hildegard Cancik-Lindemaier, Günter Kehrer, Hans G. Kippenberg and Matthias Laubscher. Volume 1: Systematic Part. Alphabetical part: superstition - anti-Semitism. Volume 2: Apocalyptic - History. Volume 3: Law - Cult. Volume 4: Kulturbild - Rolle. Volume 5: Secularization - Intermediate Beings. Register. Stuttgart, Berlin, Cologne, Mainz: Kohlhammer, 1988 - 2001, Volume V, p.282 - cf. Herta Peball: One God - Heavenly Beings: For the discussion between Father Wilhelm Schmidt and Raffaele Pettazzoni about the High God conception - a piece of the history of science. 2013
  2. cf. brill.com