Get to the enemy

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Get to the enemy
Landser's studio album



Label (s) Movement Records

Format (s)


Genre (s)

Right rock , hard rock

Title (number)


running time


occupation Vocals , guitar : Michael Regener

Bass : André M.
Drums : Christian W.

Deutsche Wut - Rock gegen Oben
Get to the enemy Best of Landser

Ran an den Feind is the third and final studio album by the German right-wing rock band Landser . It was released in 2000 on the Movement Records label and has been indexed since March 2001 .


At the end of 1999 Christian W. rented a new rehearsal room in a building in Potsdam-Bornim. The band rehearsed there regularly from the beginning of 2000. Just a few months later, the rehearsals were so advanced that the new CD with the title Ran an den Feind could be recorded.

After the separation of O. and B. the band first needed a new producer. Christian W., the band's drummer, was with the later witness and owner of a record label Jan We. befriended, who agreed to the production of the new album after taking part in a rehearsal. It was agreed that We. assume all costs incurred in the production of the CD and pay each band member a fee of 10,000 DM before the CD is released. Since We. did not have enough financial resources to advance these funds, he borrowed money from a friend.

In the middle of 2000, We. then a recording studio in Birmingham ( England ) and arranged flight tickets for the band members. Shortly before the scheduled recording date, when the band had already arrived in Birmingham, the location had to be moved to London . The master CD recorded there was taken back to Germany by the band and sent to We. to hand over. This in turn commissioned the later witness Mirko H., who had already produced several right-wing rock CDs, with the printing of the cover and booklet as well as the pressing of the CDs. For this purpose, he gave him the drafts and the master CD, which he had previously hidden in a hole in the ground on a construction site. Initially 5,000 copies were made. The cover and booklet were printed in Poland . We commissioned the pressing of the sound carriers. a German company. He concealed the criminally explosive content of the CD from her, as she was not involved in the radical right-wing scene. The company passed the order on to a stamping plant in Denmark . From there the finished sound carriers were returned to H., who removed the numbers stamped on the CDs in order to prevent them from being traced back later.

H. distributed the CDs to several middlemen and then resold them through a chain of middlemen and distributors. H. ordered the pressing of 3,000 more copies, but the last 1,000 of them were not delivered because the content, which was subject to criminal law, was discovered during an exit inspection at the pressing plant.


Musically, most of the songs belong to the hard rock genre. Only the piece Mitten in Europa , which is held more calmly, and the title Ballade by the fucking Chinese differ musically. Thematically, the songs are mostly dedicated to typical right-wing extremist topics. Above all, this includes the rejection of ethnic groups who are perceived as inferior and those who think differently, such as Jews ( Ran an den Feind , Der Hetzer ), blacks ( Reichskoloniallied , Never! ), Chinese ( ballad by the fucking Chinese ), Turks (again no goal (for Türkiyemspor ) ) and so-called ticks ( Der Hetzer ). Among other things, these groups of people are subjected to derogatory statements, the use of force against them is called for, or their deportation is requested. In the song Never! the Ku Klux Klan is also glorified, with the refrain based on a quote from the movie Mississippi Burning . For the title song Ran an den Feind , the National Socialist military song Bombs on Poland and later Bombs on Engelland by Norbert Schultze served as a template. In the clue intro , the band reports that their work is subject to arbitrariness and censorship by the state and that the public prosecutor's office should take care of pedophiles and drug traffickers instead of pursuing CD couriers. A radio report is also reproduced in the original sound, which reports on the seizure of Landser CDs. In the following song, Rock gegen ZOG , the band describes themselves as " terrorists with an electric guitar " and initiates the downfall of the Federal Republic of Germany . OLE also calls for the return of the German Reich and also plays down the Holocaust . Landser continues to take up the supposed political and military dependency of the Federal Republic of Germany on the world power USA in the play Bundeswehrpilot and criticizes their participation in the military operation of NATO in the Balkan war of that time . Tell me where you are is based on a song by the GDR group Oktoberklub and speaks directly to the listener. The question is whether he takes drugs, turns a blind eye to foreign infiltration or goes to the polls. The song Volk ans Gewehr deals with the supposedly wrong representation of the German Wehrmacht in World War II by the historians Jan Philipp Reemtsma and Hannes Heer , whose killing is called for, in the course of the Wehrmacht exhibition ; the title alludes to the refrain of the marching song Do you see the dawn in the east . Further topics are the rejection of German politicians ( plague of rats ) and the desire for the death of Michel Friedman, then Vice-President of the Central Council of Jews in Germany (still alive ). In addition, the Norse god Odin is worshiped in the song “ Lenker der Schlachten” , in which the melody of the Landser song Walvater Wotan is played in the instrumental part . In the ballad Mitten in Europa , the German state is accused of falsifying history , and the play Wacht an der Spree is based on the song Die Wacht am Rhein by Max Schneckenburger and Carl Wilhelm and calls for an uprising against the system of the Federal Republic of Germany. Furthermore, the song Braunhemd am Wedding deals with the murder of an SA man named Fritz Schröder in 1931 by communists . The final song, Tanzorchester immervoll, is based on a piece by the Irish rock band Thin Lizzy and is a drinking song without right-wing extremist text passages.

Cover design

The album cover shows a fist with the band's logo (the letter L with a sword) on it. This fist hits various ethnic groups , minorities and dissidents ( blacks , Jews , East Asians , transsexuals , punks ) who are rejected by right-wing extremists and perceived as inferior , and they disappear in a cloud of dust. The background is blue and black. On the upper edge of the picture is the white Landser lettering and on the lower edge of the picture, also in white, the title Ran an den Feind .

Track list

# title length
1 Indicative intro 1:46
2 Rock versus ZOG 3:33
3 Get to the enemy 1:50
4th OLE 1:57
5 Imperial Colonial Song 2:59
6th Bundeswehr pilot 3:31
7th Ballad from the fucking Chinese 0:38
8th The agitator 1:31
9 Tell me where you stand 3:36
10 People at the gun 2:49
11 Rat plague 1:54
12 No way! 1:38
13 Watch on the Spree 3:07
14th In the middle of Europe 2:29
15th Brown shirt at Wedding 2:59
16 Ruler of battles 6:04
17th Still alive 1:44
18th No goal again (for Türkiyemspor) 2:26
19th Dance orchestra always full 4:08

Individual evidence

  1. Jump up to the enemy .
  2. a b c d e f Judgment of the Berlin Court of Appeal of December 22, 2003, Az. (2) 3 StE 2/02 - 5 (1) (2/02). (PDF; 547 kB) Internet service Dullophob, accessed on May 20, 2013. ( Possible alternative on ( Memento from September 2, 2011 in the Internet Archive ))
  3. Senate Department for Internal Affairs and Sport, Department for Protection of the Constitution [Berlin] (ed.): Info right-wing extremist music . 2nd Edition. November 2007, p. 16 ( ( memento from November 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) [PDF; 785 kB ; accessed on May 2, 2013]). Info right-wing extremist music ( Memento of the original dated November 5, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  4. Jump up to the enemy .