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The Steinerei is an annual film festival for brick films .


Mathias Mertens , a German-speaking author and lecturer in media studies , realized that there was no platform for the publication and competition of brick films and then founded the Steinerei . At the festival, a prize is awarded by a jury, the audience and the participating brick film makers.



Under the subtitle “The first brick film festival in Germany” , the first stone works took place on May 28, 2005 in cooperation with Brickboard , the largest German forum for brick filmmakers . There was no fixed topic restriction.

The jury consisted of

13 films were shown. The prize for the best film went to Cornelius Koch and Theodor Becker for their film The Order , a terrorism thriller about smuggling a dirty bomb into Germany.

The award for the most promising director went to Dirk Böttcher for Trouble in the Tea House , an Eastern Kung Fu action sequence in a tea house. The audience award went to the brick film Totentanz by, an animated film adaptation of the ballad of the same name by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.


“The second brick film festival in Germany” took place on May 13, 2006 in the cinema in the Künstlerhaus Hannover . The theme of the stone factory in 2006 was "literary adaptation". The festival took place in cooperation with the Brickboard and the Hannover Literature Office .

The 2006 jury consisted of

The winner of the Steinerei 2006 was Mirko Horstmann with his literary film adaptation of Vom Fischer und seine Frau . He won the audience and jury award.


“The third German Brick Film Festival” took place on May 19, 2007 in the cinema in the Künstlerhaus Hannover . The theme of the stone factory in 2007 was "Winged words". The festival took place in cooperation with the Brickboard and the Hannover Literature Office .

The 2007 jury consisted of

The winner of the Steinerei 2007 jury award was Mirko Horstmann with his film The Artist . The audience award went to not shot with hashish kakalake .


“The fourth German Brick Film Festival” took place on July 12, 2008 in the Audimax of the University of Hildesheim . The theme of the stone factory in 2008 was "Remake". For the first time, the festival was not organized by Mathias Mertens alone, but as part of a student project at the University of Hildesheim, of course again in collaboration with

The 2008 jury consisted of

  • Christina Schindler (Animation - University for Film and Television Potsdam-Babelsberg)
  • Michael Stepper (Music, Media, Art and Film - Focus-online)
  • Florian Plag (The Heroes of Bern)

The jury award was given to Mirko Horstmann for his film Remake . Both the audience award and the “Prize of the Brickfilmer” went to nichtgelte and her work Weltraffer , which in four minutes summarizes the last five million years of earth and human history.

The “Brickfilmer Prize” was awarded for the first time in 2008. The competition participants from the current stone factory will decide on the winner from the films submitted to the stone factory.


“The fifth German brick film festival” took place on June 13, 2009 in the science theater of the phaeno Wolfsburg . The theme of the competition was "five". The festival was created in collaboration with

The 2009 jury consisted of:

  • Barbara Hornberger (popular forms of staging, lecturer for media at the University of Hildesheim)
  • Hans-Otto-Hügel (Professor of Popular Culture)
  • Christian Kortmann (freelance author, writes for the Süddeutsche Zeitung , among others )

The jury award and the audience award in 2009 were given to Max Zachner and Michael Wolling for their film Der Fifth .

The “Brickfilmer Prize” was awarded for the second time this year by all participants in the competition and went to not shot for their film Alles ist die Noppe .

In addition, a special prize was awarded in 2009. The Brickboard Community awarded Oliver Berger the “Lifetime Achievement Prize”.


“The sixth German Brick Film Festival” took place on July 10, 2010 again in the Audimax of the University of Hildesheim . The theme of the competition was "luck". The festival was again created in cooperation with

The 2010 jury consisted of:

  • the author Stephanie Drees
  • the musician Jannis Kaffka
  • the blogger Merlin Schumacher

The 2010 jury award was given to Dirk Böttcher for his film Alpenglow .

The audience award in 2010 went to 2XMW Studios & Boony for What do you see? .

This year, the “Brickfilmer Prize” went to Golego & not rotated for their contribution Zombie Bank .


“The seventh German Brick Film Festival” took place on Whitsunday, June 12, 2011 in Kaiserslautern. This year's competition topic was voted on for the first time in the community on and was "Chaos". Last year, the organization was handed over to the community by the founder of the Steinerei, Mathias Mertens, and this year's Steinerei was organized by the brick filmmaker "Stemü" alias Stefan Müller.

The 2011 jury consisted of:

  • of the actress Hannelore Bähr
  • the photographer & artist Thomas Brenner
  • the (trick) filmmaker Karl-Heinz Christmann

The jury award was given to Alexander H. in 2011 for his film The Librarian .

In 2011, both the audience award and the “Brickfilmer Award” went to 2XMW Studios & Boony for Das Chamäleon .


