Romanian Navy

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Romanian naval forces
Forțele Navale Române

COA-Romanian Naval Forces.svg

Coat of arms of the Romanian naval forces
Country RomaniaRomania Romania
Armed forces Armata Română
Type Armed forces
Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces President
Klaus Johannis
Chief of Staff Lieutenant General Daniel Petrescu
Commander of the Naval Forces Vice Admiral Alexandru Mîrşu
Naval war flag Flag of Romania.svg
Gösch Naval Jack of Romania.svg
cockade Roundel of Romania.svg
The Romanian River Navy in Tulcea

The Romanian Naval Forces ( Romanian Forțele Navale Române ) are a part of the Romanian army .


Due to the geographical conditions and strategic location on the Danube Delta and the Black Sea coast , naval units have always been of great importance in the area of ​​today's Romania. The river was already used in antiquity and at times served the Romans as a natural border, which they also defended with the help of a fleet .

The Romanian Navy, as we know it today, emerged in the course of the establishment of the nation state between the Romanian Revolution of 1848 and the establishment of the Kingdom of Romania (1881).

The years since the revolution of 1989 and the associated reorientation of the country towards Western Europe brought numerous changes. With the participation in NATO's Partnership for Peace program, which has been ongoing since 1994 , a rapprochement with the alliance system began, which culminated in 2004 with Romania's accession to NATO. For the Navy, as for the entire armed forces, this meant a complete restructuring and restructuring of personnel and technology. T. continues to this day.


In the case of the navy, a distinction is still made today between the sea fleet and the river fleet. The river fleet supports the guard, defends the Danube Delta and secures the border rivers. The marine fleet is stationed on the Black Sea, the river navy in Tulcea .

The Romanian naval forces have a strength of 5,500 men. In addition to the two fleets, they have other operational units. These are: the marines , the helicopter squadron and the combat divers.

The Navy operates several facilities for the training and further education of its personnel. The training of the next generation of officers, for example, takes place at the Mircea cel Batran Marine Academy. In addition, the naval forces also use the training ship Mircea .

Romanian Naval Forces ( Forţele Navale Române ) Main Staff of the Naval Forces ( Statul Major al Fortelor Navale ) ( Bucharest )

