Stanislaus Klemme

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Stanislaus Klemme (born March 29, 1857 in Posen , † October 22, 1935 in Cologne ) was German mining assessor and director of the association for hard coal mining in the Wurmrevier , after the merger with the Eschweiler Mining Association its general director .

Life and work

Klemme was born in 1857 as the second of six children to the lawyer and notary Wilhelm Klemme (1823–1886). His ancestors were originally cloth merchants in Halle, Westphalia . Wilhelm Klemme was able to study law in Greifswald with an Aeminga scholarship and continued his legal clerkship in Prussia , so that the family later settled in Posen.

In the course of industrialization, coal mining offered particularly good earnings prospects. This suited Stanislaus Klemme's pragmatic spirit and technical interest, and so he studied mining after graduating from high school . After the second state examination to become a mountain assessor in Bonn in 1889 , he initially worked in Saxony-Anhalt and Upper Silesia as a mountain ridge at the Oberbergamt .

In 1895 he moved to Aachen and from then on worked for the Association for Hard Coal Construction in the Wurmrevier, initially as operations director, from 1895 as a member of the board. In this function he expanded the Laurweg , Gouley and Maria mines and helped found the Radbod colliery . As a pioneer in the field of shaft sinking , he brought the first shaft down using the freezing process in the Aachen district. In 1900 he founded the Association of Coal Works of the Aachen District e. V. Bergschule and was its board member until 1907 and later chairman of the board of trustees of the mountain school. He built the new mountain school building in Aachen and expanded the mine rescue system in the Aachen collieries. In 1907 the association for coal mining in the Wurmrevier merged into the Eschweiler mining association, which then became one of the largest mining companies in Europe. Klemme was appointed general director of the now enlarged Eschweiler Mining Association and remained so until the end of his professional life.

At that time it was common for directors to be represented on the committees of the professional unions. Klemme was appointed to the supervisory board of the Trier mining company and to the mining board of the Diergardt-Mevissen union. After all, he was also politically active for a short time, from 1905 to 1907 as a member of the Rhineland Provincial Parliament.

In recognition of his lifetime achievement, the Klemmestrasse in Bockum-Hövel was named after him, and in Aldenhoven , the seat of the Eschweiler Mining Association, probably also the Stanislaus-Klemme-Strasse . He was also awarded the Dr. ing. honoris causa awarded as well as the title of Commerce Council .


Stanislaus Klemme married late and had no children. Of his five siblings, only his older brother, Dr. Paul Klemme (1854–1931), a child who continued the family line. Paul Klemme had studied law and became royal councilor in the Prussian administration of Aachen and director of the Aachen Association for the Promotion of Labor . His son Kurt Klemme (1890–1965) completed his training as a mountain assessor with the financial support of Stanislaus Klemme, but was interrupted by his front-line service in the First World War .

Kurt Klemme worked at Hoesch AG from 1920 to 1956 . From 1935 he was head of the Kaiserstuhl , Radbod and Fürst Leopold-Baldur collieries , and in the post-war period he helped shape the reconstruction as a board member of Hoesch Bergwerks AG. He is also referred to in the naming of the Klemmestrasse in Hamm. His two sons were also mining assessors, in potash mining and in oil and gas production.

Individual evidence

  1. ^ The students of the Royal University of Greifswald 1821–1848, annotated directory based on the matriculation and the files of the university archive, Druckhaus Panzig, Greifswald 2003, ISBN 3-86006-222-0 , year 1843 No. 60, page 158.
  2. a b Friedrich Schunder: History of the Aachen coal mining , Verlag Glückauf , Essen 1968, ISBN UOM 39015082411532, p. 197.
  3. Personal files : Klemme, Stanislaus; Bergassessor Stanislaus Klemme  in the German Digital Library .
  4. ^ Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland department, 2nd administrative authorities, administrative districts of Düsseldorf and Cologne, 2.7. Mining administration, 2.7.1. Mining offices, Oberbergamt Bonn, Oberbergamt Bonn BR 0101, 251.01.01 Oberbergamt Bonn / BR 1059, description unit 1051.
  5. ^ Obituary of the Eschweiler Mining Association. In: Deutsche Bergwerks-Zeitung of October 26, 1935, Essen publishing house .
  6. ^ Obituary of the Association of Hard Coal Works of the Aachen District e. V. In: Deutsche Bergwerks-Zeitung of October 26, 1935, Industrieverlag Essen.
  7. ^ Toni Pierenkemper: The Westphalian heavy industrialists 1852–1913. Social structure and entrepreneurial success , Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht , Göttingen 1979, ISBN 3-525-35993-4 , p. 235.
  8. ^ Kurt Schmitz: Der Rheinische Provinziallandtag (1875–1933), Ph. CW Schmidt, Neustadt 1967, ISBN UCAL B3489102, p. 157.
  10. ^ Handbook of German stock corporations , Hoppenstedt & Co, Berlin 1943, m, ISBN 3-936059-06-3 , p. 1202.