The 8th Steinerei was held on May 26th, 2012 under the theme "ILLUSION" in MAGAZIN Filmkunsttheater in Hamburg. The organizer was Dirk Böttcher aka Boettcher Productions. Of the 24 films submitted, 14 selected films were shown.

The 2012 jury consisted of:

  • the film editor Christina Bednarz
  • the radio presenter Florian Schmidt
  • the author Frank Lauenroth

The jury award, like the Brickfilmer award, went to A Future for All (Alegoander Films). The audience award was perfect? (A&M Studios, Legostudio01).


The 9th edition took place in the Schauburg in Bremen . The festival was organized by Mirko Horstmann under the theme “Everything was just invented”. With 27 films submitted, a new attendance record was set. Of these, however, only 13 were shown (twelve nominated and one “wildcard”).

The 2013 jury consisted of:

  • Jule Körperich
  • Ilona Rieke
  • Marc Sifrin

The Brickfilmer and Audience Awards went to the Austrian team A&M Studios and Legostudio01 with (K) night Times . The team won the jury award with Tag der Sonne .


This year the stone factory celebrated its tenth anniversary. The 2014 Steinerei took place on May 31, 2014 in Dortmund's Roxy-Kino from 12 noon to 5 pm, organized by the non-rotated team, which has already won many prizes in previous stone factories . A total of 19 films were submitted for this year's film theme "Time", of which only 13 were shown in full length (twelve nominated and one "wildcard").

The 2014 jury consisted of:

  • Nele Posthausen
  • Heinrich Müther-Scholz
  • Mathias Mertens (Steinerei founder)

The jury and the audience award went to the Austrian team A&M Studios and Legostudio01 with Time for $ ale . Team Markus77 and Dominik GFilms (team name: Rainlight Animations) won the Brickfilmer Prize with the film Immortal .


The 11th Steinerei took place in the Wulfenia cinema in Klagenfurt am Wörthersee , organized this year by the Austrian teams A&M Studios and Legostudio01. A total of 22 films were submitted on the subject of "light and shadow", of which 12 films participated in the jury and audience evaluation.

The 2015 jury consisted of:

  • Andreas Rauch
  • Bernd Radler
  • Florian Lackner

Both jury and audience awards went to Dirk Böttcher aka Boettcher Productions with A Sunny Job . The Brickfilmer Award went to Rainlight Animations again this year, this time for their film Beyond .


The 12th stone workshop took place on June 4, 2016 at 2 p.m. in the UFA-Palast in Stuttgart . Organized by Brickfilmer Steffen Troeger from Stuttgart (golego animation). The subject was "absurd". 23 films were submitted, all of which were shown in the cinema. 13 were discussed and commented on by the jury.

The jury consisted of:

  • Verena Fels (filmmaker and author)
  • Axel Melzener (screenwriter and musician)
  • Dominik Kuhn (comedian, filmmaker, musician and speaker)

The jury award again went to Dirk Böttcher aka Boettcher Productions for The Story of My Life . The award of the audience and the brick filmmakers went to the Austrian team A&M Studios and Legostudio01 with Endangered .


The 13th stone making took place on May 27, 2017 at 2 p.m. on the grounds of the garden show in Kaiserslautern . This year the festival was organized by brick filmer Stefan Müller (stemü) and his wife. The theme was "once upon a time ...". 21 films were submitted, all of which were shown in the cinema. 12 were discussed and commented on by the jury.

The jury consisted of:

  • Alexandra Dietz (reporter and editor, SWR )
  • Gilbert Franzetti ( Adult Fan of Lego and Filmmaker)
  • Robin Leo Chimed Hoffmann (filmmaker)

The jury's prize went to cousins ​​Sebastian Geiß-Polnau aka Altlandstudios and Tobias Hucker (team name: Die Npetwirtschaft) with I think he's coming . The audience award went to Dirk Böttcher aka Boettcher Productions for Der Wolf im Knusperhäuschen . The Brickfilmer Award went again this year to the Austrian team A&M Studios and Legostudio01 with Roll .


The 14th Steinerei took place on May 19, 2018 at 2 p.m. in the Metropolis Kino in Hamburg . This year the festival was organized by brick filmer Dirk Böttcher (Boettcher Productions). The theme was "Simply Heroic". 24 films were submitted. 13 finalists were shown in full length and discussed and commented on by the jury.

The jury consisted of:

  • Maike Schade (Head of the film editorial team at Szene-Magazin Hamburg)
  • Denis Pröing (radio presenter at the national radio station N-JOY )
  • Christoph Knödler (sound engineer with his own company tonKONTOR)

The prize of the jury and the prize of the audience went to the cousins ​​Sebastian Geiß-Polnau aka Altlandstudios and Tobias Hucker (team name: The cronyism) with Heldenhaft . The Brickfilmer Award went again this year to the Austrian team A&M Studios and Legostudio01 with Mord in der Manege .

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