Sport boat license lake

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The sports boat license lake

The sport boat driving license with the scope of sea shipping routes ( short: SBF See) is the official license for driving motorized boats that were built for sport and leisure purposes in the scope of the sea ​​shipping route regulations , i. H. on the maritime waterways (three nautical mile zone and fairway within the twelve nautical mile zone ).

The SBF See is mandatory when driving vehicles with a propulsion power of more than 11.03  kW (15  HP ). Unlike in inland shipping, there is no limit to the length of the boat's hull . The skipper can designate a suitable helmsman who does not need to be in possession of the driver's license. The sport boat license for lake does not include the sport boat license inland and does not require its possession.

Requirements and acquisition

The theoretical examination is divided into a theoretical question part and a map part, in which one must demonstrate basic navigational knowledge in dealing with a nautical chart. For both parts of the exam, the questions and sample answers are known in advance and are available in stores.

The theoretical test now comprises 15 questionnaires (previously: 20) each with 7 questions from the general part and 23 questions from the specific part; altogether 30 questions, of which at least 24 must be answered correctly to pass. In addition, there is a navigation task per questionnaire, which consists of 9 subtasks, of which at least 7 must be processed correctly. 60 minutes are available for processing. In addition, basic knowledge of handling a motorboat and some knots are tested in a practical test. Seven out of nine nodes are queried, with six nodes having to be successfully demonstrated to pass. Although this is the official certificate for sea waterways, it is not necessary to take the practical test on a sea waterway, as the regional DSV / DMYV examination boards also offer examination options for the SBF lake on inland waters.

The SBF See certifies the statutory minimum qualification (sufficient knowledge of the relevant shipping police, nautical and technical regulations) for the safe driving of a pleasure craft on sea lanes. The knowledge of navigation and shipping law, which are necessary for navigating coastal and offshore areas, is much more extensive than with the sport boat license inland. For example, although this license gives you permission to drive in tidal areas, the tidal knowledge is only checked superficially. Since no official license is required to drive a sailing vehicle without an engine on sea lanes, no sailing theory or practice is asked during the SBF-See examination. The topic of seamanship is also only touched on very briefly.

The sport boat license inland can be partially credited towards the examination. In this case the seven basic questions do not apply. 50 minutes are available to work on the theoretical part.

From a legal point of view, the SBF See is not restricted to the 3-mile zone.

The acquisition of knowledge and skills can also be acquired in private-sector training institutions, although there are great differences in the scope and quality of these training institutions.

Until about the year of issue 1989, the ID forms of the SBF See only bore the designation "Sportbootführerschein".

The number of driving licenses issued is increasing continuously (see Bundestag printed matter 19/4502, p. 2). In 2016, a total of 38,802 sports boat driving licenses were issued. Further certificates such as the SKS (5,374), SSS (366) and SHS (71) are acquired significantly less.

International certificate

The ICC in SBF See

As a “national” document, the SBF See is not valid abroad. However, all recreational craft licenses include the international certificate in accordance with Resolution No. 40 of the United Nations Economic Commission ( International Certificate of Competence ). With the help of this certificate, drivers of pleasure boats can prove their qualifications abroad. For this purpose, the driving licenses are extended by a third inside page.

New sport boat license regulation 2017

Driver's license in credit card format valid since January 1, 2018

On May 10, 2017, the new sports boat license ordinance (SpFV) came into force. It replaces the previous sports boat license regulations inland and sea. In addition, instead of the two SBF inland and lake driving licenses, there is only one sport boat driving license. The respective areas of application - inland waterways and / or sea waterways - are noted on this. Additional changes are intended to make it easier to acquire a sports boat license:

  • the practical and theoretical partial exams can be taken at different locations
  • the application for admission to the examination only has to be submitted one week before the examination date
  • Exams for the sports boat license are also possible abroad (previously this did not apply to the SBF See)
  • a legal definition of the term sport boat has been included

The sports boat license has been issued in credit card format since January 1, 2018, and will be delivered within 10 - 30 days after passing the exam.

See also


  • Rolf Dreyer : Lake sports boat license. With official questionnaire, valid from 1.5.2012. 7th edition. Delius Klasing, Bielefeld 2012, ISBN 978-3-7688-3485-8 .
  • Claus Gottschall: Lake sports boat license. The preparation for the exam as an e-book for the iPad / incl. Navigation tasks ISBN 978-3-00-039473-7 .
  • Kurt Graf, Dietrich Steinicke: The official sports boat license lake. The safe way to the exam. (With the 300 exam questions and selection answers as well as the nautical chart excerpts with solutions + emergency signaling test valid from 1.5.2012). 17th edition. Delius-Klasing, Bielefeld 2012, ISBN 978-3-7688-3486-5 .
  • Heinz Overschmidt, Axel Bark: Sports boat license for the lake. With official questionnaire. Valid from 1.5.2012. 28th, revised edition. Delius Klasing, Bielefeld 2012, ISBN 978-3-7688-3484-1 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Text of the marine recreational craft regulation
  2. BMVBS press release : Driving license regulations for pleasure craft liberalized ( Memento of the original from October 24, 2012 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link has been inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. October 17, 2012, accessed October 27, 2012 @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  3. a b Overschmidt, Heinz and Axel Bark: Sportbootführersein Lake, Delius Klasing Verlag 2012, p 204, ISBN 978-3-7688-3484-1
  4. Annex to the Sportbootführerscheinverordnung-See: "The holder ... is hereby garanted the license to navigate any power-driven pleasure yacht on the waterways of the Federal Republic of Germany navigable by sea-going ships."
  5. Ordinance on the use of pleasure boats (Sportbootführerscheinverordnung - SpFV) as Article 1 of the Second Ordinance on Amending Sport Boat Law Regulations in the Sea and Inland Area of May 3, 2017 ( Federal Law Gazette I p. 1016 ).
  6. Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (ed.): The new sports boat license regulation (leaflet) . April 2017 ( [PDF; accessed December 6, 2017]).