  • Fleet ( Flota ) ( Constanța )
    • 56. Frigate Flotilla ( Flotila 56 fregate )
      • 3 frigates: Fregata 111 "Mărăşeşti", Fregata 221 "Regina Maria", Fregata 222 "Regele Ferdinand"
      • 256th Helicopter Group ( Grupul 256 Elicoptere ) ( Constanța - Tuzla )
        • 3 IAR 330 PUMA Naval Helicopters
      • 130th Support Ship Division ( Divizionul 130 Nave de Sprijin Logistic )
        • Support ship 281 "Constanţa", sea tugs "Vârtosul" and "Voinicul", rescue tug boats 574, 575 and 576
    • 50 Corvette Division ( Divizionul 50 corvete ) ( Mangalia )
      • 4 patrol / anti-submarine corvettes: Corvete 260 "Amiral Petre Bărbureanu" (Tetal-I), Corvete 263 "Vice-Amiral Eugen Roşca" (Tetal-I), Corvete 264 "Contra-Amiral Eustațiu Sebastian" (Tetal-II), Corvete 265 "Contra-Amiral Horia Măcelaru" (Tetal-II)
      • 3 torpedo boats of the Epitrop class: Vedete Torpiloare 202 "Smeul", 204 "Vijelia", 209 "Vulcanul"
      • 585th NBC Defense Company ( Compania 585 Apărare Chimică, Bacteriologică, Radiologică şi Nucleară )
    • 146. Minelayer - Minenräumbootabteilung ( Divizionul 146 minare nature - deminare ) ( Constanţa )
      • 4 mine clearance boats: Dragor Maritim 24 "Lt. Remus Lepri", Dragor Maritim 25 "Lt. Lupu Dinescu", Dragor Maritim 29 "Lt. Dimitrie Nicolescu", Dragor Maritim 30 "S.Lt. Alexandru Axente"
      • 1 Mine-layer: Puitor de Mine 274 "V. Am. Constantin Bălescu"
    • 150. Seezielflugkörperkorvetenabteilung ( Divizionul 150 racheté navale ) ( Mangalia )
      • 3 Tarantul class corvettes: Nava Purtătoare de Rachetă 188 "Zborul", Nava Purtătoare de Rachetă 189 "Pescăruşul", Nava Purtătoare de Rachetă 190 "Lăstunul"
    • 508th Coastal Sea Target Missile Division ( Divizionul 508 Rachete de Coastă )
  • River Flotilla Command "Mihail Kogălniceanu" ( Comandamentul Flotilei Fluviale "Mihail Kogălniceanu" ) ( Brăila )
    • 307th Marine Battalion ( Batalionul 307 infanterie marină ) (Babadag)
    • 67th Artillery Department ( Divizionul 67 nave purtătoare de artilerie ) ( Brăila )
      • 1. Monitor relay ( Secţia 1 monitoare ) ( Tulcea )
        • 3 monitors ( monitorul ) of the Mihail Kogălniceanu class: Monitorul 45 "Mihail Kogălniceanu", Monitorul 46 "Ion C. Brătianu", Monitorul 47 "Lascăr Catargiu"
      • 2nd armored boat squadron ( Secţia 2 vedete blindate ) ( Brăila )
        • 5 armored patrol boats ( vedeta blindată ) of the Smârdan class: Vedeta blindată 176 "Rahova"; Vedeta blindată 177 "Opanez", Vedeta blindată 178 "Smârdan", Vedeta blindată 179 "Posada", Vedeta blindată 180 "Rovine"
    • 88th river patrol boat division ( Divizionul 88 vedete fluviale ) - 12 river patrol boats ( vedete fluviale ) of type VD 141
      • 1st season ( Divizionul 88 Vedete Fluviale Secția 1 ) ( Brăila )
      • 2nd season ( Divizionul 88 Vedete Fluviale Secția 2 ) ( Tulcea )
    • 131st Support Ship Department ( Divizionul 131 nave de sprijin logistic )
      • 1st support ship squadron Brăila ( Secţia 1 Nave de Sprijin Logistic Brăila )
      • 2nd Tulcea Support Ship Squadron ( Secţia 2 Nave de Sprijin Logistic Tulcea )
  • Marine Logistics Base ( Baza Logistica Navala ) ( Constanta )
    • Command river ship "Mureşul" ( Nava Fluvială de Comandament "Mureşul" )
    • 129 Special and Support Ship Department ( Divizionul 129 Nave speciale şi de sprijin logistic )
    • 338th Naval Engineering Repair Center ( Centrul 338 Mentenanță Tehnică Navală )
    • 335th Mangalia logistics relay ( Secția 335 Logistică Mangalia )
    • 329th logistics relay Brăila ( Secția 329 Logistică Brăila )
    • 330th Logistics Relay Constanța ( Secția 330 Logistică Constanța )
    • 325th Tulcea logistics relay ( Secția 325 Logistică Tulcea )
  • Independent specialized units ( Structuri specializate distincte ) ( Constanța )
    • Diving Center ( Centrul de Scafandri )
      • Submarine "Delfinul" ( Submarinul "Delfinul" ) of the Project 877 (since 1996 out of service, used for training)
      • 164th Marine Special Forces Division ( Divizionul 164 Forțe Navale pentru Operații Speciale )
        • Marine special forces groups ( Grupuri forțe navale pentru operații speciale )
        • Special boat crews from RHIB “Fulgerul” boats ( Ambarcațiuni speciale (RHIB “Fulgerul”) )
      • 175th Diving Ship Division ( Divizionul 175 Nave Scafandri )
        • Combat divers Season ( Sectie scafandri de Lupta )
          • Attack diver detachment ( Detașament scafandri de luptă de incursiune )
          • Explosives diving group ( Grup scafandri de luptă EOD )
          • Combat diver logistics support ship “Midia” ( Nava logistică pentru scafandri de luptă “Midia” )
        • Undersea rescue intervention and deep-sea diving team ( Secția intervenție salvare cu scafandri de mare adâncime )
          • Diving ship “Grigore Antipa” ( Navă maritimă pentru scafandri “Grigore Antipa” )
            • Deep sea diving group ( Grup scafandri de mare adâncime )
          • Diving support and intervention ship “Grozavul” ( Navă maritimă de sprijin și intervenție cu scafandri “Grozavul” )
          • Diver special ship group ( Grup nave speciale pentru scafandri )
            • Diving boat "Saturn" ( Vedetă maritimă pentru scafandri "Saturn" )
            • Diving boat "Venus" ( Vedetă maritimă pentru scafandri "Venus" )
      • Diver examination, assessment and training ( Cercetare, autorizare și formare scafandri )
        • Standardization and approval for diving activities ( Standardizare și autorizare a activității de scufundare )
        • Basic, advanced and retraining diver courses ( Curs formare, pregătire și antrenare scafandri )
        • Immersion research laboratory ( Laborator cercetare pătrundere sub apă )
        • Hyperbaric Laboratory ( Laborator hiperbar )
        • River divers detachment ( Detașament scafafandri fluviali )
    • Radioelectronic and Maritime Surveillance Brigade "Callatis" ( Brigada radioelectronică și observare "Callatis" )
    • Technology Center for Cyberinfo and Cyber Defense of the Naval Forces ( Centrul pentru tehnologia informației și apărare cibernetică al Forțelor Navale )
    • Training, simulation and evaluation center ( Centrul de instruire, simulare și evaluare )
    • Maritime Hydrographic Service ( Direcția hidrografică maritimă )
    • Naval Medical Center ( Centrul de medicină navală )
    • 110. Communication and IT Center "Viceamiral ing. Grigore Marteş" ( Centrul 110 comunicații și informatică "Viceamiral ing. Grigore Marteş" )
    • Naval Forces Support Battalion ( Batalionul de sprijin al Forțelor Navale )
    • Naval Museum ( Muzeul Marinei )
  • Training institutions ( Învățământ )
    • Naval Academy "" Mircea cel Batran "( Academia Navală" Mircea cel Batran " ) ( Constanța )
    • NCO School "Amiral Ion Murgescu" ( Școala Militară de Maiștri de Marină "Amiral Ion Murgescu" ) ( Constanța )
    • Specialist school "Viceamiral Constantin Bălescu" ( Școala de Aplicație "Viceamiral Constantin Bălescu" ) ( Mangalia )
    • Sail training ship " Mircea " ( Nava școală "Mircea" ) ( Constanța )


