Raoul Wolfgang Schnell

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The director Raoul Wolfgang Schnell during a radio play production in the late 1980s in a recording by the Berlin photographer Werner Bethsold .

Raoul Wolfgang Schnell (* 1914 Bleichenrode , † 2003 ) was a German radio speaker , - director and - author .


Schnell was a trained actor and assistant to Max Ophüls , whose way of working had a strong influence on him. He was best known as the director of 453 radio play productions and the author of 18 radio plays, such as Fjodor Dostojewski's Raskolnikoff (WDR 1960), Gustav Meyrink's Golem (WDR 1964), Jürgen Beckers Häuser (WDR 1969) and Günter Eichs Philidor's Defense (WDR 1973). He was heard as a narrator in 201 radio plays, such as 1956, directed by Franz Zimmermann, in the multi-part As far as feet carry by Josef Martin Bauer with Wolfgang Wahl , Kurt Lieck , Walter Richter and Alf Marholm or 1968 in the last Paul -Temple multi-part series produced by WDR under the direction of Otto Düben , namely Paul Temple and the Alex case with Paul Klinger , Margot Leonard , Kurt Lieck and Ernst Hilbich .

Raoul Wolfgang Schnell has received several national and international radio play awards. Twice he received the prestigious Radio Play Award of the War Blind : 1968 The Aquarium of Christa Reinig (SDR 1967) and 1978 before choking a scream. Trilogy of bourgeois madness 1 by Christoph Buggert (WDR / BR 1977).

Radio plays (selection)


  • Ingo Kottkamp: Voices in the new radio play . Dissertation discussing the rapid realization of houses in detail. Univ. Münster 2001. ( PDF file )

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Raoul Wolfgang Schnell. Rüdiger Sack., Accessed on June 26, 2020 .