Rudolf Koldewey

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Rudolf Koldewey (born January 22, 1914 in Linden ; † December 6, 2004 in Hanover ) was a German social democratic local politician and administrative officer . Numerous large-scale and renovation projects were completed in the 1970s under the senior city director of Hanover, the “doer” and “general of the retreat generals”.


Born in the then still independent town of Linden, Rudolf Koldewey attended the Humboldt School there . After graduating from high school in 1932, he entered an employment relationship with the city of Hanover.

Koldewey was in 1938 to the city inspector appointed, the lowest level of the career of the elevated service . During the Second World War he served as a soldier and then became a prisoner of war .

In 1948 Rudolf Koldewey continued his work in the Hanover city ​​administration , was transferred to the higher service in 1955 and appointed to the city's administrative council, and in 1961 to the senior administrative council.

After the local elections in 1964, Koldewey was elected city ​​director on December 15, 1965 , and almost a decade later, on April 25, 1974, as chief city director to succeed Martin Neuffer .

Koldewey was elected to the position of the highest Hanoverian administrative officer when the financial situation of the city was getting more and more into difficulties: In 1976 the per capita debt of Hanover was around 3,200 DM (the equivalent of 1,600 euros) and was therewith At the time, it was ahead of all other major German cities. Koldewey, who after the “visionary” Neuffer was considered a “doer” and consolidator and was described by Hanns Adrian as the “general of the retreat generals”, had to “react” above all:

In 1975, for example, Koldewey wanted to cut subsidies for maintaining the city's image from around DM 100,000 to DM 30,000 - while comparable large cities had long since budgeted millions for this. The cut would have affected the old town festival , which has been held since 1970 under Martin Neuffer and the later city image maintainer, Mike Gehrke , and which took place from 1970 as part of the “street art experiment” . After citizen protests, also via letters to the editor, for example in the Hannoversche Allgemeine Zeitung , the subsidy remained constant, but the rents for the stands were increased and a commercialization of the festivities , which can also be observed nationwide, increased .

In Koldewey's tenure fell about

as well as the completion or opening

Rudolf Koldewey retired on January 31, 1979.

Honorary positions

In addition to his administrative work, Rudolf Koldewey held numerous honorary positions , including


The tomb of Rudolf Koldewey can be found in the Engesohde city cemetery , department 23E , grave number 5 .


Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v Klaus Mlynek: Koldewey, Rudolf (see literature)
  2. a b Michael Quasthoff: A Question of Identity , article in the taz on the Raschplatz Pavilion of October 28, 2009, last accessed on January 22, 2013
  3. ^ Klaus Mlynek: Linden. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 406ff.
  4. ^ A b Lu Seegers: The colored city. Image and communication policy in Hanover in the early seventies. In: Adelheid von Saldern : City and communication in times of upheaval in the Federal Republic of Germany , in the series Contributions to the History of Communication (BGK), Vol. 17, Stuttgart: Steiner, 2006, ISBN 978-3-515-08918-0 and ISBN 3-515-08918 -7 , pp. 181-208; partly online via Google books
  5. ^ Ines Katenhusen : Street art program. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , pp. 608f.
  6. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein : U-Bahn-Bau / Stadtbahn , in the same: Tram / ÜSTRA. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 608
  7. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Café Kröpcke. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 104f.
  8. Helmut Knocke , Hugo Thielen : Theodor-Heuss-Platz 1–3. In: Hannover Art and Culture Lexicon , pp. 203ff.
  9. ^ Waldemar R. Röhrbein: Lister Tower. In: Stadtlexikon Hannover , p. 413
  10. Karin van Schwartzenberg (responsible): Graves of honor and graves of important personalities at the Engesohde town cemetery , A3 leaflet with overview sketch, ed. from the City of Hanover, The Lord Mayor, Department of Environment and Urban Greenery, Department of Urban Cemeteries, Department of Administration and Customer Service, Hanover, 2012