Regional elections in the Czech Republic in 2012

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Regional elections in the Czech Republic in 2012
Gains and losses
compared to 2008
 % p
Template: election chart / maintenance / notes
d result in coalitions (KDU-CSL alone: ​​5.82 percent)
f Result in coalitions (SZ alone: ​​1.75 percent)
g Result in coalitions (SPOZ alone: ​​3.08 percent)

The regional elections in the Czech Republic in 2012 took place on October 12 and 13, 2012. All regional parliaments in the thirteen Krajs ( regions ) were newly elected.

Starting position

In the 2008 elections , the social democratic ČSSD was the strongest party. It provided the Hejtman ( governor ) in all thirteen regions . The conservative ODS suffered heavy losses and lost all of its twelve Hejtmens in one fell swoop. The communist KSČM and the Christian democratic KDU-ČSL lost easily. The latter also lost its only Hejtman.

Overall result

Strongest party in regions
  • ČSSD
  • ODS
  • Starostové pro Liberecký kraj
  • KSČM
  • The ČSSD became the strongest party in nine of the thirteen regions. The KSČM was in two regions number one, the ODS is now in a. In the Liberec region , the party mayor for Liberec ( related to TOP 09 ) became the strongest force. In most regions there was a majority in favor of a left coalition of ČSSD and KSČM, so that the ODS had to enter the opposition in all regions.

    Political party Abbreviation Voices 2008 2008 result Voices 2012 2012 result Mandates 2012
    Česká strana sociálně Demokratieická ČSSD 1,044,719 35.85% 621.961 23.58% 205
    Komunistická strana Čech a Moravy KSČM 438.024 15.03% 538.953 20.34% 182
    Občanská Demokratieická strana ODS 687.005 23.57% 324.081 12.28% 102
    Křesťanská a democická unie - Československá strana lidová KDU-ČSL 276,477 9.45% 234.133 8.83% 67
    Tradice, Odpovědnost, Prosperita 09 TOP 09 55,089 1.88% 175.089 6.63% 44
    Strana zelených SZ 92.057 3.15% 122,863 4.62% 8th
    Strana Práv Občanů ZEMANOVCI SPOZ - - 90,088 3.41% 7th
    Česká pirátská strana Piratí - - 57,805 2.19% 0

    Regional results

    region ČSSD KDU-ČSL KSČM ODS Piráti SPOZ TOP 09
    Středočeský kraj 21.79 - 20.57 18.32 3.03 - 11.71
    Jihočeský kraj 27.99 6.43 19.37 12.56 1.79 2.17 5
    Plzeňský kraj 24.89 - 20.93 26.48 2.68 3.42 5.5
    Karlovarský kraj 22.73 - 22.98 9.79 2.44 2.83 7.38
    Ústecký kraj 16.13 - 25.26 9.68 1.88 2.32 4.67
    Liberecký kraj 13.05 - 17.89 9.26 2.22 1.71 3.52
    Královéhradecký kraj 19.73 - 19.39 10.62 1.9 2.76 8.25
    Pardubický kraj 21.31 - 18.86 10.9 1.84 5.31 6.25
    Vysočina 29.26 12.33 19.57 10.29 1.59 4.26 5.05
    Jihomoravský kraj 27.01 17.03 18.65 9.21 2.49 2.45 5.86
    Olomoucký kraj 26.7 - 22.82 10.91 2.11 3.3 6.16
    Zlínský kraj 21.73 18.31 16.08 9.49 1.41 7.21 10.09
    Moravskoslezský kraj 27.4 8.6 22.78 9.92 2.17 4.56 4.32
    total 23.58 5.82 20.43 12.28 2.19 3.08 6.63

    The parties listed are those that achieved a nationwide average of over 3 percent of the votes. Coalitions are not included.

    Individual evidence

    1. ^ Results of the regional elections in the Czech Republic ,
    2. ČSSD by volby vyhrála, stále však ztrácí podporu voličů (Czech)
    3. Czech government weakened by regional elections , ZEIT Online
    4. ^ Result of the regional elections 2012 Czech Statistical Office