Office Rüdesheim

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Map of the Rüdesheim office, 1828

The office of Rüdesheim , based in Rüdesheim am Rhein, was one of 28 offices in the Duchy of Nassau that was created on July 1, 1816 for the purpose of local administration. At the head of the Office of the Duke stood as a local governor a bailiff .



In the HRR, Rüdesheim was part of the Electorate of Mainz , where it was organisationally located in the Lower Erzstift, Vicedomamt Rheingau. The Rüdesheim official winery belonged to the Geisenheim District Bailiwick.

With the Reichsdeputationshauptschluss the Rüdesheim official winery came to Nassau-Usingen in 1803 . There (and from 1806 in the Duchy of Nassau) the administrative structure (Vicedomamt Rheingau, Amtskellerei Rüdesheim) was initially maintained.

On July 1, 1816, the Rüdesheim office was newly created as part of a reorganization of the Nassau administration. The following 14 towns and an abbey belonged to the Rüdesheim office:

In 1820 the office consisted of 14 parish districts, 4 spots, 10 villages and 27 farms and mills. 2,366 families with 10,427 inhabitants lived in the office. 97 of them were Protestant, 10,264 Catholic and 66 Jews.

From 1831 the office also assumed the function of a Rhine customs court.

After the March Revolution in 1848, the administration was reorganized. By law of April 4, 1849, administration and jurisdiction were separated at a lower level in Nassau. The reform came into effect on July 1, 1849. 10 district offices were established for administration , the offices continued as judicial offices (i.e. courts of first instance). The administrative tasks of the Rüdesheim office were carried out by the Rüdesheim district office , the jurisdiction of the Rüdesheim judicial office. However, the reform was reversed on October 1, 1854, the districts abolished and the previous offices restored.


After the Prussian annexation of the duchy when the new Hesse-Nassau province was divided into districts on February 22, 1867, the Rüdesheim office became part of the Rheingau district . Only as part of this reorganization will administration and jurisdiction be separated. The judicial officials in the offices were initially responsible for the jurisdiction in the first instance, which was previously carried out by the office, and the Rüdesheim District Court was formed on September 1, 1867 .

But even after the founding of the district, the previous office structure will be retained. The Royal Ordinance of February 22, 1867 regulated: "The administrative districts as narrower administrative districts exist in their previous limits" The former offices form the three districts of the district. According to § 13 of the district constitution, the districts sent the former offices six representatives to the new district council . The bailiff was in charge of the local police and the district administrator.

With the administrative reform of 1885/1886 the offices were finally dissolved.

Official building

In 1803, the official administration took over the business premises of the Kurmainzer administration in Steingasse 10. In addition, the official cellar, i.e. the financial authority in Schmidtstr. 13 housed. The official prison was rebuilt at Oberstrasse 30.


  • 1816: Balthasar Mohr
  • 1816: Peter Grüsing
  • 1816–1825: Roger Joseph Anton von Meex
  • 1825–1834: Arnold von Sachs
  • 1834–1839: Ludwig Gottfried Creutzer
  • 1840–1849: Heinrich Langsdorff
  • 1854–1862: Ferdinand Vogler
  • 1862–1864: Wilhelm Schröder
  • 1864–1872: Ludwig Seyberth
  • (1873–1874): Bernhard von der Heydt
  • (1874–1877): Paul von Zanthier
  • 1878–1886: Bernhard Schlenther


  • Thomas Klein: Volume 11: Hessen-Nassau, the series: Walther Hubatsch: Outline of German Administrative History 1815–1945, 1979, ISBN 3-87969-126-6 , pp. 174–176

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Ordinance sheet of the Duchy of Nassau dated June 7, 1816 ( Google Books )
  2. ^ Annals of the Society for Nassau antiquity and historical research : Volume 10, 1870, page 332 ( Google Books )
  3. Law of April 4, 1849 (VBl p. 87); Law, the execution of the law on the separation of the administration of justice from the administration in the lower instance on May 31, 1849, (VBl p. 409)
  4. Law of July 24, 1854 (Bvl. P. 160)
  5. VO of June 26, 1867, GS p. 1094
  6. Royal Decree of February 22, 1867 Supplement to the intelligence paper for Nassau of March 11, 1867, § 8 and 9
  7. GS 1885, p. 229