Regis Henri Post

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Regis Henri Post

Regis Henri Post (born January 28, 1870 in New York City , †  October 5, 1944 in Nantucket , Massachusetts ) was an American politician and governor of Puerto Rico from 1907 to 1909 .


Nothing is known about Regis Post's youth and schooling. He embarked on a political career and was a member of the New York State Assembly in 1899 and 1900 . In 1903 he became an auditor in Puerto Rico; a year later he was appointed Secretary of State, executive officer of the territorial administration.

In 1907, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed him to succeed Beekman Winthrop as the new governor of Puerto Rico. He held this office between April 18, 1907 and November 6, 1909. During this time there were tensions between him and the local parliament. As a result, no budget could be passed in 1909 and President William Howard Taft had to intervene. This tried to calm the situation with the so-called Olmsted Amendment .

In 1913 and 1914 he worked with the Ambulance Corps in France. Also in 1914, Post ran unsuccessfully as a member of the Progressive Party in the first constituency of New York for the US House of Representatives , to which his ancestor Jotham Post (1771-1817) had once belonged. In 1917 he became a member of the American Red Cross . He died in Nantucket on October 5, 1944.

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