The Romanian Navy has frigates , corvettes and anti-mine vehicles , as well as numerous auxiliary ships and river patrol boats .

At the beginning of the 21st century, three IAR 330 units were specially equipped for use as on-board helicopters for the frigates and put into service between 2007 and 2008.

ID and name photo origin Ship class use Built Commissioning (Romania) Remarks
F 111 Mărăşeşti Mărășești frigate.jpg
F 221 Rule Ferdinand Rule Ferdinand Frigate 24.jpg United KingdomUnited Kingdom United Kingdom Broadsword class Multifunctional frigate 1988 2004 Ex-HMS Coventry
F 222 Regina Maria Regina Maria Frigate 2.jpg United KingdomUnited Kingdom United Kingdom Broadsword class Multifunctional frigate 1987 2005 Ex-HMS London
Anti-mine ships
Auxiliary ships
River patrol boats
School ships
Mircea Mircea at SAIL Amsterdam 2005.jpg German Reich NSGerman Reich (Nazi era) German Empire Gorch Fock class Training ship 1938 1939
use version active Ordered Remarks
IAR 330
(No. 140-142)
IAR 330 Puma Naval first flight.jpg RomaniaRomania Romania Board helicopter IAR-330 PUMA Naval 3 License replica of Aérospatiale SA 330

See also

Web links

Commons : Forțele Navale Române  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence
