Reserve Naturelle Nationale du Bagnas

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Reserve Naturelle Nationale du Bagnas and surroundings
Map of the Reserve Naturelle
Nudist beach
Little Egret in the reserve
Bagnas with administrative headquarters
Lagoon du Bagnas with Mont Saint-Loup mountain in the background

The Reserve Naturelle Nationale du Bagnas is a 561.28  hectare protected area in the east of Agde and in the south-west of Marseillan on the Mediterranean coast in the Hérault department in France . Only small areas of the Reserve Naturelle Nationale belong to the municipality of Marseillan. The Reserve Naturelle Nationale du Bagnas was designated in 1983. A Reserve Naturelle Nationale is comparable to a nature reserve in Germany . The area has also been designated as an FFH area and bird sanctuary of the same name since 2004 . The Reserve Naturelle Nationale du Bagnas is listed in IUCN Category IV. Category IV means Habitat / Species Management Area (translated biotope / species protection area with management). So a protected area for whose management targeted interventions are made.

The area is divided by the D 612 road (formerly part of Route nationale 112 ), the Canal du Midi and the Bordeaux – Sète railway . In the south-west, the reserve borders on Cap d'Agde , a district of Agde , and the 120 hectare naturist complex Village Naturiste Cap d'Agde there . Most of the area is owned by the Conservatoire du Littoral association . Only the beach area of ​​the protected area is owned by the French state as Domaine public maritime français . There are also private agricultural areas in the peripheral area.

The Reserve Naturelle Nationale du Bagnas is managed by the Association de défense de l'environnement et de la nature des pays d'Agde (ADENA). The special value of the area lies in the bird life. So far 250 different bird species have been identified.

Terrain description

To the north of the Canal du Midi is the large open water area of ​​the Entang du Bagnas lagoon . In the north-western area there are mostly artificially created fish ponds . Large stocks of reed and reed can be found in the waters . In the southern area there are temporary swamps, small forests with tamarisks and salt marshes . In the peripheral areas there are also fields, vineyards and pastures. In the very south there is an area with dunes and a Mediterranean beach. The 400 m long beach area is used as a nudist beach. West of the Reserve Naturelle Nationale du Bagnas , the nudist beach continues 2 km further to the entrance to the Port Ambonne marina . The entire nudist beach is used by visitors to the Village Naturiste Cap d'Agde .

Bird life

250 different bird species were detected. 200 species of birds used the area regularly. Some birds are in the area all year round, others are only for breeding, migration or wintering. Up to 6,000 water birds were counted in the area at the same time in winter.

There were of rarer Rallen-, diving and duck species, the species Purple Gallinule , Water Rail , Little Grebe , Black-necked Grebe , wigeon , pochard , shelduck and Pochard detected regularly in the Reserve Naturelle.

Below are some of the rarer bird species that can be found in the area every year.

The herons and other large waterfowl by Bittern , Little Bittern , Night Heron , Cattle Egret , Purple Heron , Squacco Heron , egrets , little egrets , spoonbills , white stork , pink flamingo and cranes represent.

There are the birds of prey marsh harrier , hen harrier , Montagu's harrier , short-toed eagle , buzzard , honey buzzard , black kite , the booted eagle , hawk , osprey , Eurasian Hobby , Merlin and Peregrine Falcon before.

Under waders, there are dwarf beach runners , ringed plover , snowy plover , wood sandpiper , redshank , Redshank , Common Sandpiper , Green Sandpiper , Greenshank , godwit , black-winged stilts , avocets and plovers .

The terns are represented by species such as salmon tern , common tern and white-bearded tern .

Then there are also the jay cuckoo , kingfisher and bee-eater in the area.

Of rare songbirds are Beutelmeise , Tawny Pipit , moustached warbler , Bluethroat and Drosselrohrsänger to find.


Guided tours are offered in the protected area. In the Maison de la Reserve , seat of the protected area administration ( Domaine de Grand Chavellt on road D 612), there is an exhibition and information in French. There are numerous paths in the protected area. The paths are closed to vehicles. They can be used by visitors on foot or by bike.


  • A. Reille et Ch. Bonnin Luquot, Guide des Réserves Naturelles de France, Delachaux et Niestlé, 1987, 385 p. ( ISBN 2-603-00611-8 )

Web links

Commons : Réserve naturelle nationale du Bagnas  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Coordinates: 43 ° 18 ′ 55.1 ″  N , 3 ° 31 ′ 8.4 ″  E