Romanian Air Force

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Romanian Air Force
Forțele Aeriene Române

coat of arms

Coat of arms of the Romanian Air Force
Lineup August 1915
Country RomaniaRomania Romania
Armed forces Armata Română
Type Armed forces
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces President
Klaus Johannis
Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu
Air Force Commander Major General
Viorel Pană
Aircraft cockade Roundel of Romania.svg
Attack aircraft IAR-99
Fighter aircraft /
F-16, IAR-330, MiG-21
Reconnaissance aircraft /
education F-16BM, IAR-99, IAR-316, MiG-21
Transport aircraft /
An-26, C-17 ( SAC ), C-27J, C-130, IAR-330

The Romanian Air Force ( Romanian Forțele Aeriene Române ) was founded as an independent branch of the Romanian army in August 1915 and has a strength of around 10,000 soldiers.


The years since the end of the Cold War were marked by Romania's rapprochement with Western Europe and NATO . For the Luftwaffe, this meant extensive restructuring and renewal, which continues to this day.

The aircraft from Eastern production, which were exclusively used until the collapse of the Soviet Union, were initially continued to be used and in their modernized versions were in some cases only replaced in the decade from 2010 to 2020. In March 2013, the plan was made to replace the outdated MiG-21 fighter aircraft with General Dynamics F-16s , but due to financial restrictions, the original plan had to take over 24 aircraft (F-16C / D) from the United States Air Force to be dropped. Instead, in October of that year, a contract was signed with Portugal to take over twelve F-16s for a price of 600 million euros . This amount also includes the training of the relevant flight and service personnel. The machines were originally supposed to be handed over to Romania between 2015 and 2017, the handover of the first six machines took place in October 2016


Romanian Air Force (Romania)
Borcea / Feteşti
Borcea / Feteşti
Bucharest Henri Coandă
Bucharest Henri Coandă
Câmpia Turzii
Câmpia Turzii
Red pog.svgMain operational
Yellow ffff00 pog.svgbases Subordinate bases

With around 9,700 men, the air force is the second largest part of the armed forces. They have four main bases :

The aircraft currently in use is distributed over these. In addition, two air bases (including Boboc ) and two to three airports can be mobilized as a reserve. In addition, the air force has various ground units training facilities for officers and NCOs.


Air Force Staff ( Statul Major al Forţelor Aeriene ) ( București )

  • Air input component ( Componenta Operatională Aeriană ) (Moara Vlăsiei)
  • 2. "North" airspace surveillance center ( Centrul 2 supraveghere aeriana "NORD" ) (Turda)
  • 71st Air Base "General Emanoil Ionescu" ( Baza 71 Aeriană "General Emanoil Ionescu" ) ( Câmpia Turzii )
      • 711 Fighter Squadron ( Escadrila 711 Aviaţie Luptă ) - MiG-21 Lancer-C / B
      • 713 Combat Helicopter Squadron ( Escadrila 713 Elicoptere SOCAT ) - IAR-330SOCAT / M
    • Timisoara-Giarmata Air Base (Branch 71st Air Base - Baza 71 Aeriana annex )
      • 712 Helicopter Squadron ( Escadrila 712 Elicoptere ) - IAR-330M
  • 85th Air Force Communication and Computer Center "General Doroftei Ghermănescu" ( Centrul 85 Comunicaţii Aero şi Informatică "General Doroftei Ghermănescu" ) ( București )
  • 86th Air Base "Locotenent Aviator Gheorghe Mociurniţă" ( Baza 86 Aeriană "Locotenent Aviator Gheorghe Mociurniţă" ) ( Fetești - Borcea )
      • 53rd Fighter Squadron ( Escadrila 53 Vânătoare ) - F-16AM / BM
    • Baza 86 Aeriană (Bâzu Cantacuzino) Baza 86 Aeriana annex
    • Mihail Kogălniceanu Airport Bâzu Cantacuzino Air Base (Branch 86th Air Base - Baza 86 Aeriana annex )
      • 861st Fighter Squadron ( Escadrila 861 Aviaţie Luptă ) - MiG-21 Lancer-C / B
      • 862nd Helicopter Squadron ( Escadrila 862 Elicoptere ) - IAR-330M
  • 90th Transport Air Base "Comandor Aviator Gheorghe Bănciulescu" ( Baza 90 Transport Aerian "Comandor Aviator Gheorghe Bănciulescu" ) (București- Otopeni )
      • 901st Squadron for Strategic Transport ( Escadrila 901 Aviaţie de Transport Strategic ) - C-130B / H
      • 902nd Fliegerstaffel for operational transport and photo reconnaissance ( Escadrila 902 Aviaţie de Transport Operativ și Recunoaștere photo ) - An-30, C-27J
      • 903rd Transport Helicopter Squadron ( Escadrila 903 Elicoptere de Transport ) - IAR-330M
  • 91 Logistic Base ( Baza 91 Logistică ) (Deveselu)
  • 95th Air Base "Erou căpitan aviator Alexandru Şerbănescu" ( Baza 95 Aeriană "Erou căpitan aviator Alexandru Şerbănescu" ) ( Bacau )
      • 951st Advanced Training Relay ( Escadrila 951 Aviatie Instructie Avansata ) - IAR-99C Soim
      • 952nd Combat Helicopter Squadron ( Escadrila 952 Elicoptere SOCAT ) - IAR-330SOCAT / M
  • 142nd (Unmanned) Reconnaissance Squadron ( Escadrila 142 Cercetare ) ( Timișoara - Giarmata ) - Shadow 600 UAV
  • 1st guided missile anti-aircraft brigade "General Nicolae Dăscălescu " ( Brigada 1 Rachete Sol-Aer "General Nicolae Dăscălescu" ) ( București )
  • 11th guided missile anti-aircraft regiment "Horea" ( Regimentul 11 ​​RACHETE Sol-Aer "Horea" ) (Braşov)
  • 70th Air Force Engineer Regiment ( Regiment 70 Geniu de Aviaţie ) (Bucureşti)
  • Training and shooting range for guided missile anti-aircraft weapons ( Tabăra de Instructie si Poligonul de Trageri Sol-Aer “General de Brigadă Ion Bungescu” ) (Capu Midia)
  • Air Force Academy "Henri Coandă" ( Academia Forţelor Aeriene "Henri Coandă" ) (Braşov)
  • Air Force Specialization School ( Şcoala de Aplicaţie pentru Forţele Aeriene ) ( Boboc Air Base ( Baza aeriană Boboc ) , Buzău )
    • Air Force Training Center ( Centrul de Instruire pentru Forţe Aeriene )
    • Training Aviation Group ( Grupul Aviaţie Instrucţie ) (Boboc Air Base ( Baza aeriană Boboc ), Buzău)
      • 1st Air Squadron ( Escadrila 1 Aviaţie ) - IAK-52, IAR-316B
      • 2nd Squadron ( Escadrila 2 Aviaţie ) - IAR-99 standard
  • Air Force School for Specialists and NCOs "Traian Vuia" ( Şcoala Militară de Maiștri Militari și Subofițeri a Forțelor Aeriene “Traian Vuia” ) (Boboc Air Base ( Baza aeriană Boboc ), Buzău )
  • National Museum of Romanian Aviation ( Muzeul Naţional al Aviaţiei Române ( Bucureşti ))


