Veith Steinböck

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Stonemason's mark by Veith Steinböck

Veith Steinböck (* 1656 in Eggenburg , Lower Austria ; † May 26, 1713 in Vienna ) was an Austrian master stonemason and sculptor of the Baroque era , master builder for St. Stephan and head of the Viennese building works .


Veith was born into a stonemason family, his father Thomas Steinböck (* 1625) was a master stonemason in Eggenburg, his mother Catharina and the older brother Wolfgang . Over the years he got the siblings Andreas , Martha, Barbara and Christina.

The house of the colliery

Due to the imperial mandate of April 14, 1670 , the Jews were expelled from Vienna . On April 11, 1671, all of Lower Austria was without Jews. On September 6th, 1670 the clerk wrote in the guild book .. bought the handicrafts of the stonecutters and masons of the main works of Vienna through master craftsman Jacob Strobl a house in the jewish town for every 1,000 fl and built it into it for 500 fl according to the handicrafts leuth . With the acquisition of a house in 1671, the craft of stonemasons and masons emerged economically from the other mines.

The boy Veith learned the stonemason trade from his father Thomas Steinböck, his acquittal as a journeyman took place on July 12, 1676 in front of an open guild drawer .

Marriage and mastery

Master Urban Illmayr died in October 1679, his widow Justina had to remarry in the trade in order to be able to continue the trade. This past marriage was short-lived, the widower Illmayr married Justina Krautsamerin from Baden in 1677 in the Michaelerkirche in Vienna . Justina chose Veith Steinböck, who also continued the Illmayr hut.

On September 3, 1680, he was given the masterpiece , which he presented to the trade on December 28, 1680 . Various deficiencies were also found in his work and he was fined 18 florins , which he paid in installments.

His apprentices Stephan Merz from Bruck an der Leitha and Veith Preiß maize from Mannersdorf am Leithagebirge , taken in 1681, they had as the Turks camped in 1683 before the city, on one of the bastions fought bravely, and in dürggen war umbkomben as the guild book is . The whole craft could be proud of them.

Citizen of Vienna

In 1682 he was granted citizenship in Vienna . On August 22, 1683 he signed the will of the cathedral builder for St. Stephan Adam Haresleben .

In 1683 we find him as a tenant and vineyard owner, later, from 1690, as a two-time house owner. As a tenant in the Stubenviertel from 1683 to 1688, then from 1689 to 1712 in the Kärntnerviertel.

Head of the Wiener Bauhütte

On January 30, 1684 he hired his brother Andreas Steinböck as an apprentice , the acquittal in front of an open drawer took place on January 30, 1689. The following years were marked by the successful end of the Second Great Turkish War and the gradual rise and expansion of Vienna into a glamorous center of the Holy Roman Empire .

Plague column
Palais Harrach, Freyung 3
Schönbrunn, design 2, after 1693.

Every ten years the right to own the mine had to be reconfirmed. On September 22nd, 1703, Jacob Prunner, bricklayer and Veith Steinböck, master stonemason, both currently appointed Zechmeister. A brief description .. the house no. 87 in the west juden gezürckh, aniezo initiated Leopoldstadt, formerly held by Lazarus Mändl jud. After the emigration of all Jews , the entire district was left to the City of Vienna, which gave the house to the masons and stonemasons.

Plague column on the moat

The plague column was commissioned by Emperor Leopold I as a marble monument on the occasion of a plague epidemic on October 10, 1679 . Master stonemason Veith Steinböck was commissioned to chisel the round railing with the balustrades . In the spring of 1691 he set up the two-storey pedestal and the blocks for the cloud pyramid were raised on it. On October 29, 1693, Trinity Day , the monument was inaugurated.

Palais Harrach on the Freyung

Count Ferdinand Bonaventura Harrach managed to bring the Roman architect Domenico Martinelli to Vienna. His old house was badly damaged by a great fire near the Scots in 1683 and had become a place of fire. He wanted to build a magnificent building with the Palais Harrach near the imperial Hofburg . The Viennese master stonemason Veith Steinböck submitted an offer for the main portal in 1689.

First to make the gate with two free-standing columns and two columns and a main cornice, as well as the railing made of hard Kaisersteinbrucher stone , to deliver and manufacture . The Kaisersteinbrucher masters Giovanni Battista Passerini and Sebastian Regondi supplied stone carvings for the portal, columns, cornice, step stones for the staircases, floor slabs, etc.

Heiligenkreuz Abbey

Abbot Clemens Schäffer (1658–1693) from Heiligenkreuz Abbey commissioned the stonemason Veit Steinböck to deliver marble slabs in 1687 ; 3 deliveries of 192, 24 and 14 pieces are documented.

