Samuel Kokosky

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Samuel Kokosky. Photograph by Fritz Freund, Braunschweig before 1891.

Samuel Kokosky (born February 23, 1838 in Danzig ; died May 22, 1899 in Berlin ) was a German social democrat, lawyer , journalist and translator .


Samuel Kokosky was born in Gdansk to Jewish parents. There he attended the academic high school up to secondary school . After seven years of illness, the foster mother of his future partner and wife invited him to Königsberg in 1860 to take his Abitur at the Collegium Fridericianum there in 1861 . He studied law at the University of Königsberg . Johann Jacoby was already his role model at this time. After the legal exam he was a trainee lawyer at the Königsberg district court from 1864 to 1868. He gave the “Democratic papers. Journal for Political and Social Issues ”. In his lecture The Employment Ability of Women and their Influence on the Social Position of Women , he linked the women's question with the social question .

After the high treason trial in Leipzig in 1872, in which Wilhelm Liebknecht and August Bebel defended their position against the annexation of Alsace-Lorraine , Kokosky joined the Social Democratic Workers' Party (SDAP). At the end of 1872, Wilhelm Bracke invited Samuel Kokosky to lead the Braunschweiger Volksfreund as editor . Josef Dietzgen sent him his book “The essence of human brainwork” for review . In addition to Bracke, Samuel Spier and Leonhard von Bonhorst , Kokosky was one of the leading representatives of the Brunswick Social Democrats.

In May 1873 Kokosky was arrested for press violations. During his imprisonment, Wilhelm Blos temporarily represented him as editor of the Braunschweiger Volksfreund .

After the Socialist Law was passed , in 1879 he founded the “Braunschweiger Unterhaltungsblatt”. His brochure Zur Luther-Celebration , which spoke out against Luther and for the rebellious peasants , is said to have had a circulation of 12,000 copies. In 1891 he became the political editor of " Vorwärts " in Berlin and published a selection of his poems. From 1893 to 1896 he headed the social democratic maintenance paper “ Die Neue Welt ”, which was directed against the influence of the magazine “ Die Gartenlaube ” on the workers.

In 1893 his lifelong illness became so severe that he had to quit his journalistic work with the "Neue Welt". He married his childhood sweetheart, with whom he had lived for 30 years, in Berlin. On May 22, 1899, Samuel Kokosky died of a heart attack .

Party congresses

At the SDAP congress in Eisenach from 23 to 27 August 1873, Kokosky represented 400 members from Holzminden . 100 members from Königsberg, another 30 members from Stadtoldendorf and 25 members from Wolfenbüttel . At the request of Karl Grillenberger and Kokosky, the Congress decided that the party's program was in need of reform. At the next congress in Coburg from July 18 to 21, 1874, he represented 17 members from Wieda and 35 members from Wolfenbüttel. At the Gotha Association Congress from June 22 to 27, 1875, he represented 332 members from Braunschweig, 12 from Brezen , 16 from Wieda and 40 from Wolfenbüttel. At the Social Democratic Party Congress from March 29 to April 2, 1883 in Copenhagen , Kokosky was one of the delegates. At the party congress in St. Gallen , which took place from October 2 to 6, 1887, Samuel Kokosky was one of 65 delegates. At the party congress in Halle in 1890, he explained in a contribution to the debate: “I have taken the position everywhere that every religion, every creed must be combated ... Isn't it an example of agitation if one does not send one's children to church? We don't want to follow old Moses anymore "


  • The employability of women and their influence on their social position. Previous day, held in the craftsmen's association in Königsberg on October 5, 1868. Along with a supplement from the same . Braun and Weber, Königsberg 1868 digitized
  • East Prussian letters. First letter . Braun & Weber, Königsberg 1870.
  • Mr. CB Moll and the social question. Koenigsberg 1872
  • A complot against the International Workers' Association. Report on the goings-on of Bakunin and the Alliance of Socialist Democracy, commissioned by the Hague Congress . Translated by S. Kokosky. Wilh. Bracke jun. Braunschweig 1874
  • ( Anonymous ): Duke Karl and the story of the uprising and castle fire in Braunschweig in 1830. Represented by sources . 2nd edition, Vogel, Braunschweig 1880 (further edition. Günther, Braunschweig 1907)
  • For the Luther celebration . 1883
  • Rockets and flares hurled on the night of the Socialist Law. A celebration on May 1st . Ms. Wilke, Berlin 1891 digitized