Current equipment

The aircraft of the Romanian Air Force consists of combat aircraft ( F-16 & MiG-21 ) and attack helicopters (IAR 330). In addition, the air force has various transport and training aircraft as well as transport helicopters . As part of the Strategic Airlift Capability Program, Romania and the other participating states also operate three C-17 Globemaster IIIs that can be used for strategic military air transport.

Aircraft photo origin use version active Ordered Remarks
Combat and training aircraft
Mikoyan-Gurevich MiG-21 MiG-21 Lancer C cropped.jpg Soviet UnionSoviet Union Soviet Union Fighter / trainer aircraft 25th
General Dynamics F-16 Romanian F-16.jpg United StatesUnited States United States / Portugal
Fighter aircraft

trainer aircraft



Twelve former jets of the Portuguese Air Force : handover of the first six in September 2016 and the last three on September 27, 2017; 36 more planned
IAR-99 725-Avioane IAR.99C Soim-DSC 3031 cropped.jpg RomaniaRomania Romania Ground attack aircraft / trainer aircraft 18th
Transport and reconnaissance aircraft
Antonov An-26 Antonov.an26.fairford.arp.jpg Soviet UnionSoviet Union Soviet Union Transport plane 2
Lockheed C-130 Romanian C-130 Hercules.jpg United StatesUnited States United States Transport plane 4th
Alenia C-27 Aeronava C 27J de transport scurt mediu curier la mitingul aviatic.jpg ItalyItaly Italy Transport plane C-27J Spartan 7th
Antonov An-30 Antonov An-30 in Romanian service (8735951367) .jpg Soviet UnionSoviet Union Soviet Union Reconnaissance plane 2
IAR-330 IAR-330 Puma SOCAT antitank gunship 2.jpg RomaniaRomania Romania Transport and
attack helicopters
IAR-330 Puma
59 License replica of Aérospatiale SA 330
IAR-316 RoAF IAR 316B cropped.jpg RomaniaRomania Romania School helicopter 6th License replica of Aérospatiale SA.316B

(As of end of 2017)

In addition, the Romanian Air Force has various weapon systems for air defense ( S-75 M3, Hawk XXI , S-60 ) and radar monitoring ( AN / FPS-117E , P-18 , P-37 , PRV-13).

With a modernization program from 2017 to 2026, Patriot guided missiles will be included in the inventory of the air force.

See also

Web links

Commons : Forțele Aeriene Române  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Report on (English)
  2. Report on (English)
  3. a b Stephen Trimble: Romania to accept first used F-16s from Portugal. In: September 27, 2016, accessed on September 28, 2016 .
  4. Romania receives first F16 jets to replace obsolete MiGs , Reuters, October 7, 2016
  7. Message from May 2014 on the Lockheed Martin website, accessed on February 15, 2015 (English)
  8. Romania receives last three F-16 fighter jets from Portugal ,, October 6, 2017
  9. Announcement from March 14, 2017 ( Memento of the original from March 16, 2017 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. on the website of IHS Janes, accessed on March 15, 2017 (English) @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  10. NZZ , September 5, 2017, page 5