University names

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This is a list of the Latin names of universities in Germany and neighboring countries. Until the middle of the 19th century it was common to use these terms (even without the addition of the city name) in private letters as well as in publications intended for the academic sector. The list should help with the assignment.

The list includes universities that existed before 1800. The aim was to be complete in Germany. In order to relieve the list, names that are easily recognizable as the name of the city have been omitted. So z. B. "Universitas Duisburga".


  • Name: Provides the Latin name of the facility.
  • Location: states the location of the facility. The link leads to the article about the university.
  • Establishment: states the year in which the university was founded.
  • Other names: Names other (especially Latin) names for the university
Designations that result from the addition of “Academia”, “Universitas”, “Alma mater” or similar in the first column are usually not listed separately.
  • Notes: Notes on the history and the current name, if it is not derived from the Latin name
The list can be rearranged by clicking the arrow symbols in the column headers. Repeated selection reverses the sorting. Multiple sorting can be achieved by selecting several column headers one after the other, since in the latest sorting entries of the same rank are retained in the order of the previous sorting.

Latin university names

Surname place founding Other names Remarks
Adolphiana Fulda 1734 Alma Mater Adolphiana Disbanded in 1805
Albertina Freiburg 1457 Albertina-Ludoviciana since 1820 Albert Ludwig University
Albertina Koenigsberg 1544 (Royal) Albertus University until 1945
Universitas Argentinensis Strasbourg 1621 Universitas Argentoratensis (Argentina = Strasbourg!) Academie in Strasbourg since 1566
Carolina Prague 1348 Universitas Carolina, Charles University
Carolina Lund 1666 Universitas Lundensis since 1425 general studies
Academia Carolina Osnabrück 1629 Academia Carolina Osnabrugensis Disbanded in 1633, founded in 1974
Carolo-Franciscea Graz 1585 Universitas Litterarum Carolo-Franciscea Graecensis Converted into a lyceum in 1782, re-established in 1827, since then Karl-Franzens University
Casimiriana Coburg 1705 Closed in 1723
Christina Albertina Kiel 1665 Christian Albrechts University
Universitas Studii Coloniensis Cologne 1388 Disbanded in 1798, re-established in 1919
Academia Cracoviae Krakow 1364 Universitas (Jagellonica) Cracoviensis Jagiellonian University since 1817
Eberhardina Tübingen 1477 Alma Eberhardina since 1769 Eberhard Karls University
Ernestina Rinteln 1619 Alma Ernestina, Academia Ernestina Closed in 1810
Fridericiana Bützow 1760 Academia Fridericiana Buetzoviensi 1789 reunited with the University of Rostock
Alma Fridericiana gain 1743 Founded in Bayreuth in 1742, relocated to Erlangen in 1743; today Friedrich-Alexander-University
Fridericiana Hall 1694 Universitas hallensis Merged with Leucorea in 1817, Martin Luther University since 1933, today in Halle-Wittenberg
Friderico-Wilhelmina Bonn 1786 Rhenana Academia Friderico-Wilhelmina Bonnensi Founded as an academy in 1777; Dissolved in 1798, re-established in 1818 as the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
Georgia Augusta Goettingen 1737
Gryphica Greifswald 1456 Alma Mater Gryphiswaldensis, Universitas Gryphiswaldensis today Ernst Moritz Arndt University
Academia Gustaviana Dorpat / Tartu 1632 Academia Dorpatensis, 1690-1710 Academia Gustavo-Carolina Operation ceased in 1710, re-established in 1802: Imperial University, further name changes
Universitas Hafniensis Copenhagen 1479
Hierana Erfurt 1389 Alma mater requensis Closed in 1816, re-established in 1994
Collegium St. Hieronymi Dillingen 1549 Closed in 1803
Julia Helmstedt 1576 Academia Julia Carolina, Academia Helmstadiensis Closed in 1810
Juliana Wurzburg 1582 Universitas Wircebergensis, Universitas Herbipolensis Predecessor University 1402–1413, today Julius Maximilians University
Leucorea Wittenberg 1502 Alma Mater Leucorea Closed in 1814, today part of the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg
Alma mater lipsiensis Leipzig 1409
Academia Lovaniensis Lions 1425 Closed in 1797, Imperial University from 1817–1835, Catholic University from 1834–1968, today divided into Flemish and Walloon universities
Ludoviciana to water 1607 Academia Hassiace Gissensis, Ludwig University since 1957 Justus Liebig University
Ludoviciana Ingolstadt 1472 Ludwig University 1800 to Landshut, 1826 to Munich, since 1802 Ludwig Maximilians University
Ludovico-Maximiliana Landshut 1800 Until 1800 in Ingolstadt, moved to Munich in 1826, since 1802 Ludwig Maximilians University
Ludovico-Maximiliana Munich 1826 previously in Ingolstadt and Landshut, from 1826 Munich; already in Landshut Ludwig Maximilians University , today often LMU
Universitas Moguntina Mainz 1734 Adolphiana? Abolished in 1798, re-established in 1946, today Johannes Gutenberg University
Academia Norica Altdorf 1622 Universitas Altdorfina as an academy as early as 1575, dissolved in 1809
Alma Mater Oenipontana innsbruck 1669 since 1562 academic high school, 1783–1826 Lyceum, since 1826 Leopold-Franzens-University
Academia Ottoniana Bamberg 1773 Academia Bambergensis, Universitas Ottoniano Fridericiana Otto Friedrich University since 1773; Academie founded in 1647, abolished in 1803, re-established in 1979
Philippina Marburg 1527 Alma Mater Philippina
Universitas Rostochiensis Rostock 1419
Rudolphina Vienna 1365 Alma Mater Rudolphina Vindobonensis
Rupertina Heidelberg 1386 Ruperto Carolina since 1803 Ruprecht-Karls-University
Salana Jena 1557 Alma mater jenensis today Friedrich Schiller University
Theodoriana Paderborn 1614 1843 converted into a Philosophical-Theological School, today "Theological Faculty"
Universitas Ultrajectina Utrecht 1636
Viadrina Frankfurt 1506 Universitas Francofortensis ad viadrum Closed in 1811, name taken over from the European University founded in 1991

See also


Most of the names can be found in the linked articles for the respective university.

  • Actus solennis promotionis doctoralis etc., (commemorative publication for the 300th anniversary of the University of Mainz, in which the commemorative coins of many universities are presented for their anniversaries etc.) here online