Thomas Meinecke

Thomas Meinecke (born August 25, 1955 in Hamburg ) is a German author , pop writer , musician and DJ .
Thomas Meinecke is married to the musician and visual artist Michaela Melián . They are the parents of the actress Juno Meinecke. The family has lived in Berg (near Eurasburg ) since 1994 .
Youth and Studies
Meinecke, who grew up in Hamburg, began studying theater studies , modern German literature and communication studies at the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich in 1977 . In his master's thesis in 1982 he dealt with Karl Philipp Moritz . Meinecke was already enthusiastic about pop culture as a high school student . In 1978 he founded the literary magazine " Mode und Desperation " with fellow students . In 1980 the band FSK (Voluntary Self-Control) emerged, which is still active today with almost the same line-up.
First author work as a columnist
In the 1980s Meinecke occasionally wrote columns for “ Die Zeit ” and was briefly editor on the subject of “pop culture” for the lifestyle magazine “Wiener” .
Radio dj
Thomas Meinecke has been a radio DJ in the youth magazine Zündfunk of Bayerischer Rundfunk since 1985 and moderates the night mix on Bayern 2 every two weeks.
Writing as a “postmodern” author
Since the mid-1990s, he has emerged several times as a postmodern writer , who stands out for his unusual sampling technique, which is similar to the fields of musical experimentation . He deals with different topics from the past hundred years of cultural history apart among other pop culture and music, German, Jewish and African diaspora in the US, and the gender roles ( gender ). He is often invited to panel discussions, especially on the latter topic .
Presence at the Hebbel am Ufer Theater
Since 2008, Meinecke has also been leading a loose series of events under the title “Turntable” in the Hebbel am Ufer theater in Berlin (HAU), the focus of which is on any mixture of music recordings brought along. Meinecke sits on stage with a different guest for an evening and both conversation partners play music from their private collections to each other and the audience in turn.
From April to November 2005 Meinecke was a scholarship holder of the Lower Saxony Literature Office, where he wrote the “Netznotizen eines Zeitgenossen”. In January / February 2012 he gave the Frankfurt Poetics Lectures 2012. He is a member of the PEN Center Germany .
Unless otherwise stated, his books are published by Suhrkamp , Berlin .
- Wood. Narrative. 1988. ISBN 3-518-39513-0 .
- The Church of John F. Kennedy. Novel. 1996. ISBN 3-518-11997-4 .
- Tomboy. Novel. 1998. ISBN 3-518-40995-6 .
- Light Blue. Novel. 2001. ISBN 3-518-41266-3 .
- Music. Novel. 2004. ISBN 3-518-41638-3 .
- Virgin. Novel. 2008. ISBN 978-3-518-42031-7 .
- Lookalikes. Novel. 2011. ISBN 978-3-518-42245-8 .
- Self. Novel. Suhrkamp, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-518-42548-0 .
Prose collections
- With the church around the village. Short stories. 1986. ISBN 3-518-37854-6 .
- Fashion & Despair. 1998. ISBN 3-518-39321-9 .
- Field research. Stories. 2006. ISBN 3-518-12474-9 .
- Meinecke hears. SuKuLTuR Verlag, Berlin 2007 (= Beautiful Reading , No. 68.) ISBN 978-3-937737-80-5 .
- Analogous. Verbrecher Verlag 2013. ISBN 978-3-943167-43-6 .
- Queer Music. - In: Bella sad . No. 5, 2003.
- I as text. Frankfurt poetics lectures. 2012. ISBN 3-518-12651-2 .
Lyrics collection
- In Praise of Cybernetics - Lyrics 1980–2007. 2007. ISBN 978-3-518-12499-4 .
Radio plays
- The radio plays are also used by other national broadcasters sent
Joint work with the sound artist and composer David Moufang alias Move D, with Moufang's compositions and his audio mastering , on the texts by Thomas Meinecke, which Meinecke also read in as a radio play speaker. The audio pieces were commissioned for the broadcaster Bayerischer Rundfunk , radio play and media art and were also released on CD by Intermedium Records .
