Ulf von Krause

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Ulf von Krause (born February 3, 1944 in Althof, Mogilno / Warthegau district ) is a German officer ( former lieutenant general ), political scientist and military economist. From 1998 to 2000 he was head of the Bundeswehr logistics office , from 2000 to 2001 commander of the air force support command and from 2001 to 2005 commander of the armed forces support command .

Military background


Von Krause joined the Luftwaffe anti-aircraft battalion 42 in Oldenburg in 1963 and completed the gun leader / non-commissioned officer training course in the Luftwaffe anti-aircraft training battalion in Rendsburg in 1963. 1963/64 he was a group leader in the Air Force Training Regiment 5 in Wentdorf. In 1964 he took part in the 19th officer candidate course at the Air Force Officer School (OSLw) in Neubiberg. Afterwards he was platoon leader with the air force training regiments 1 in Wentorf and 5 in Goslar. In 1965/66 he was an NBC / Se officer in the Defense District Command 43 in Wiesbaden. From 1966 to 1969 he was a lecture hall director at the Air Force NCO School (USLw) in Gürzenich-Wald. From 1969 to 1972 he was an orderly officer at the German Military Plenipotentiary USA / CA in Washington, DC In 1972 he was transferred to the Cologne Air Force Support Command. From 1972 to 1977 he studied business administration and economics (two diplomas) at the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn and the University of Cologne . Occasionally he published in the field of military economics.

From 1977 to 1979 he completed the 22nd General Staff course (L) at the Command Academy of the Federal Armed Forces (FüAkBw) in Hamburg. For his annual work he was awarded the “General von Clausewitz Medal of Honor” from the Clausewitz Society . From 1979 to 1981 he was head of Air Force Takeover Depot 21 in Air Force Supply Regiment 2 in Diepholz. In 1981 he became General Staff Officer and Head of Department in the Air Force Support Group Command South in Karlsruhe and 1984 in the Air Force Support Command (LwUKdo) in Cologne. From 1984 to 1987 he was a consultant in the Air Force Command (Fü LV 1) in Bonn. From 1987 to 1990 he was the logistics general staff officer and group leader in the LwUKdo. From 1990 to 1992 he was employed as commander of the Technical School of the Air Force 3 (TSLw 3) in Faßberg. In 1992 he was again at LwUKdo for special use. In 1993 he became head of division in the command staff of the armed forces (Fü S VI 1) in Bonn. From 1995 to 1997 he was head of the Office for Studies and Exercises of the Bundeswehr (replaced by: Center for Transformation of the Bundeswehr ) in Waldbröl .

From 1996 to 1998 he was General for Inspections and Testing of the Air Force in the Air Force Office (LwA) in Cologne. From 1998 to 2000 he was head of the logistics office of the Bundeswehr (LogABw) in Sankt Augustin, from 2000 to 2001 commander of the air force support command in Cologne and from 2001 to 2005 the first commander of the armed forces support command (SKUKdo) in Cologne. He then retired.


After his retirement as lieutenant general (from 2001) he studied Governance (Master of Arts) at the Distance University in Hagen and in 2010 he worked with Georg Simonis and Helmut Breitmeier at the Institute for Political Science II of the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences with a dissertation on Decisions on Operations in Afghanistan of the Bundeswehr - escalation dynamics despite parliamentary army to Dr. phil. PhD. In 2007 Krause was a member of the working group “Foreign missions of the Bundeswehr” at the Federal Minister of Defense. He is also u. a. Author at the World Security Network .

Von Krause is married.


Fonts (selection)

  • Multi-level governance in the EU. German participation in legislation . VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2008, ISBN 978-3-531-16089-4 .
  • The Bundeswehr operations in Afghanistan. Political decision-making process with escalation dynamics . VS Verlag, Wiesbaden 2011, ISBN 978-3-531-17855-4 .
  • The Bundeswehr as an instrument of German foreign policy . Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2013, ISBN 978-3-658-00184-1 .
  • Parliamentary powers (“War Powers”) reflected in the theory of “Democratic Peace”. A comparative analysis of Germany, Great Britain, the USA and France . In: Johannes Varwick (Ed.): War and Peace . Wochenschau Verlag, Schwalbach / Ts. 2014, ISBN 978-3-7344-0023-0 .
  • The parliament and the armed forces. For the discussion about the approval of the German Bundestag for foreign missions (= essentials ). Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2015, ISBN 978-3-658-07111-0 .
  • Bundeswehr and foreign policy. On the role of the military in the discourse about Germany's more responsibility in the world (= essentials ). Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2016, ISBN 978-3-658-11860-0 .
  • The deployment of the Bundeswehr inside. An overview of a current controversial political discussion. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2017, ISBN 978-3-658-17401-9 .
  • NATO's two percent target. On the current debate about German defense spending. Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2019, ISBN 978-3-658-23412-6 .
  • The Bundeswehr as part of a European Army. Realistic perspective or unrealistic vision? Springer VS, Wiesbaden 2019, ISBN 978-3-658-28164-9 .
  • The parliamentary reservation as an obstacle to cooperation. Bundeswehr as parliamentary army . In: Under Control? - Military & Politics (=  world trends . No. 1/2020 ). Wissenschaftsverlag, Potsdam, ISBN 978-3-947802-32-6 .


  • Dermot Bradley , Heinz-Peter Würzenthal, Hansgeorg Model : The Generals and Admirals of the Bundeswehr, 1955–1999. The military careers. (= Germany's generals and admirals . Part 6b). Volume 2: Hoffmann – Kusserow. Biblio-Verlag, Osnabrück 2000, ISBN 3-7648-2562-6 , pp. 746-747.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Gerd Dapprich: Lieutenant General a. D. PhD: How did Germany slide deeper into the Afghanistan conflict? (No longer available online.) Distance University in Hagen, November 25, 2010, archived from the original on May 23, 2014 ; accessed on February 14, 2016 .