Seherr-Thoss (noble family)

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Family coat of arms of those of Seherr-Thoß (formerly also Seherr von Thoß )

Seherr-Thoß is the name of an old Silesian noble family .


The family first appeared in a document on May 27, 1388 with the brothers Nicolaus and Johannes called Zerin , the name spelling changed between Ser, Seer, Serer, Sehren, Seryn, Zerin, Seher, Sehr, Seherr, later Seherr and Thoß, Seherr von Thoß and Seer-Thoss. There is also the notation Scherr-Thoß.

The double name was adopted after the first name documented in 1440 with Tosse Zerin in Groß-Glogau. by the brothers Hans u. Nicol Seren, called cups , documented at Nisticz on September 25, 1546 in this form, occasionally omitting the root name.

Status surveys

Weigelsdorf Castle around 1860, Alexander Duncker collection

Bohemian old gentlemen's estate , Vienna December 10, 1721, for Johann Christoph von Seherr and Thoß on Tannhausen and his cousin Carl Ferdinand von Seherr and Thoß on Domanze . Bohemian barons, Vienna April 2, 1734, for the brothers Heinrich Leopold on Heintzendorf, Christoph Ernst on Olbersdorf, Reichenbach district, Carl Conrad on Rietschütz, Johann Georg on Polach, and Joseph Ferdinand Seherr von Thoß. Prussian counts, Berlin September 2, 1775, for Heinrich Leopold Freiherrn von Seherr-Thoß on Teigelsdorf, Dobrau etc., later Oberstlandmundschenken of Silesia and Prussian counts ( primogenitur linked to the possession of Hohenfriedeberg, Bolkenhain district ), Berlin December 15, 1840, for Friedrich Freiherrn von Seherr and Thoß on Hohenfriedeberg, royal Prussian district administrator of the Bolkenhain district . Prussian approval of the uniform name spelling of Seherr-Thoß by A.KO. Venice (on board SM Yacht ,, Hohenzollern ") March 24, 1914.

There is a family association founded in Breslau on September 20, 1883.

coat of arms

The family coat of arms belongs to the Polish coat of arms community Ostrzew and shows a red tree trunk with three mutilated branches in gold diagonally to the left . On the helmet with red and gold covers a wing marked like the shield .

The baronial coat of arms (1721, 1734) is quartered , 1 and 4 in red a golden wing turning the Saxons inward, 2 and 3 like the family coat of arms. Two helmets with red and gold covers, on each helmet a golden wing, the right one covered with an oblique left, the left with a oblique red tree trunk with two mutilated branches on the outer and one on the inner sides.

The Count's coat of arms (1775) is also quartered, 1 and 4 in silver a crowned Prussian black eagle with scepter and imperial orb , 2 and 3 in red a golden tree trunk with three mutilated branches (coat of arms). Three helmets with red and gold covers, on the two outer wings each one as marked in fields 2 and 3, on the middle the Prussian black eagle. Two inward-looking wild men with green wreaths around their heads and loins as shield holders , leaning on a club with their right or left hand .

The count's coat of arms (1840) is square within a golden shield edge , 1 and 4 as in 1721, 2 and 3 in silver diagonally left a red tree trunk with three mutilated branches (family coat of arms). Two helmets like 1721.


  • Johann Christoph von Seherr-Thoß (1670–1743), imperial field marshal
  • Carl Ferdinand Freiherr von Seherr-Thoss (von Seherr and Kunern) on Domanze (* December 28, 1678–1756)
  • Baron Johann Christian von Seherr-Thoß († 1743), Austrian Field Marshal General
  • Carl Heinrich Freiherr Von Seherr-Thoss (* 14.12.1707 - + 13.02.1754) landowner
  • Carl Ferdinand Sigmund Freiherr von Seherr-Thoss (* December 3rd, 1735) landowner
  • Baron Karl Ferdinand Siegmund von Seherr-Thoß (1754-1814), (landlord of Primkenau from 1781 to 1791)
  • Count Ernst von Seherr-Thoß (1786–1856), officer and landowner
  • Count Friedrich von Seherr and Thoß (1789–1857), Prussian officer, civil servant and manor owner
  • Hans von Seherr-Thoß, Prussian District Administrator from the Neustadt OS district (1830–1842)
  • Karl von Seherr-Thoß , Prussian District Administrator from the Glatz District (1855-1892) and Neisse District (1859-1895)
  • Hermann Graf von Seherr-Thoß (1810–1893), member of the Prussian manor house
  • Manfred Graf von Seherr-Thoß (1827–1911), member of the Prussian manor house
  • Stanislaus von Seherr-Thoß (1827–1907), Prussian entails owner, administrative lawyer and district administrator of the Pleß district (1855–1872)
  • Roger Graf von Seherr-Thoß (1851–1922), member of the Prussian manor house
  • Günther von Seherr-Thoß (1859–1926), Prussian entails owner, administrative lawyer and district administrator as well as district president in Liegnitz (1902–1915)
  • Lothar Freiherr von Seherr-Thoß (1860–1938), Prussian major general
Grave slab of the Counts of Seherr-Thoss on the family crypt at the Sankt Ulrich branch church near Krastowitz Castle , Klagenfurt , Carinthia
  • Hermann Graf von Seherr-Thoß (1879–1959), Fideikommisherr on Dobrau, Upper Silesia
  • Ernst Hans Christoph Theobald Graf von Seherr-Thoß (1882–1966), German major general
  • Hans Christoph Graf von Seherr-Thoß (1918–2011), German journalist and historian


Individual evidence

  1. ^ Regest in Codex Diplomaticus Silesiae, 24, Breslau 1908, p. 164
  2. ^ State Archive of Breslau, Collection v. Kottwitz, sheet 22; Emil Tschersich, History of the City of Köben an der Oder 1, Köben 1928, p. 34
  3. Collection of Kottwitz, sheet 29–30 and History of the City of Köben 1, p. 47
  4. ^ Genealogisches Handbuch des Adels, Adelslexikon Volume VIII, CA Starke Verlag, 1997
  5. CERL Thesaurus: Biography of Carl Ferdinand Sigismund von Seherr-Thoß. Accessed December 1, 2019 .