- 1998 tomboy . Thomas Meinecke text and speaker & David Moufang composition and mastering - (audio). BR radio play and media art. Released as CD on Intermedium Records
- 1999 Freud's Baby , Thomas Meinecke, quotes text sections from Sigmund Freud's Scientific Correspondence and radio play speaker of these text passages & David Moufang composition, arrangement, direction and mastering - (audio). BR radio play and media art. Released as CD on Intermedium Records
- 2002 convention. Thomas Meinecke / Michaela Melián / David Moufang Composition and mastering (audio) : BR Radio Play and Media Art / ZKM Karlsruhe / intermedium 2nd Convention - June 29, 2012 [1]
- 2004 flight attendant . Thomas Meinecke text and speaker & David Moufang composition and mastering (audio). BR radio play and media art. Released as CD on Intermedium Records
- 2007 Translations / Translations . Thomas Meinecke text and speaker & David Moufang composition and mastering (audio). BR radio play and media art. Released as CD on Intermedium Records
- 2009 Work . Thomas Meinecke Text and Speaker & David Moufang Composition and Mastering (Audio) r. BR radio play and media art. Released as CD on Intermedium Records
- 2011 Lookalikes. Thomas Meinecke text and speaker & David Moufang composition and mastering (audio). BR radio play and media art. Released as CD on Intermedium Records
- 2015 On the map . Thomas Meinecke text and speaker & David Moufang composition and mastering (audio). BR radio play and media art . First broadcast on June 12, 2015 on Bayern 2
- Frank Witzel , Klaus Walter , Thomas Meinecke: record player. Hamburg: Edition Nautilus 2005. ISBN 3-89401-451-2 .
- Frank Witzel , Klaus Walter , Thomas Meinecke: The Federal Republic of Germany. Hamburg: Edition Nautilus 2009. ISBN 978-3-89401-600-5 .
- 1997: Prize for the Heimito von Doderer Literature Prize
- 1997: Rheingau Literature Prize
- 1998: Kranichstein Literature Prize
- 2003: Düsseldorf Literature Prize
- 2004: Tukan Prize of the City of Munich
- 2008: Karl Sczuka Prize together with David Moufang , Alias Move D, SAE Audio Engineer , composer and sound artist . [2]
- 2020: Berlin Literature Prize
- 2012: Jukebox . Window to the city in the Margarete restaurant , event room of the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels , Frankfurt am Main, Braubachstr. 18-22.
- 2014: Travel photos on the go . Modern Literature Museum , Marbach am Neckar
- Jochen Bonz: Meinecke - Mayer - Music tells. Ventil Verlag, Osnabrück 1998
- Claudia Breger: Postmodern presentations of gender in literature: Meinecke, Schmidt, Roes. In: Spaces of literary postmodernism. Gender, performativity, globalization. Edited by Paul Lützeler . Stauffenburg, Tübingen 2000. pp. 97-125. ISBN 978-3860572115
- Florence Feiereisen: The text as a soundtrack - The author as a DJ. Postmodern and postcolonial samples from Thomas Meinecke. Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2011. ISBN 978-3-8260-4509-7
- Charis Goer: Cross the Border - Face the Gap. Aesthetics of the borderline experience with Thomas Meinecke and Andreas Neumeister. In: Pop Literature. Edited by Heinz Ludwig Arnold and Jörgen Schäfer. (Text + criticism. Sonderband X / 03.) Pp. 172–182. ISBN 3-88377-735-8
- Stefan Greif: Complementary strangeness. The reflexive becoming of one's own and the transcultural subject in Johann Gottfried Herder and Thomas Meinecke. In: Literature - Art - Media. Edited by Achim Barsch u. a. Martin Meidenbauer, Munich 2008, pp. 31–45. ISBN 978-3-89975-130-7
- Tilo Renz: Who speaks - and how? Thomas Meineckes Tomboy as a literary theory of the sexes. In: Poetics of the Surface. The German-language pop literature of the 1990s. Edited by Olaf Grabienski, Till Huber and Jan-Noël Thon, De Gruyter, Berlin and New York 2011, pp. 71–89. ISBN 978-3-11-023765-8
- Martin Zeyn: The narrow tie was the better argument. The magazine Fashion and Desperation.
Web links
- Literature by and about Thomas Meinecke in the catalog of the German National Library
- Short biography and information on the work of Thomas Meinecke at Literaturport
- Thomas Meinecke in the Internet Movie Database (English)
Individual evidence
- ↑ Christoph Bannat: record player Thomas Meinecke u. Daniel Richter ( Memento of the original from May 14, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. , in: Kunst-Blog from April 16, 2008, accessed on September 3, 2013
- ↑ Record player with Thomas Meinecke & Gudrun Gut, HAU 2 , in: Tuesdays in the Park from February 9, 2011, accessed on September 3, 2013
- ^ Radio play and media art, Bayerischer Rundfunk: radio play pool | In: April 22, 2016. Retrieved April 24, 2016 .
- ↑ of October 11, 2019: Thomas Meinecke receives the Berlin Literature Prize 2020 , accessed on October 11, 2019
- ↑ Jukebox: Music from Thomas Meinecke's novels in FAZ from March 20, 2012, page 35
- ↑ When traveling. In Salvador da Bahia in FAZ from September 4, 2014, page R6
personal data | |
SURNAME | Meinecke, Thomas |
BRIEF DESCRIPTION | German musician, author and DJ |
DATE OF BIRTH | August 25, 1955 |
PLACE OF BIRTH | Hamburg |