Rudolf Weber (local history researcher)

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Rudolf Weber (born July 13, 1893 in Hilbersdorf , † June 12, 1983 in Augsburg ) was a German teacher , local historian and local chronicle as well as master of the Karl-Marx-Stadt-Land district . As chairman of the district teachers' committee in the Weimar Republic, he was responsible for advice and participation in the regulation of general school administration matters in the Chemnitz administrative district.


Rudolf Weber was born in Hilbersdorf near Freiberg , where he also attended elementary school. After finishing secondary school and the teachers' seminar in Stollberg / Erzgeb. Rudolf Weber became a teacher in Siebenbrunn (near Markneukirchen ) in the Saxon Vogtland . In 1919 he was moved to Limbach / Sa. (from 1950: Limbach-Oberfrohna ) moved. After teaching in Mühlau in the meantime, he returned to Limbach-Oberfrohna in 1955, where he worked as a teacher until he retired in 1958.

Even as a teenager, Rudolf Weber was particularly interested in local history. From 1924 to 1930 he represented the teaching staff on the school committee. From 1925 to 1928 Rudolf Weber was chairman of the Chemnitz district teachers' committee . As such, he was largely responsible for advising and participating in the regulation of general school administration matters in the Chemnitz administrative district.

He was also active as a district route champion in the Karl-Marx-Stadt-Land district . He did 4,900 voluntary hours of development for the national structure .

At an advanced age in retirement, Rudolf Weber moved from the German Democratic Republic to the Federal Republic of Germany , where he died in Augsburg in 1983 shortly before his 90th birthday .


His first essay on the history of his homeland appeared in 1930, which was to be followed by many more until the end of his life. He wrote, among other things, for the Sächsische Heimatblätter , the culture mirror of Karl-Marx-Stadt “Culture and Home”, the culture mirror for the Annaberg culture and home district in Annaberg-Buchholz , the music messenger for the Musikwinkel in Klingenthal , in Der Heimatfreund for the District of Stollberg and in Der Heimatfreund for the Ore Mountains . There are also countless articles in the daily press for the Karl-Marx-Stadt-Land district. As a local researcher, for example, he worked with Horst Strohbach .

In the run-up to the publication of the volume of contributions to the history of the German labor movement , which appeared in 1963 , Rudolf Weber forwarded important material to the Institute for Marxism-Leninism at the Central Committee of the SED in Berlin, which was then used as a source.

The printed publication 100 Years of Limbach-Oberfrohna Hospital 1870–1970 was developed by him together with Arno Petzold and senior physician Gerhard Wiegand.

The publication 650 years of the Limbach / Sa. based, among other things, on the chronical records of Rudolf Weber.

His most important achievement is the 23-volume local chronicle of the city of Limbach-Oberfrohna. Before that, he had already published the hometown festival Limbach-Oberfrohna in 1958 and later wrote the property chronicle (= house book ) of his hometown Limbach-Oberfrohna.

Articles (selection)

  • Franz Wiedemann , an important teacher and writer from Wittgensdorf . In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1955, No. 4, pp. 3–4
  • Prof. Gustav Willkomm . Head of the world's first knitting school and founder of knitting technology. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1957, pp. 103-104
  • A rift of Limbach and the surrounding area from 1628. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1957, pp. 135-137
  • The Crottendorfer marble quarry through the ages. In: Kultur und Heimat , Annaberg-Buchholz, 4, 1957, No. 2, pp. 17-20
  • For the 100th anniversary of Johannes Pache's birthday. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1958, No. 1, pp. 8–9
  • The spatial development of Limbach-Oberfrohna. In: Heimatfest Limbach-Oberfrohna 1958 , Limbach-Oberfrohna, 1958, pp. 13-19
  • The Rabensteiner Forest 300 years ago, another crack from 1621. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1960, No. 1, pp. 4-7
  • District monument curator Karl Fritzsching 70 years old. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1961, pp. 75–76
  • August Bebel against a reactionary Saxon right to vote on October 1, 1895 in Johannesbad in Limbach. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1961, p. 72
  • Limbach workers fought for peace as early as 1873 and 1875. August Bebel for the first time in Limbach. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1961, pp. 31–32
  • The Limbacher Vocal Quartet, a high point of musical life 60 years ago. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1961, pp. 94–95
  • From the beginning of the gymnastics movement in Limbach / Oberfrohna. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1961, pp. 117–118
  • Identical place names between settlements in our homeland and the upper Vogtland. In: Kulturbote für den Musikwinkel , Klingenthal, 8, 1961, No. 2, pp. 14-16
  • How Limbach has been inhibited in its development over the past 50 years. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1962, pp. 219–222
  • From the history of the Limbach consumer cooperative. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1962, pp. 260–261
  • Incipient opposition to the SPD leadership in World War I in Limbach . In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1963, pp. 29–30
  • Johann August Geisler, the chronicler of Ursprung and Limbach. A teacher fate from the previous century. In: Kultur und Heimat , Karl-Marx-Stadt, 1963, p. 72
  • Johann August Geisler, the chronicler of Ursprung and Limbach. A teacher fate from the previous century. In: Der Heimatfreund for the Stollberg district , Stollberg / Erzgeb., 1963, No. 2, pp. 31–33
  • Limbach-Oberfrohna, a cityscape. In: Der Heimatfreund for the district of Stollberg , 10, 1965, pp. 141-145
  • Riots of the Reichswehr in 1923. The "Hell of Limbach". In: Der Heimatfreund for the Stollberg district , Stollberg / Erzgeb., 10, 1965, pp. 145–150
  • The local researcher Horst Strohbach 80 years old. In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge , Stollberg / Erzgeb., 11, 1966, pp. 185–186
  • Identical place names between settlements in the care south-west of Karl-Marx-Stadt and in the upper Vogtland. In: Sächsische Heimatblätter , 12, 1966, pp. 553–555
  • Workers overcome the borders of narrow-minded small states. A chapter from the Rußdorfer Arbeiterbewegg 1888–1914 . In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge , Stollberg / Erzgeb., 13, 1968, pp. 88–90
  • As class-conscious workers against the treacherous policies occurred Right SPD leaders in WW1 . In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge , Stollberg / Erzgeb., 13, 1968, No. 11, pp. 213–214
  • From the history of the Workers' Esperanto Association in our homeland . In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge , Stollberg / Erzgeb., 14, 1969, pp. 101-102
  • Limbach in the revolutionary years 1848/49 . In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge , Stollberg / Erzgeb., 17, 1972, No. 9, pp. 208–212


Identical names in Saxony

Due to the same first and last name, there is always confusion with the local researcher Rudolf Weber, who was active in the Dresden area from the late 1940s to the 1970s (Klotzsche, Weixdorf, Tharandt). In the Erzgebirge, on the other hand, there can be confusion with the artist Rudolf Weber, who works in Annaberg-Buchholz . There is also a Rudolf-Weber-Strasse in the town of Lößnitz (Erzgebirge) , which is named after the second mayor Rudolf Weber, who was shot by the Waffen SS on April 20, 1945 because he surrendered the town of Lößnitz to the Americans without a fight wanted to.


  • Erich Lorenz : Rudolf Weber 75 years . In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge , 13, 1968, No. 7, p. 136 (with portrait photo).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Erich Lorenz: Rudolf Weber 75 years . In: Der Heimatfreund für das Erzgebirge , 13, 1968, No. 7, p. 136