Richard H. Bayard

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Richard H. Bayard

Richard Henry Bayard (born September 26, 1796 in Wilmington , Delaware , †  March 4, 1868 in Philadelphia , Pennsylvania ) was an American politician . He represented the state of Delaware in the US Senate .

Richard Bayard came from a family that produced numerous politicians. His grandfather Richard Bassett , the father of his mother Nancy, was one of the first two US Senators for Delaware and later governor of the state. His father, James , was a member of the Washington, DC Senate ; his own younger brother James later succeeded him there. His nephew Thomas F. Bayard and his son Thomas also became US Senators.

After graduating from Princeton College in 1814, Richard Bayard studied law and was admitted to the bar in 1818, after which he began practicing in Wilmington. When the place received city rights in 1832, Bayard became its first mayor.

After the resignation of US Senator Arnold Naudain , Bayard was elected as his successor. He served as a member of the National Republican Party in Washington from June 17, 1836 to September 19, 1839 and then resigned to follow an appeal to Chief Justice of the Delaware Supreme Court . He held this office until March 12, 1841; that day he entered the Senate again. He had previously won the by-election for the seat that had remained vacant since his resignation. Bayard, now a member of the Whigs , remained in Congress until March 3, 1845 ; he did not apply for re-election. During this time he was among other things chairman of the naval committee .

After his political career, Richard Bayard served as the American Chargé d'affaires in Belgium from 1850 to 1853 . He then retired into private life and died in Philadelphia in 1868.

Web links

  • Richard H. Bayard in the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress (English)