Schönbrunn Castle

During the construction of Schönbrunn Palace according to the second plan by the architect Johann Bernhard Fischer von Erlach , the court stonemason Veith Steinböck, his fellow Viennese master Thomas Schilck, master Georg Deprunner von Loretto and master Johann Georg Haresleben from the imperial quarry received large stonemason orders from 1696 . The main types of stone were the Eggenburg sculptural stone and the hard imperial stone . Years later, the widows of Meister Steinböck and Haresleben urged the court building authorities for the remaining funds.

Master builder for St. Stephan

Prince-Bishop Ernest Graf von Trautson was his first government. This was at the Roman , of the Society of Jesus carried Gregorian University Pontifical studied. This was the usual way to the highest clergy, he held the office of Canon of Salzburg and Strasbourg. In addition to the existing Catholic orders in Vienna, others were settled in the fight against the Protestants. He had new altars built in St. Stephen's Cathedral in 1697 for the picture "Maria Pötsch" from the Hungarian village of Pócs in the diocese of Erlau . From 1702, his successor, Count Franz Anton von Harrach , took measures to prevent contact with Lutherans who had been expelled from the country and to prevent the reading of forbidden books .

On July 1, 1696, he took the boy Matthias Winkler on as an apprentice, he released him as a journeyman in front of the open drawer , and became a brother on July 10, 1701 . Over the years Winkler matured to become a master builder.

The Pummerin was cast on July 21, 1711 by the imperial piece caster Johann Achamer from the 200 Turkish cannons that were captured during the victory over the Turks in front of Vienna in 1683. Two hundred members of the Viennese craft guilds pulled them on a sleigh-like carriage from Leopoldstadt through Rotenturmstrasse to the cathedral.


Veith Steinböck died on May 26th, 1713, the death protocols report .. the bourgeois stainmetz and baumaister at St. Stephan died on the freydhoff allda of the hitzsteckh cathar and a successful blow, aged 57. In his will he ordered thumb and parish church to be honestly buried in St. Stephen's , 100 soul masses at St. Stephen, 100 of them Carmelites , etc. He had no descendants of his own, so he procured 2500 fl for his brothers and their families , designated universal heiress he Justina, previously Illmayerin.

He was one of the wealthiest Viennese master stonemasons of the 17th century, not only because of his expert knowledge, but also because of the income from his vineyards. After his death, master Johann Carl Trumler followed into the hut.

His older than eleven years wife died on April 28, 1716. Justina Steinbeckin bourgeois widow , is steinmez house on fleischmarckt old at a lunglendzindung died, aged 71 year. The widow was a wealthy woman, she had decided to go to the innermost city and wanted to be buried in the crypt of the Franciscan church .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Dreifaltigkeitssäule in the Vienna History Wiki of the City of Vienna ; accessed on July 16, 2018
  2. Abbot Clemens Schäffer , contained in: Mitteilungen des Alterthums-Verein zu Wien, Handwerk und Kunst im Stift Heiligenkreuz , 1879. P. 143.

Archival material


  • Alois Kieslinger : Stone handicraft in Eggenburg and Zogelsdorf . In: Unser Heimat, monthly newspaper of the Association for Regional Studies and Homeland Protection of Lower Austria and Vienna 8, 1935, Issue 5, ISSN  1017-2696 , pp. 141–161 and Issue 6–7, pp. 177–193.
  • Otto E. Plettenbacher: History of the stonecutters of Vienna in the 17th century. An economic and cultural historical as well as sociological investigation. Price list 1688, set order of the stone carvings . Dissertation, University of Vienna 1960.
  • Helmuth Furch : In: Messages of the Museum and Culture Association Kaisersteinbruch . ISBN 978-3-9504555-3-3 .
The Gräflich Harrachische Familienarchiv, Das Haus auf der Freyung . No. 36, 1995.
  • Helmuth Furch: Historical Lexicon Kaisersteinbruch . 2 volumes. Museum and cultural association, Kaisersteinbruch 2002–2004. ISBN 978-3-9504555-8-8 .
  • Burghard Gaspar: The "White Stone of Eggenburg". The Zogelsdorf sand-lime brick and its masters . In: The Waldviertel . 44, 1995, No. 4, ISSN  0259-8957 , pp. 331-367.
  • Herbert Haupt: The court and court-exempt craft in baroque Vienna 1620 to 1770 . Studien-Verlag, Innsbruck et al. 2007, ISBN 978-3-7065-4342-2 , ( research and contributions to the history of the city of Vienna 46).