Thomas Reiner (actor)

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Thomas Reiner (born October 29, 1926 in Stuttgart ; actually Horst-Otto Reiner ) is a German actor and voice actor .


After his theater debut in Esslingen in 1944, engagements in Stuttgart, Kassel , Bochum and Bremen followed . From the mid-1950s, Thomas Reiner was often in front of the camera, his best-known roles include that of "Inspector Silvester" in the Italian thriller Bloody Silk and that of the adjutant "Spring-Brauner" in the science fiction series Raumpatrouille .

In the dubbing studio Reiner lent his voice a. a. Vincent Price ( Journey into Fear and The Night of Screams ), Peter Boyle ( While You Sleeped ) and John Neville ( Dark Legends ). In the series The Charming Jeannie he spoke “Dr. Bellows “( Hayden Rorke ) and in the series Daktari the district officer Hedley ( Hedley Mattingly ). In the animated films of the Asterix series, he was heard as a druid "Miraculix" and "Julius Caesar" in the animated series The Animals of Farthing Wood he dubbed the pheasant, in Gummibärenbande he said the "Duke Igzorn", on Moomins he said “Mr. Hemul”, fans of the Futurama series know him as “Professor Hubert Farnsworth”, and in the anime series Inuyasha he lent the voice of the protagonist's grandfather. His slightly creaky-nasal voice is predestined for dignified authority figures and is considered one of the most famous German dubbing voices.

He was often seen on television in Swabian dialect roles, for example as a lawyer Schlitz in the Royal Bavarian District Court .

Filmography (selection)

Synchronized work (selection)

Radio plays

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