Southeast China Hill Country

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Southeast Chinese highlands (东南 丘陵) are the summaries of the mountainous and hilly areas that are at most slightly more than 1500  m high, which are wholly or partially in the provinces of Anhui , Jiangsu , Jiangxi , Zhejiang , Hunan , Fujian and Guangdong as well as in the Guangxi Autonomous Region , i.e. in the Lie southeast of China. It is an area of ​​around 2.5 million km² and has around 600 million inhabitants.

Geographical location

The south-east China mountain range extends north to the banks of the Yangtze River (Chang Jiang), south to Guangdong and Guangxi, east to the East China Sea and west to the edge of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau . The most famous landscapes of the Southeast China Mountains are the Huang Shan Mountains , the Jiuhua Mountains , the Heng Shan , the Danxia Mountains , the Wuyi Mountains and the Nan Ling . Most of the mountain and hill country is at heights of 200 to 600  m , some mountain peaks exceed 1500  m . Its low mountain ranges mostly run in a north-east-south-west direction.


The relief of the south-east Chinese mountainous region resembles a large part of Germany's low mountain range . Grass only grows sporadically on the mountain ranges, but pine and bamboo bushes also grow on the slopes . When the soil was good, the locals also planted rice terraces .

In the west of the area there is a limestone landscape. A lot of vegetation grows on steep rocks that are up to 200 meters high and separated by star-shaped funnels. In between are wide, flat valleys. These were also created by rivers over time. The whole thing is called "landfill landscapes". These valleys and basins are very fertile. They are used a lot in the landscape. The locals cleared the bamboo forests so that they could be used .


Temperatures are high all year round, which means that there are hardly any freezing temperatures, i.e. values ​​below 0 ° C. The annual average is 16 ° C, the maximum in January 8 ° C. However, the lowest value is 1 ° C in January. However, the maximum in July is 32 ° C and the minimum in July is 25 ° C.

There is a lot of precipitation all year round . The annual average in Shanghai is 1112 millimeters. The South China mountain country is located in an always humid, subtropical climate zone.

Growing crops and mining raw materials

There are sweet potato - sugar cane - and wheat fields cultivated, but also fruit . First of all, however, rice terraces are created, as rice can be harvested every six months.

There are ore and coal mined.

Language / dialects

The locals in the Southeast Chinese hill country speak Chinese in a variety of dialects. For example, there would be Gan, Yue, Hakka, Min and Xiang, but primarily Mandarin.

local people

The locals have difficult living conditions, as the relief blocks the way for cars and many bridges would have had to be built if one had dared to transport various things (e.g. food) by car / van / truck / ... The transport takes place via rivers and seas. The villages are densely built to leave space for fields. As everywhere, ways of life and traditions are still preserved. The younger people move to nearby, small or distant, large cities. The larger ones are by the sea or by large rivers. There are numerous port cities where mountain ranges run flat. These are of great importance today.