Uwe Piepgras

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Uwe Piepgras (2013)

Uwe Piepgras (born February 28, 1933 in Bad Bramstedt ; † November 25, 2017 in Homburg ) was a German neuroradiologist and university professor .


Piepgras was born as the son of the lawyer and Senate President Heinz-Rudolf Piepgras and his wife Maria geb. Boueke . He attended elementary school in Heide (Holstein) and Pardubitz and high school in Reval and Königgrätz . After passing his matriculation examination in Neumünster , he studied pre-clinical at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg . After the Physikum (1955) he was at the Medical Academy in Düsseldorf until the state examination (1958) . He then spent two years as a medical assistant in Neumünster (surgery), Öhringen (internal medicine) and Schwäbisch Hall (gynecology).

On July 14, 1960 he did his doctorate with Heinz Grießmann at the Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel . 1961 as a doctor approved , he became a research assistant at the I. Medical University Hospital Kiel. Under the directors Helmut Reinwein and Arnold Bernsmeier , it combined internal medicine and neurology like no other clinic. Piepgras began training as a radiologist on June 1, 1963 in Kiel . Since May 1, 1964 at the Katharinenhospital Stuttgart , he became a specialist in radiology in July 1967 and a little later a senior physician .

On June 1, 1969, Saarland University appointed him as head of the radiology department. In Homburg , he completed his habilitation on February 16, 1971. On February 11, 1972, he was appointed C3 professor . In 1978 he received his second specialist certification as a nuclear medicine specialist . In October he was involved in the formation of the neuroradiology department . When his department was expanded into an institute on January 1, 1982, he turned down the call for a C3 professorship at the University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf . In 1986/87 he was medical director of the Saarland University Hospital .

After his retirement on January 13, 2000, he headed neuroradiology at the International Neuroscience Institute in Hanover until 2007 .

Piepgras was involved in many specialist societies. He was President of the Association of Southwest German Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine , the Professional Association of German Neuroradiologists and the German Society for Neuroradiology and Vice President of the European Society of Neuroradiology . He was a member of the Scientific Committee of the European Association of Clinical Anatomy .

Honorary memberships

  • Greek Society of Radiology (1992)
  • Radiological Society of North America (1994)
  • Swiss Society for Neuroradiologists (1997)
  • German Society for Neuroradiologists (2010)

Fonts (selection) =

  • Neuroradiology . Stuttgart 1977.
  • Systemic neurocutaneous diseases . Stuttgart 1984.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Obituary notice in: Saarbrücker Zeitung . November 28, 2017, Trauer.de, accessed on November 28, 2017.
  2. Dissertation: The intraoperative endoscopy of the biliary tract
  3. Habilitation thesis: Measurement of cerebral blood flow with an angiokinematographic-densitometric method - technique and first results