Stanislas de Chaudoir

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Stanislas de Chaudoir

Stanislas de Ivanovich Chaudoir ( Russian Станислав Иванович де Шодуар ; born July 1, jul. / 12. July  1790 greg. In Machnowka ( Rajon Berdychiv ); † August 20 jul. / 1. September  1858 greg. On the estate Iwniza in Zhytomyr ) was a French - Russian coin and book collector .


Chaudoir's French father Jan Joseph Chaudoir (around 1746–1839) had settled as a wealthy Protestant merchant in Warsaw at the end of the 1770s , where he bought his own house from the court architect August III. Simon Bogumil Amadei Sugi had it built. In 1795 he took Russian citizenship and was a merchant of the 1st guild. In 1804 he moved with his family to Volhynia , where he lived in Berdychiv and then on his estate Ivitsa near Zhytomyr. Later he went to Bavaria , where he received the hereditary baron title from Maximilian I in 1814 . In 1819 he and his son Stanislas were accepted into the Russian nobility by Alexander I in 1820 , while the baron title was recognized in 1827. He had business relations with the Polish magnates Sanguszko , Radziwiłł , Jabłonowski and Potocki . He was known to the sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen , whom he met in Rome and in Frankfurt am Main in 1819 . Chaudoir's uncle Antoine Chaudoir (1749-1824) studied theology in Leiden and became a Dutch pastor .

Stanislas Chaudoir worked as a wealthy private scholar without having received any special training. He was particularly interested in numismatics , speech and epigraphy . He created the most beautiful museum in Volhynia with a picture gallery and its collections of old coins, graphics and objects of antiquity . Chaudoir owned a rich collection of objects from the time of the Kievan Rus and the Greek colonies on the Black Sea coast . Parts of it were acquired by the Hermitage , while other parts flowed to England . His library of around 40,000 volumes contained old manuscripts , old printed books and autographs by Polish kings. His handwritten catalog in seven volumes remained unprinted. The manuscripts and the collections are preserved in the Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine , in the Regional Museum in Zhytomyr and in the archive of the Oblast Zhytomyr .

Chaudoir published the results of his numismatic studies in 1836: Aperçu sur les monnaies russes et sur les monnaies étrangères qui ont eu cours en Russie depuis les temps les plus reculés jusqu'à nos jours (Russian translation 1836–1841). He became a member of the Imperial Archaeological Society and Corresponding Member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences (1836). In 1838 he received the undivided Demidow Prize for his work on history .

Chaudor held local honorary posts and was a member of the council of the Kiev Institute for Noble Girls (1838–1846). He became the first assistant to the chairman of the Kiev commission for the processing of old documents (1843), collegiate council (6th grade , 1851) and director of the Kiev office of the State Commercial Bank,

Chaudoir's son Maximilien became an entomologist . Chaudoir's grandson was the patron Iwan de Chaudoir .

Individual evidence

  1. Шодуар (Станислав Иванович) . In: Brockhaus-Efron . XXXIXa, 1903, p. 765 ( Wikisource [accessed July 31, 2018]).
  2. Chaudoir . In: Wielka encyklopedya powszechna ilustrowana . tape 11 , 1893, pp. 478 .
  3. Шодуар - русский баронский род . In: Brockhaus-Efron . XXXIXa, 1903, p. 765 ( Wikisource [accessed July 31, 2018]).
  4. Герб Шодуар (accessed July 31, 2018).
  5. Arkivet, Thorvaldsen Museum: Ivan Joseph de Chaudoir (accessed on 31 July 2018).
  6. Russian Academy of Sciences: Шодуар Станислав Иванович (Иоганн) де (accessed July 31, 2018).