  • Gustav Lyser: Considerations of an agitator expelled from the social-democratic workers' party . Brunswick 1873
  • AB: Samuel Kokosky . In: Ilustrated maintenance supplement of the True Jacob . No. 337 from June 20, 1899 digitized
  • Samuel Kokosky . In: Franz Osterroth : Biographical Lexicon of Socialism. Deceased personalities . Vol. 1. JHW Dietz Nachf., Hannover 1960, pp. 165–166.
  • Georg Eckert : The Brunswick workers' movement under the socialist law. Part 1. (1878-1884) . Orphanage printing and publishing house, Braunschweig 1961 (= sources and research on the history of Braunschweig 16)
  • Georg Eckert: Samuel Spier and Samuel Kokosky in the ranks of the Brunswick workers' movement. In: Brunsvicensia Judaica . Waisenhaus-Buchdruckerei und Verlag, Braunschweig 1966, pp. 71–93.
  • Ernest Hamburger : Jews in public life in Germany: members of the government, civil servants and parliamentarians in the monarchical period 1848-1918 . Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 1968, p. 67.
  • Wilhelm Liebknecht correspondence with German Social Democrats. Volume I. 1862-1878 . Edited and edited by Georg Eckert. Van Gorcum & Comp., Assen 1973 (= sources and studies on the history of the German and Austrian labor movement. New series, Volume IV.)
  • Dieter Fricke : The German labor movement 1869-1914. A manual about their organization and activity in the class struggle . Dietz Verlag 1976, pp. 47, 51, 97, 152.
  • German biographical encyclopedia . Volume 5, Hitz – Kozub . Saur, Munich 2006, p. 831. Digitized

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Wilhelm Matull: East Prussia workers' movement. History and performance at a glance . Holzner Verlag, Würzburg, 1970, p. 22.
  2. See the letter from Adolf Radtke and Samuel Kokosky to Wilhelm Liebknecht of December 19, 1872. Printed in: Wilhelm Liebknecht Correspondence with German Social Democrats. Volume I. 1862-1878 . Pp. 448-449.
  3. See the letter from Josef Dietzgen to Adolf Hepner (end of 1872/73). Printed in: Wilhelm Liebknecht Correspondence with German Social Democrats. Volume I. 1862-1878 . P. 872.
  4. ^ Heinrich Gemkow : Karl Marx. Friedrich Engels. Correspondence with Wilhelm Bracke (1869–1880) . Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1963, pp. 38, 39, 40, 75, 77, 100, 102, 120.
  5. ^ Samuel Kokosky to August Bebel and Wilhelm Liebknecht May 14, 1883. Printed in: August Bebel: From my life. Part two . In: August Bebel. Selected speeches and writings . Volume 6. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1983, pp. 377-378.
  6. ^ Wilhelm Blos: Memoirs of a Social Democrat , 1st volume, Braunschweiger Tage
  7. August Bebel: From my life. Part two . In: August Bebel. Selected speeches and writings . Volume 6. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1983, p. 395.
  8. Sebastian Prüfer: Socialism instead of religion. German Social Democracy before the Religious Question 1863–1890 . Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, Göttingen 2002, p. 67.
  9. Rockets and flares hurled on the night of the Socialist Law. A celebration on May 1st
  10. Dieter Fricke: The German Workers' Movement 1869-1914 , pp. 449-450.
  11. ^ Dieter Fricke: The German labor movement 1869-1914 , p. 47.
  12. August Bebel: From my life. Part two . In: August Bebel. Selected speeches and writings . Volume 6. Dietz Verlag, Berlin 1983, p. 405.
  13. ^ Dieter Fricke: The German labor movement 1869-1914 , p. 51.
  14. ^ Dieter Fricke: The German labor movement 1869-1914 , p. 97.
  15. ^ AB: Samuel Kokosky .
  16. Dieter Fricke: The German Workers' Movement 1869-1914 , p. 152.
  17. Quoted from: Georg Eckert: Samuel Spier and Samuel Kokosky in the ranks of the Brunswick workers' movement .
  18. Answer to Carl Bernhard Moll: The social question in its religious-historical significance. Lecture of the City Association for Inner Mission in Königsberg on January 25, 1872 . Gräfe & Unzer, Königsberg 1872.
  19. "On the Luther celebration rightly recognizes the prohibition order of the Ducal Police Directorate in Braunschweig of November 10, 1883 in the intended publication as a social democratic step towards the overthrow of the existing spirit". Quoted from: Peter von Rüden: Contributions to the cultural history of the German labor movement. 1848-1918 . Book guild Gutenberg, Frankfurt a. M. 1979. p. 84.
  20. The 16-page brochure contains some malicious attacks on Bernhard Becker , Wilhelm Bracke, Samuel Kokosky and other members of the SDAP. As formulated by Georg Eckert in: Wilhelm Liebknecht Correspondence with German Social Democrats. Volume I. 1862-1878 , p. 521.
  21. ^ Probably August Bebel.